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Generate More Sales in ANY Affiliate Program ? Part Three
Thinking Outside the square is where we last left off. So to carry on from this topic let me introduce you to M.E. Software. It's a must have, for any Affiliate, promoting any program. Without this critical piece of software in your operations, your goal at making money online will fail. OK, now that I have made that clear let me tell that the M.E. software is 100% free. No downloading is required but installation is VITAL. You're confused now aren't you? What type of software requires no downloading, but has to be installed and is 100% free? Software needs to be downloaded onto a server or a personal computer, right? Not necessarily but, enough with the questions I'll just get to the point. M.E.. Software without the full stops = ME SOFTWARE. That's right ? it's all about YOU. By reprogramming some of your thought patterns and learn how to utilise your best asset ?YOU, brilliant things will start to happen. At this point I want to remind you that I am not into GET-RICH-QUICK anything, in order to create sustainable income online and offline you need to cover what I call my 4 point process which I will cover Part Four to Six. The 4-point process is: o Visualise o Strategise o Energise o Realise These points need to be programmed into your thought patterns. Without it, and without a doubt, you will not succeed. Let's take a proactive step forward and look at your FINANCIAL GOALS. The very first thing you are going to have to do IS SET A GOAL. I anticipate the fact that you want to speed along because you have things you would like to pay for. I can assure you that THE FASTEST WAY is to follow every instruction. Choosing to race off as most people tend to do will only slow down your progress and hinder your results. Make your financial goal reasonable and achievable (just so you know this is the reprogramming part). When you have done this it is time to set out a PLAN. When you start to plan you have to be mindful of what is wishful thinking and what is achievable. Planning does not work effectively with WISHING ? these two things are totally incompatible. If you can see that in the past your goals have been wishful thoughts. That in a way is a good thing because you have identified this. Now you need to reprogram those thoughts to make different decisions that will produce better results. Today, you need to install the M.E. Software, and you will see that slight changes in making different decisions can produce amazing results. To Your Online Success. About the Author:
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Affiliates Need To Read Their Newspaper Millions of people check the news everyday-- in the morning paper, online, and on the nightly news.But far too often affiliates do not find out what has occurred in affiliate marketing that day; this is important because affiliate marketing changes daily.There are many resources for affiliate marketers to learn about the day's happenings. The best way to learn about the changes in affiliate marketing is by visiting forums often. Affiliate Marketing - Make Big Bucks Through Your Internet Home Business Affiliate marketing has become a booming industry thanks to the increasing popularity of the internet. Marketing is defined as the getting and keeping of customers. You must have customers to sell your service or product. Affiliate Marketing - Join in on the Success of the 2nd Wave What do I mean by '2nd Wave'? Let me explain: The Easiest Way For Beginners To Make Money Online There are obviously many ways to make money online, some simple, some quite complicated... Affiliate Marketing: An Online Marketing Strategy Everybody it seems can make money online. The simplest way perhaps is to make money online through affiliate marketing. If you have a website, you can list other people's websites on yours and become an affiliate, making money online through sales commissions every time someone goes to their site through yours and makes a purchase. You can make anywhere from 5% to 30% by just advertising their link. A Successful Satellite TV Affiliate Website Satellite TV has exploded on the scene during the last decade, providing expanded channel offerings and new technologies that were not previously available from regular television. When the "mini-dishes" were developed and the satellites put in place by Dish Network and Direct TV, satellite TV became available to almost everyone. Now, more than 23 million households subscribe to satellite TV with thousands more joining all the time. Mining For Gold With The Best Affiliate Programs And Hitting Pay Dirt Colin McDougall tinkered around with affiliate programs earning a few dollars, nothing much to write home about, even had his own e-commerce site, known as the man's mall. In theory that site was supposed to offer all sorts of gadgets for guys. Colin created the site with the concept "build it they will come" but in reality no one did. Like so many dot.com ventures, it was a huge disappointment, lots of hard work and no pay off. Back-End Selling If you ask me, residual (also known as passive income) is the most important type of income of all incomes. Residual income puts money in my pocket without work and effort on my part. It is the right type of income to work for, indeed! 10 Things WalMart Teaches About Affiliate Marketing We already know about wal mart because of their ads in local papers, on billboards, on the radio and TV. So finding a local Wal Mart is easy, and so should it also be easy to find your web site. Although you may not need to use radio and TV advertisements, you should still use offline promotion such as business cards or direct mail. Naturally, you want other web sites to put your billboard ad onto theirs. So that's our first lesson on how Wal Mart can teach us effective affiliate marketing. Now let's visit a Wal Mart store. Once we arrive at Wal Mart, we enter a huge parking lot. Your web site must also enable a lot of visitors. If your site is on a slow server, you may be losing customers. That's lesson #2. As soon as we enter Wal Mart, we are welcomed by a Wal Mart greeter. This greeter not only welcomes us to the store, but also offers help in pointing out where to find what you're looking for. That's lesson 3a and 3b. Your site should welcome visitors and provide navigation to all the products and services you offer. You can do this by simply including a graphic on your page that says "Welcome, Click Here to find what you're looking for" and have that link go to your site map. Beyond the greeter is a wide path that branches out to different areas of the store with banners overhead that tell you what you can find in those areas. Your site map should consist of main links, as well as sub-links to corresponding pages. Now we get to lesson 4, that each page of your site needs to have a topic, a main header, that defines what each page is about, as well as provide links, pathways to corresponding pages, because you'll notice that Wal-Mart arranges their store to group products that are similar. The hardware section is near the automotive center, housewares are near food items, lawn and garden items are near the hardware and pet supply areas, etc. But you can still get from one area to another. As you browse the shelves, you see more than one type of item. If you're in the grocery section; for example, you'll see many different types of beans. Canned beans, dry beans, even beans