The Legend of Juggin Joe - Review

The Legend of Juggin' Joe is a fiction based on a few historical family members that is written with a light, entertaining feel and a twinge of humor. This book is certain to take you away from your reality, and into the shaded mountains where moonshine is made!

Young Joe is a hillbilly-like character who was raised in the days when stills were an important source of income for many mountain folk. Known as the boy who's antics kept the mountain people talking, Joe certainly stood out in a crowd. Purely by accident, it was discovered that Joe had been endowed with a natural talent for "juggin"; or playing a very difficult musical instrument known as a jug. Few had the talent to play this instrument - fewer still could master it. Joe came by it naturally, and fortunately, song writing was somehow included in his gifts. His talent took him to stardom but his heart remained in the mountains where his soul mate waited.

This fiction uses real events that actually happened to members of the Yakel family. Author Joseph Yakel brings the story alive through the narration by a friend of the family. The use of the local idiom took a little getting used to; it is very hillbilly sounding.

ISBN#: 1411625889 Author: Joseph Yakel Publisher: Lulu Publishing

~ Lillian Brummet - Book Reviewer - Co-author of the book Trash Talk, a guide for anyone concerned about his or her impact on the environment ­ Author of Towards Understanding, a collection of poetry.

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