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Advertising on a Budget -- Part 3: Frequency, Frequency, Frequency
This is the third article of a three-part series. I'm illustrating the marketing challenges of PrescottWeddings.com, a small business. If you don't remember anything else about marketing, remember this: Frequency is king. The more often you can get your name in front of your potential and current customers, the more likely you will make a sale. Depending on what study you look at, people need to see your message anywhere from three to 27 times before they act upon it. And, if you want to brand your business, then you need to get it in front of your customers as often as possible. How do you think Ivory Soap, Campbell Soup and Tide all built their brands so deeply into our minds? Through years and years of repeatedly advertising. That's why those brands pop into our head when we think about soap, soup or laundry detergent. So if you want to build your brand, then you need to advertise frequently. There's another benefit to advertising frequently. It also helps your current customers. People like to know they made the right decision after they purchased something. How much reassurance they need depends on how much they spend, but everyone needs some confirmation they made the right decision. Your advertising can help. Studies have shown that people are more aware of car ads after they purchased a car -- specifically car ads of the model they bought. And they're more likely to both believe and approve of the message. Again, because they want to know they made the right decision. So there are many good reasons to advertise frequently. Does that mean you have to spend a fortune? Not necessarily. There are a few tricks you can use to get the frequency you need at a low cost. (These are print tricks -- other advertising outlets, such as radio and online, we'll talk about in future issues.) 1. Make your ad as small as possible. Small ads cost less. See "Advertising on a Budget ? Part 2: Thinking Small" for more information on shrinking your ad. 2. It's better to schedule your ads to run all at once than spread them out. People will never remember when they don't see your ad, only when they do. If they see your ad a lot in one week, they're going to be under the impression you advertise all the time because they won't remember NOT seeing your ad other weeks. 3. Take advantage of any frequency programs your newspaper offers. And definitely sign a contract -- don't run ads under the open rate. Here's how it worked for PWC. The newspaper had a program called "3 For Free." If you ran an ad three days in a row, you got the next three days for free (the paper was published six days a week). We designed a tiny ad -- a one by two inch ad -- and we ran it six days in a row. Then we skipped the next three weeks and did the same thing again the next month. After a year of doing this, PWC had people coming up to her telling her they saw her ad "all the time." Business owners wanted to advertise on PWC because they could see the commitment PWC had to advertising. Brides and grooms were visiting PWC on a regular basis because they were being "reminded" monthly. What did all this cost? About $100 a month. But, a word of caution. It takes time to build a business and a brand. It won't happen overnight. But it will happen, especially if you remember to keep getting your name in front of your customers and potential customers as often as you possibly can. Michele Pariza Wacek owns Creative Concepts and Copywriting, a writing, marketing and creativity agency. She offers two free e-newsletters that help subscribers combine their creativity with hard-hitting marketing and copywriting principles to become more successful at attracting new clients, selling products and services and boosting business. She can be reached at http://www.writingusa.com
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Advertising In The Local Press There are three main reasons why I would hesitate when deciding to advertise in the local press: Send em to the White Pages Your business is listed in the Yellow Pages whether you buy an ad or not. Your business is listed in the Yellow Book and the other phone books, too, no purchase necessary. How To Make Your Advertising Work! Many believe that when it comes to advertising, it's a necessary evil. Make the Right Advertising Decisions Advertising is a powerful and somewhat frustrating marketing tool. It enables us to launch new products and services, increase sales, and increase awareness. However, it is an activity that often leaves us with unsettling questions. Am I wasting my money? Is there a better method, message, or media? 