from different companies. That's lesson #5. You should offer your site visitors more than one choice. If your site offers auto loans, for example, offer your visitors new auto loans, used auto loans, even auto refinancing loans. And, you may want to offer them more than one choice for each type of auto loan. Afterall, visitors came to your site because they are shopping around... so let them shop and choose from multiple options. Just remember not to stick cheese products in your automotive section! Another thing you'll notice as you browse the shelves, which leads us to lesson #6... although the shelves are stocked full, it's still easy to pick out your favorite can of beans. This is because the shelves are stocked neatly and orderly. The ads you put onto your site should also be neat and orderly. Mixing in tall banners with short banners and having banners for totally different products and services can make shopping your site more difficult. For example, if you have a page about auto loans, you wouldn't want to put a tall auto loan banner right next to a short casino banner. Instead, put a tall auto insurance banner next to the tall auto loan banner. As you roam the store, you frequently encounter employess who can help you find items. This goes back to lessons 3a and 3b. Each page of your site should have a help link to your site map, or you should have a site search. Since Wal Mart makes it easy to find an employee to ask for assistance, that leads us to another lesson: Does you site offer customer service? Can visitors click on a button to ask you questions before they make a decision? Or do they simply exit your site? Lesson #7: How many times have you heard announcements in Wal Mart? They frequently announce specials over their public address system. We are not suggesting that you force visitors to endure slow loading sound files. But you can make sound an option. To see how you can use this marketing option, go to www.geocities.com/pulsarmarketing We have an example there on how you can offer your visitors the option to hear your audible promotion without forcing them to listen and making your pages load slow. All you have to do is create a wav sound file, and launch it by using a graphic or text link such as: "Click Here to listen to our promotion". The personal touch of a person's voice on your site can help increase your conversions. But don't force the loading of sound files. Instead, use the method we recommend at the URL below: www.geocities.com/pulsarmarketing Another thing you can do to tell your site visitors about specials or new products and services your site offers, is to offer them a free subscription to your newsletter. Now that we've toured Wal Mart and we're ready to make our purchase, we know our way to the checkout counter because Wal Mart makes it easy for us. That's lesson #8. Your site needs to make it easy for visitors to purchase. If you do not provide any of your own products or services and strictly use affiliate programs, you need to make sure your relevant banners and text links are at the top of the page, clearly and readily visible, to the people visiting that page. When we arrive at the checkout counter, besides asking us if we want paper or plastic and if we will be purchasing with cash or credit, the cashier asks if we found everything we needed. That's lesson #9. Make sure you offer your site visitors more options when they checkout. And, once again, if you do not directly sell your own products or services and you strictly use affiliate programs, you can offer your site visitors two links to click on: One link that opens the offer into a new window so the person may continue browsing your site after they are done applying or buying from your sponsor, and another link that simply goes directly to the sponsor in the same window. Think we're done learning from Wal Mart? No. After we make our purchase, and even after we go home, there's lesson #10... the return policy. If you sell your own products or services, you need to assure your visitors that you stand behind what you sell, and make your return policy very clear. If you do not sell your own products and services, does your site have a way for customers to resolve problems, or to ask pre-sale questions? If not, you may lose customers to sites that do provide online customer service. Heres Why Affiliate Marketing Is So Lucrative There are people who think of the world as a dreary place simply because they do not find their existence charming enough to render them contented. There are those who wish that they have more than what they possess. There are those who are sick and tired of working hard yet end up having nothing better. There are those who curse the humdrum existence of having 9?5 jobs that do not give them personal and professional growth. Still these are others who want to earn money without sweating it out too much. Affiliate Product Landing Pages - Three Tactics That Sell As competition within the online affiliate sales arena rises to a fierce boil, affiliate sellers expecting any degree of success must first find effective methods to set themselves apart from the crowd. Making Money with Affiliate Programs ? Part I If you have a website and you are not involved in any of the thousands of affiliate programs available on the Internet, you are loosing great opportunities to make some extra income. As in the case of some top affiliate marketers this extra income might even transform into thousands of dollars. Affiliate Program As It Should Be Every off- or online business has a target of growing its market share. Under all other equal conditions the percent of the market, occupied by a company, means certain level of recognition, brand, exposure and, therefore, sales and income. Affiliate Marketing - Conversions What is a good converting site? Become A Reseller If done properly, reselling web hosting and related services can be a low maintenance, high profit vehicle to online financial independence! Affiliate Marketing - Ten Excellent Reasons Why You Should Do It There are many opportunities to make money working on the Internet. Becoming an affiliate marketer is a great way of having your own online business. Here are ten excellent reasons why you should choose affiliate marketing for your home based business. Reseller vs Affiliate ? Which One Is For You? Have not decide if becoming an affiliate is for you? Then how about becoming a reseller? Preparation - the Way to Success I have two questions to ask you. One. How much time do you spend marketing your affiliate programs? Two. How much time do you spend preparing to market your affiliate programs? Making Money Online With Affiliate Programs If you are like most work from home internet business owners you want your web site to be making you as much money as possible. The choice of affiliate programs that you choose to promote on your web site will determine how much money you actually make, and the options to you are endless. There are so many affiliate programs on the internet promoting almost everything imaginable its mind boggling. Internet Affiliate Business: 5 Ways to Grow It Organically Growing your internet home business organically means there are similarities to organic farming. An organic farmer knows that if he develops healthy soil, he will have healthy plants. He also knows that "to every thing there is a time and a season." You can't harvest in the spring, or plant in the winter. ![]() |
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