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Dont Put All Your Eggs in The Same Basket
Solution: You can protect yourself by partnering with other lead sources because it is unlikely that they will all have a problem or technical issue at the same time. Other alternative: It doesn't hurt either to use a few marketing tools to generate leads for your business. Again don't just depend on one marketing medium to generate leads because it may slow down at one point. Just think about other ways to get qualified leads. You can use Direct mail, Call Centers, Newspapers, Radio, TV, Online Advertising etc.. Don't just depend on one lead source. If your supplier goes out of business, you won't get your leads. What do you know about voice broadcasting? Voice Broadcasting Marketing A legal, and simple solution for getting hundreds, or thousands of calls out almost instantly! Gives you the power to deliver a targeted and personalized message to a targeted audience in the geography of your choice. You can reach: Consumers: Select by: Income, Age, Geography, Home Value and more. Businesses: Select by Job Title, Business Type, Sales, Employee Size. Deliver your message to answering services and/or live respondents AND allow them to be connected to your office with the push of a button. Direct Connect "To speak with a representative now, press ONE." There's nothing more POWERFUL & EXCITING than instant response, and with Direct Connect, your customers and prospects have the ability to respond to your offer instantly, with the push of a button. "Please hold while we connect you." They will be transferred immediately to your call center or sales office, no matter where. Then you can speak directly with them to close that sale, gather needed information, verify or change appointments... the possibilities are endless! This service has been proven to increase effectiveness of telemarketing campaigns as much as 75%. How It Works Your campaign can be constructed so that if an answering machine answers, one particular message is delivered (or the call is disconnected, if desired). If a live person answers, a different message is delivered, giving them the chance, with the push of a button, to respond to an offer, acknowledge receipt of an important announcement, renew a subscription, or with Direct Connection even connect to one of your live sales agents instantly... the possibilities are endless! Reach Existing Clients You MUST STAY IN TOUCH with existing clients and reinforce customer loyalty for your products and services. Earlier this week I did an email broadcast to all my past clients and prospects and as a result I received phone calls from many prospects. Keep in mind that everybody is very busy and they cannot always remember you. Your clients and prospects can easily be distracted and forget about your company. Two main reasons. First they receive many offers from your competition, second they forgot all the benefits of your product/service. If you do not stay in touch with existing clients or prospects, they will go somewhere else. It's been PROVEN! So don't let them go to your competition! When was the last time you got in touch with past clients or prospects? OH!!! Customer Retention and Loyalty Programs It has been proven that keeping in touch with customers keeps them coming back... keeps them loyal. Create goodwill and maintain top-of-mind awareness for your business or service with special offers, announcements, thank you... the possibilities are endless! Use Voice Broadcast Services to: Offer loyalty discounts Special of the month Overstock Create awareness of products and services Announce new products and services Send "Thank You" for recent purchases Find out if they were satisfied with past purchase Ask for referrals Reach New Prospects As I said earlier it is wise to use multiple marketing tools to generate leads for your business. You MUST test different marketing tools to generate leads so that you know what works best. Voice broadcast serves as a stand alone and complimentary marketing tool. How many marketing mediums have you tested so far? What additional tools have you recently thought about to reach new prospects and past clients? Direct Mail Support - Call-Mail-Call Campaigns It has been proven to DOUBLE the effectiveness of your direct mail programs if you notify customers ahead of time to look for special offers they are about to receive in the mail. Then, follow up after your mailing to remind them of time-sensitive materials and re-state your offer once again for maximum effectiveness. Plus, when you compare the costs of calling versus mailing, you'll see why this is such an effective addition! The Benefits of Voice Broadcasting Voice Broadcast systems can reduce customer service costs and enhance your organization or business by: Providing high volume contacts and notifications Expanding hours of operation Automating routine calls thereby freeing employees to concentrate on more complex duties Speeding response times to message recipients Expanding call capacity faster and at a lower cost Reducing the cost of employee or call center agent turnover Voice broadcasting benefits can show an immediate return on investment and make any business or call center more profitable. Use Voice Broadcasting Services: Savings4Merchants can broadcast messages for you within minutes announcements, urgent sales events, reminders, last-minute polling and canvassing, even notes to clients or agents in the field, anywhere around the country... the possibilities are endless. Professional Scripting and Recording Services. Our experienced voice-broadcasting writers and professional voice talents will give you the professional touch you need. Here Are My 3 Suggestions: Don't just rely on one lead supplier as you put your business at risk if your supplier has a technical problem and cannot deliver leads you purchased. Don't just rely on one marketing technique to generate new business. Test different mediums and see what work best for you. Remember that consumers and businesses are everywhere. People watch TV, listen to radio, read newspapers, surf the net and you can reach some at home or place of business. REACH THEM using every techniques available today. Use a simple and automated tool to stay in touch with existing clients and new prospects. It's Easy to Learn More About Voice Broadcast & Find Out How to Use it Legally For Your Business. This Simple Marketing Tool is Ideal to Stay in Touch With Your Past Clients & Generate New Business. Andre Plessis
