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Integrated Training for Improved Cycling Performance - Part 2
The previous article looked at postural issues and possible muscles imbalances involved with cycling. Now that we have an understanding of the imbalances that arise from a prolonged cycling position, we can develop an effective program for correcting those postural distortions. The first part of the program is stretching the muscles that were identified as tight in the previous article (calves, quads, hip flexors, hamstrings, pectorals, trapezius, and neck flexors). Stretching returns muscles to their proper length-tension relationship. As stated in the previous article, tight muscles alter joint positions which in turn affect the opposing muscles ability to function properly. Each stretch should be held at least 20-30 seconds. The next component is five minutes of light cardiovascular activity to increase blood flow to the active muscles and increase the efficiency of the kinetic chain. Treadmill or elliptical are great choices. Core stabilization training is next. Stabilization training involves improving the ability of the transverse abdominis, internal obliques and the pelvic floor muscles too effectively stabilize the spine and pelvis during cycling. Stabilization exercises involve little to no movement through the lower back, hips, and pelvis. Exercises include a progression of teaching the lower abdominals and pelvic floor muscles to stabilize the spine correctly. Exercises include abdominal bracing (aka "drawing-in" maneuver), bridges, the DOG (quadruped) series of exercises, and planks. These exercises should be performed with 12-20 reps with a slow controlled movement. Balance is a requirement during any type of riding, (endurance, tempo, sprints, climbing, etc) and involves a series of coordinated actions involving the muscular, nervous, and skeletal systems (aka , the kinetic chain). Balance training is designed to improve the body's kinetic chain efficiency. Performing simple exercises like balancing on one leg force the muscles surrounding the hip, knee, and ankle to stabilize their respective joints. As you become more balanced, you can gradually add slow controlled movements like single leg reaches and/or single leg squats. The strength training portion of the program is designed to improve dynamic joint stabilization by performing exercises that are slow and controlled with higher repetitions. The strength exercises are performed using stability balls, dumbbells, and incorporating balance. Each exercise should be performed with 2-3 sets, 12-20 reps and can be performed in a circuit fashion. The speed should be 4-2-2, meaning, 4 seconds down, 2 seconds hold, 2 seconds up. This slow speed allows the muscles to stabilize the joints and increases force production and force reduction. Exercises focus on the major muscles of body (chest, back, shoulders, legs). Dave Radin, CSCS, NASM-CPT, is a personal trainer with Precision Fitness. Precision Fitness is located in the Lake Norman area. Check out their website at http://www.lakenormanfitness.com. You can contact Dave at 704-662-8664, or by email at davefradin@netzero.net.
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Elliptical Workouts Elliptical workouts basically involve aerobic or cardiovascular exercise. Elliptical cross trainers can be intimidating at first glance but once you get familiar with them you will find them easy to use and a fun part of your routine. Using Nutrition to Boost Your Cardio So, you're doing cardio religiously and you're not getting any results?What's the deal?! Good news. You're probably just making some minor mistakes that need to be corrected. If you want to make changes to your body, it's probably pretty important for you to understand how your body works. After all, I doubt you're running on the treadmill because your cable got shut off and the cardio-theater at your gym is the only place you can watch "The OC." I'm almost certain you want to burn fat. So, let's learn how that works. Do You Need an Expensive Padded, Cushioned, Air Bubbled, Gelled Running Shoe? Nike Free does not think so; and neither should you. Read on to find out why this concerns every one of us, our health and a good deal of wasted money. This is not a story of the Nike Free shoe; it's about our freedom and growth. Spinning Exercise Spinning exercise or studio cycling is not only popular these days it's an excellent form of fitness. It helps strengthen your heart, tone your glutes, calves, thighs in addition to being a great exercise to slim legs. Aerobic Activity Burns Fat Aerobic activity is any exercise that helps you use oxygen more efficiently. It gets your heart pumping faster, makes you sweat and quickens your breath. When you raise your heart rate your body begins to burn stored carbohydrates and fatty acids for energy. Winter Running: Survival Tips For Your Feet The days are shorter, the air