3 Simple Steps to Getting Thousands in Free Advertising Many entrepreneurs believe that they understand what public relations is, but very few do. Publicity and public relations can be used to boost your business by thousands of dollars a week or kill it; the trouble is using it to your advantage. Cross Cultural Advertising "Culture is a like dropping an Alka-seltzer into a glass ? you don't see it, but somehow it does something," Hans Magnus Enzensberger. Outdoor Sign Many business organizations that needs to disseminate late-breaking information to a large number of people. Out door sign boards are the perfect solution for them that command the attention of all who pass underneath. Secrets And Top-Tips Of Mail Order Advertising Good Advertising creates more production, thus greater consumption, faster turnover and lower sales price per unit. To a great extent it determines the success or failure of the mail order operator! Make Your Business Cards Work What's the cheapest, most under-used marketing tool you have? How To Write More Powerful Brochures, Leaflets, And Catalogues Probably the most interesting thing about brochures and leaflets is that they're seldom read in what we've come to know as the right order - as you would read a book. Rather in the same way that many people read magazines in dentists' waiting rooms, they will flick through brochures and leaflets and stop to take a longer look at bits that grab their attention. Advertise Where Its Forbidden To The most common way to drive people to your business site is advertising. You cannot succeed without advertising, this is a fact. You should advertise almost everytime and almost everywhere using a very pleasant, smart and persuasive manner if you want to accomplish your final target: Making Sales But what to do when clear and noisy advertising is not allowed (e.g discussion lists, discussion forums, etc) or you just send emails with no connection with business? Creativity and Getting Outside of the Box Sitting in front of a blank piece of paper? Wondering where in the world to start? I have a suggestion. Turn the page upside down. Or better yet flip it over onto it's backside. Let it know who's boss. If your first idea is terrible, write it down anyway. If the next one is silly, redundant or stupid, write it down. Who knows, it may end up being a comedy direction and that first terrible line may end up being the punch line. You never know. You are jumping off a precipice into the unknown world of creativity and you need to be a leaf at the mercy of the wind or you will come crashing down with your fears in a ball flames every time. Media Savvy ? Media Skills For Rural Women The ability to lead, persuade and influence are integral skills for effective leaders. The capability of telling a story that inspires, motivates and informs is an essential part of this process. In an age of convergence in the media and increased scepticism over traditional communication methods, a new breed of leader is emerging that sees the media as an opportunity and not a threat. They use the media in a pro-active way to build their community or organisation's image, reputation and identity. How To Write Really Good Ads All sales begin with some form of advertising. To build sales, this advertising must be seen or heard by potential buyers, and cause them to react to the advertising in some way. The credit for the success, or the blame for the failure of almost all ads, reverts back to the ad itself. Choosing a Print Mail Dealer "Print & Mail is a type of service that is popular among small mail order operators. It is an inexpensive way to get your ad material printed and mailed to people. Online Classifieds Choosing a Classified Website and creating your advertisements. 3 Simple But Powerful Off-Line Advertising Strategies There are several ways to advertise and get the word out about your business online and the best of them include f-ree search engines, pay per click search engines, writing articles, utilizing press releases, doing joint ventures/ad co-ops, and posting to message boards and forums related to your target market. Consider These Pressing Facts Before You Renew Your Yellow Page Ad Your Yellow Page Ad Deserves More than 10 Minutes of Thought a Year Five Characteristics of Highly Successful Advertising Have you ever spent a small fortune on advertising that generated disappointment rather than sales? Effective Promotions Through Local Classified Sites Today's online marketplace is extremely competitive. People want to market their products and services with the most cost effective manner possible. Some will market the old fashion way by placing ads in local newspapers while others will aggressively market on the Internet for less money. There are many online resources for marketing but the most attractive marketing medium is free online classifieds. The reason for this is obvious. It doesn't get much better than free. Thousands of people promote products and services everyday via online classified sites. Since classified sites are free users often do not bother to take the time to construct quality ads that sell. If your going to promote your product or service shouldn't it be done so you can get a reaction? The answers is yes! The goal is to get a reaction. Those who place free classified ads should pay attention to detail. Describe your product or service by painting a clear and concise picture. If you answer all questions before they are asked it will save you a lot of time. If you opt not to specify details the prospective buyer might find a better advertisement. Before writing up the classified ad you should look around at other ads to see how others with similar advertisements construct their ads. A good ad will be concise. It will be descriptive and it will be an eye catcher. When creating an ad for a product you should always try to include a picture to show what you are selling. A picture can sell better than a few lines of text. This doesn't mean writing isn't important because the two ad components (picture & text) compliment each other. Make sure to poof the layout and grammar of your classified ad before submission. ![]() |
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