Advertising Through Moms

Moms have a very powerful influence on what their families eat, drink, wear, do, and buy. Moms are not only the driving force behind their families, but also the economy.

Moms Have The Power!

Moms have the power to start a trend or "nip it in the bud". Moms want a reasonably priced, high quality, safe, and reliable product. Do you have such a product?

What Are You Sitting There For?: Tap into this market! Advertise to moms in your church, at your child's school, little league games, reading groups, moms clubs, or the gym. The possibilities are endless because, in case you haven't noticed, Moms are everywhere!

Don't Be A Pusher!
Moms have brains! They can smell a "dead rat a mile away". You don't have to "push" your product if your product truly is what you claim it to be. Gently offer them the information and let them make an educated decision. Don't over hype or under sell either. Don't use fear tactics or "deal of a life time" approaches. Granted these may work on some moms, but most are pretty aware of "corporate" brainwashing.

Moms promoting Each Other:
In the Cyber world of today there is an ever-growing community of Moms who are supporting each other by promoting one another. Ever heart of "do unto others as you would have them do unto you"? This is exactly what thousands of work at home moms are doing each and every day.

By promoting each other they are doing one of several things:
1. Getting free advertising for their site/business/opportunity
2. Building business and personal relationships
3. Branding their business name
4. Supporting work at home families
5. Reaching out to the community
6. Sharing the wahm/wahd Message
7. Offering discounts and freebies to new and returning customers (which by the way saves Moms money)

How Do I Get Involved?:
You can join this growing movement by visiting a number of networking sites. Some I have listed in the resource section. You'll need to print off some business cards-Vista Print has an excellent deal--, develop an advertising campaign, track your advertising campaign with a coupon code and then Make Your Packs!

1. Ziplocks/Baggies/Envelopes 2. Cards,coupons,samples,brochures *tip samples and coupons are the best bet 3. Brand IT! With your business name, number, and url. 4. Distribute the packets to local merchants, with your orders, at school functions, etc.. 5. Exchange with other moms so they can advertise for you..

Resources: Mom Packs ? The original "moms promoting moms" group. Jessies Goodies ? Yahoo Group Advertising Moms Perks Packs- Karma Kards ?

Sara Duggan lives with her family in California. You can find her handmade items and shoppe at Mamas Shoppe at Family owned Business.

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