is colder and the streets are slicker. Yet, many will still brave the cold, damp and dark streets and trails as winter sets in. For those who don't mind a little rain, snow, sleet or below freezing temperatures and run to survive the winter, it is important to know how to protect the feet so they too, can survive the winter months. Cardio Enthusiasts: Discover a More Effective Training Method for Fat Loss and Heart Health! It is common to hear fitness professionals and medical doctors prescribe low to moderate intensity aerobic training (cardio) to people who are trying to prevent heart disease or lose weight. Most often, the recommendations constitute something along the lines of "perform 30-60 minutes of steady pace cardio 3-5 times per week maintaining your heart rate at a moderate level". Before you just give in to this popular belief and become the "hamster on the wheel" doing endless hours of boring cardio, I'd like you to consider some recent scientific research that indicates that steady pace endurance cardio work may not be all it's cracked up to be. Running for Success Though it may not seem like it when we're drenched in sweat and our legs feel like lead, marathon running is as mental as physical. When we're exhausted, continuing consists of mind over matter. This takes enormous mental power. Once developed, this skill can be transferred from the racetrack to the boardroom. Treadmill Workout Ideas That Make Fitness Fun Research shows that in order to lose weight safely and keep it off, you need to exercise. And even those who are not overweight benefit from an exercise or workout routine. But many people don't exercise regularly, which puts them at risk for heart disease, accidents or injuries, and other health concerns. There are many reasons people give why they don't exercise more. It's boring, it's too difficult, they don't have enough time or they'd rather be doing other things. Some people aren't sure how to exercise and they are uncomfortable going to a fitness center to work with a trainer. But with a good treadmill and a workout routine that fits your needs, exercise can be enjoyable, convenient and beneficial. Cardios Effect on Overall Health When most people hear the word "Cardio", their mind automatically pictures jogging, or threadmills, or stationnary bikes. Yes, those are some forms of cardio. They also think it's only purpose is to loose fat. But doing cardio has many benefits. Maximum Cardio Depending on your goals and body type, different amounts of cardio may be required. A lean "hard-gainer" trying to add mass may benefit from only one or two cardiovascular sessions per week. On the other hand, someone like myself who is extremely prone to storing fat and sensitive to carbohydrates may require 3 or more sessions in order to maintain peak physique. Since you can only get better at a particular exercise by performing it, those interested in running marathons or participating in endurance events such as a triathlon must increase their frequency of cardio in order to prepare for the event. Fat Burning Exercises Fat burning exercises are the slow, aerobic, long duration types of exercise that involve most of the major muscle groups. Your body will burn a higher percentage of calories from fat with lower intensity cardio exercises. Elliptical Trainer Benefits There are so many elliptical trainer benefits to list that some would say it's the perfect way to exercise. Elliptical exercise trainers meet the overall need of any exercise program. They combine a weight bearing exercise that limits the impact on the body while optimizing the cardiovascular benefits creating a total body workout routine. Are You Making This Cardio Mistake? Are you exercising for long periods of time to try to burn fat? If you're like most people you probably are, but there is a better way. It's called "high intensity interval training" (HIIT) and lately it has started to become pretty famous for its obvious health benefits. A Cardio Snobs Workout As I peruse the pages of various holiday issues of my favorite fitness/womens magazines I notice many articles about the benefits of practicing yoga at this stressful time of year. At the risk of sounding like a cardio snob, if I have 30 minutes a day (if I'm lucky) and i have to get into a special outfit in about a month and a half. I am not spending that 30 minutes taking cleansing breaths and stretching. An Alternate Fitness Tool Any competitive or recreational athlete will use a variety of cross-training methods or tools to complement their particular sport or to meet their fitness needs. One such tool that is becoming increasing popular is the Kickbike. The Kickbike is a high end adult version of a scooter. 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The Fitness Cardio Secret That Propels Lance Armstrong What is Lance Armstrong doing that you can do to improve your results? ![]() |
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