The Principle Of Advertising Online

Advertising online is very similar to advertising in any environment. You really are trying to get your message or your product out there by the most cost effective means possible.

Advertising online really is unique in the sense that you have the means to advertise anywhere in the world, almost instantly.

I have found through many years of advertising and research that it can get quite expensive and take many hours finding what works and what does not.

However, the most effective methods of advertising I believe, happen to be through search engines. Having them index you, and paying per click seem to be the most effective methods of marketing.

Advertising in ezines are also effective for short term sales but really have nowhere as much traffic as you will find in search engines which account for the majority of website traffic on the internet.

It is better to let a search engine index you rather than submitting to it, this way you will obtain higher rankings.

You must update your site and even trade traffic with other websites if possible if you want to improve your indexing chances and your ranking.

There are also directories you can look into that will possibly charge a fee to get into, but are well worth it.

By: Mark Shay

(C)Mark Shay

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