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13 Facts About Newspaper Advertising Advertising in the paper works for many people in business. The astute merchant understands the newspaper's weaknesses and works to avoid them whenever possible. Buying Radio? Read This and Dont Waste Your Money Pay close attention and make it work the best for you. 10 Ways To Improve Your Print Ads 1) Include a coupon in your large ads. This can increase response from 25 to 100 percent. Your coupon could offer the prospect your brochure or catalog. 8 Low Cost Ways To Advertise, Promote and Market Your Business We all are looking for ways to market our businesses cost effectively. I have come up with 8 ways to do just that all low cost to free. In fact most of these methods can be done from the comfort of your own home. Turn Your Ad Copy into a Goldmine! Today, more than ever, it is crucial that your ad copy explodes the reader's curiosity. Are you interested in simple yet powerful ways to improve your ad copy so your readers will rush to action? Invoking a reader's call to action can be communicated in various effective ways. Great ad copy is more than simply plain conversation; it takes special style. The words must be ordered in such a way that they unlock the reader's mind and walk right in. Yellow Pages Ads - Buying Secrets Yellow Pages Ads - Buying Secrets Become a Storyteller Not an Advertiser and Watch Your Traffic Increase When you read the newspaper, do you read advertisements as closely as you read news stories? Do you believe advertising as readily as you believe news stories? I don't and neither do most people I know. Heard A Good Radio Ad Lately? Neither Have We To many ad agencies, radio is considered advertising's ugly stepchild. It's not sexy like television and is treated as a necessary evil with little effort put into it. Unfortunately, that's exactly what the listener ends up hearing. 6 Must-Have Elements of a Powerful Brochure Most brochures that businesses put out today end up doing little to impact the sales of that business. By applying the 6 must-have elements listed below you will transform you brochure from trash can lining into a powerful sales tool. Dont Be a Secret Agent This tactic of the game was hard for me to master and at first I failed many times. I carried my business cards only in my briefcase, because I thought they were only used in business. Wrong! I missed quite a few opportunities to toot my horn because of that misconception. Not only did I miss the opportunity, but when it did arise, I looked like an amateur. Here's what happen on one of those occasions. The ONLY Type Of Advertising People LOVE!! Can it be??? Online Advertising: 10 High Impact Psychological Triggers To Super-Charge Your Ad If you knew these 10 high impact insider's hidden psychological triggers and plug them into your Ad and website content, you can empower them and ignite a tornado of sales at your website. How To Tame The Buying Beast Inside Your Customer What if you can understand and control your customer's mind? What if you can influence, persuade and motivate your customers to buy from you? Well, I'm not talking about a magic trick or lay down a lesson of motivation. It's about understanding the different reactions made by the human mind in various situations. I'm going to briefly discuss 3 key aspects of psychological secrets that you can apply in your promotion efforts for a certain increase in customer response. They are, Hit Them With Benefits More about advertising from BIG Mike McDaniel Advertainment is Sneaking Into Music, Movies, TV and More The very name "advertainment" sends thrilling vibrations up the spine of anyone with marketing in their blood or communication in their genes. And it produces a strong shiver of disgust from many of my colleagues in the music industry. If You?re Tired Of Adverts That Don?t Work And Letters That Don?t Sell, Then You Must Read This Over the 32 years I've been involved in sales, marketing and management, I've discovered that there are two fatal marketing mistakes made by business owners. They are? Seven Ways to Waste Your Money on Yellow Pages Advertising Each year there is a Yellow Pages arms race where competitors in each category are encouraged to out spend each other. There is only one winner in this arms race, and it is not you! Too many advertisers waste their money on Yellow Pages advertising without first considering their marketing strategy. Here are seven ways you can waste your money. Electronic Display Signs Electronic display signs are used nowadays in great extent to display important information instantly all over the world, which uses LED technology, which stands for light- emitting diodes. These are widely used in the worlds of commerce, government and even non-profit organizations. Can I Write and Print My Own Business Brochures and Business Cards? If you have a computer and a printer, preferably one that can print in color, then you can make your own brochures and business cards that are very professional-looking! Be sure to use good quality paper (that is available at any office supplies store like Office Depot or Staples) for anything that you are going to hand out or send to potential customers and clients. 50 Surefire Business Card Tips Business cards are one of the most powerful and inexpensive marketing tools you can use. Here are 50 surefire tips to make the most out of your business cards: ![]() |
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