How To Write Kick-Ass, Profit Pulling Adverts For Your Business?

Doesn't that just grab you by the eyeballs and make you stop dead in your tracks? I mean it's a little harsh ? grammatically speaking ? but holy smokes, it does it have 'stopping power'...

Now I'll share with you a few secrets for creating good adverts. So let's dive right in because we're all busy people ;-)

First you need to be introduced AIDA.

- A stands for ATTENTION, as in get some or you lose your chance
- I stands for INTEREST, as in now keep me interested.
- D stands for DESIRE, as in ok, make me want what you've got.
- A stands for ACTION, because people need to take some for things to happen.

Got it? That's all there is to it?Easy right?

If it were that easy we'd all be rich and you wouldn't need marketing consultants like me. Truthfully, just invest a few thousand hours studying, read all the classic books on advertising that date as far back as 1920 (when advertising really became a science) and you'll have the subject down cold.

And on the off-chance you don't have that much free time, I'll give you some wickedly powerful pointers that will let you leapfrog over the other guys. So let's begin?

Headlines R Us (or is that You?)

It all starts with a headline. You know, the first thing the prospect sees. The title at the top of the page, that's the headline. The first few words they hear on the radio, that's a 'headline' too. Take this article for example, the headline was the first thing you saw. A good headline can almost stand alone and you just 'get it'. It's an advert for the advert.

Studies have shown the headline results in approximately 80% of the results. So the headline makes all the difference. In one test a changed headline improved response over 2000% (over 21 times!)

Here's an example of a really bad headline? YOUR COMPANY NAME

That's right, your company name is not a good headline. In fact your name, your contact details, how long you've been in business and all those other boring bits of data you often put at the top of adverts, is a waste of time?and money UNTIL the prospect wants to know who you are ? only then are they important.

Next...Make Them An Offer They Can't Refuse

Then you have to make a good offer. Don't beat around the bush. People are busy, your headline stopped them, now they're looking ? so make your pitch. Give them the best you've got. Make them an offer they can't refuse?

Describe the benefits of having your product or service in a way that the prospect can experience. Don't focus on the specific features ? focus on benefits. People buy benefits. Here's an example:

[Feature] 1/4 Inch Masonry Drill Bit.

[Benefit] 1/4 Inch hole... Probably to hang a picture ? so the real benefit was admiring the picture or proving to your spouse that you really are handy around the home...


And once you've helped them see themselves experiencing your product or service tell them what you want them to do ? call, click or visit today. Or words to that effect. Remember, advertising that does anything other than sell is a waste of money for most of us ? brand advertising is expensive.

Darn it...I've run out of time.

Because headlines are so critical to the success of your adverts I wanted to sign-off with this formula for a good headline: SINC (Self Interest, Curiosity & News).

If you can make the headline show the reader what's in it for them, make them curious to read more, and share something newsworthy you've likely got a winner on your hands.

Remember, the money is ALWAYS in the headline.

JAMES C. BURCHILL is a 20-year veteran entrepreneur and information technology executive who now provides strategic marketing consulting services to a select group of clients. He is a published author, a passionate advocate of technology and the Internet, as well as an avid study of classical advertising and marketing strategies (which he uses during 'Internet alchemy' experiments.) James is an expert in information and data management, Internet marketing and online networking. A self confessed 'information and technology enthusiast', James brings a wide range of valuable skills to any venture. Of singular note is James' ability to assimilate complex subject matter and produce clean clear 'easy-to-understand' messages. James has been interviewed many times and caused quite the media buzz when a client 'double-dog-dared' him to prove you can get front page coverage for $0. The details and that 'dumb stunt' are now part of EBay legend. Currently James lives in Ontario, Canada with his wife and family, their Siamese cat and one very nervous fish. Visit for details.

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