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What is Pay-Per-ClickF. Terrence Markle Pay-per-click PPC advertising is when an advertiser pays for each qualified click that sends a search engine user i.e., visitor to the advertiser�s web page. PPC requires the advertiser to bid on key words or key word phrases chosen by the advertiser. There are many PPC advertising services available to choose from. Google AdWords and Overture are probably the two most popular in use today. The PPC search engine allows you to buy a top position in the search engine results for the particular keyword or phrase you choose. The PPC search engines can deliver targeted and qualified visitors to your web page at an economical advertising cost if you manage the program carefully with a clear objective. PPC provides the advertiser with assurance that their ad is being delivered to the targeted audience. PPC advertising uses a bidding process where the highest bidder or highest activity value, depending on the search engine, for a particular keyword or phrase will receive the top placement on the search engine results page. The PPC search engine will place your ad text in a special location on the results page when a user searches on your PPC keyword or phrase search term. As an example, Google AdWords appear on the right side of the search results page while the organic i.e., natural search results appear on the left side of the page. In the case of Yahoo! Search, the sponsored ads appear on both the left and right side of the search results page. The top 2-3 sponsored ads appear in the top positions on the left side above the natural search results and the next 3 sponsored ads appear at the bottom of the left side and on the right side of the search results page along with other sponsored ads. PPC advertising is a good way to obtain web page visitors when you don�t have a top ranking web page to get you the necessary natural search engine placement. Statistics show that over 80% of search engine users prefer the natural search results as opposed to sponsored ads. Nevertheless, the search engines deliver a huge amount of visitor traffic to the sponsored advertisers especially in the competitive keyword markets. The typical PPC advertising campaign is based on the bid per click. For example, you bid $0.10 for a particular keyword or phrase that is accepted by the search engine. Whenever a search engine user clicks on your sponsored ad then you are charged $0.10 by the search engine. This amount is deducted from your account funds. Your placement in the search engine results page depends on the search engine. For Google, the placement is determined by your bid price and the ad�s click-through activity. For Yahoo, the placement is determined by your bid relative to other bids. PPC can be an excellent method for getting visitor traffic to your web site but it can also cost you a lot of money. You need to be extremely careful and monitor your cost of using PPC versus the revenue generated. As the old saying goes, do the math. Calculate your return on investment ROI on a continuous basis to determine if you are making a profit on your PPC campaign. As an example, assume your bid for a particular keyword is $0.10 and the product you sell has a profit margin of $15 after product costs excluding PPC costs. If your conversion rate the number of visitors that buy your product is 1.0%, only 1 of your visitors will buy your product out of 100 visitors. Your net profit for every 100 visitors from your PPC campaign will be $5 $15 profit margin less $10 for PPC. It is a good idea to experiment with the different PPC search engines to find the one that works best for you. In addition, you need to spend the necessary time and effort to select the keyword or keyword phrase that has a profitable conversion rate for your specific web page. A higher conversion rate implies more profits to you. Try to avoid the senseless bidding war with your competitors. Seriously evaluate whether having the number one placement position is worth the PPC price you pay. What about position numbers two, three and so on. Will you get enough clicks in one of those positions to make your PPC campaign a success Do not automatically assume that you have to be in position number one to make a lot of money using PPC. It all comes down to experimenting and testing. There is no such thing as the perfect PPC campaign. Evaluate the performance of your PPC campaigns on a continuous basis. Are you leaving money on the table by not adjusting your PPC bid to a lower level Should you increase the bid price to get more traffic Is your conversion rate changing What are your competitors doing Should you be considering different keywords in your campaign PPC advertising is a great way to get traffic but at a definite price. PPC requires a thorough knowledge of the PPC search engines that you use and constant monitoring and evaluation of your campaigns. -- Copyright C 2004 F. Terrence Markle � All Rights Reserved Get my F.R.E.E multi-part series on generating targeted and quality traffic to your web site. http://www.QuikSystems.com/WST/TrafficSeries.htm Get my F.R.E.E newsletter on building your own targeted mailing list: http://www.QuikSystems.com/EzineSub.htm
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Hone Your Edge, Stay Focused A common hazard faced by new entrepreneurs is a lack of faith in the power of their offer. Many business people lose focus because they are worried they wont generate enough cash flow from their core product. They attract potential customers with outstanding expertise but then muddy the water by trying to sell anything those customers want, regardless of how it fits into their business plan. This is confusing, both for the customer, who doesnt really know what type of business you have, and for yourself. Heres how to stay on track. Five of the Most Powerful Elements Anyone Can Use To Grow a Highly Responsive List Lack of trust is the biggest problem marketers have on the internet, or better yet, the biggest opportunity. Create Powerful Joint Ventures Step by Step Figure out what you are passionate about and make it your business. Doublers The New Era for Making Thousands! Doubler Mania! Is it the Real Deal Write Right for the Right Reasons It seems that I must get dozens of newsletters and ezines in my email box every day. That does not include, of course, all the Internet Marketing groups that I belong to that send me a listing of all articles posted each day. It seems like thousands of new articles are published every week just on home business ideas alone. The pure volume of written material can be intimidating. My First $0 Check In 365 Days Yes, the title is strange. In fact, it amused me when I saw the confusion on the faces of my three best friends. Finally, they spoke, �Deep, do you mean you earn nothing for full one year while you were on internet�. Kick-Starting E-mail Profits Growth From One Single Shot! Perhaps the most critical step in guaranteeing the success of your e-mail promotions is to send your messages to a targeted list of opt-in subscribers who have specifically requested to receive information on a particular topic from you. Thats your "in-house" email list. Super-Affiliates! What Are They... How Do I Find Them and Why Theyre Your... TICKET To Online Success! Do you see this term often online and end up confused to what it means and the purpose they serve online How to Choose an Affiliate Winner The idea of using affiliate programs is to produce extra income and in the process attain total financial freedom. More and more people from all over the world are looking for a real winner. Discover The Affilate Program thats Right for You Are you looking for a profitable Affiliate Program Work Smart: Sharpen Your Business! Have you ever cut down a tree Did you use an axe or a chainsaw Was the blade dull or sharp Getting Started New marketers are coming online everyday. If youre one of them, Im sure youve been asking yourself, "where do I start" ClickBank Affiliate Woes: When Tracking Breaks Down Hardly a day goes by without a forum posting in which ClickBank is challenged about the reliability and integrity of its affiliate referral tracking mechanism - the hoplink system. It cannot be denied that ClickBanks technical infrastructures do not always inspire the greatest level of confidence. But this article sets out to demonstrate that a range of factors play a part in the integrity of affiliate tracking and any one of these can be the cause of those much-reviled commission losses. Understanding Affiliate Programs Affiliate programs are commonly misunderstood, in order to understand affiliate programs lets start with terminology. For clarification purposes, an affiliate is defined as any "referrer" or website that promotes a product in an effort to earn revenue. A merchant is defined as someone who owns a product and is sharing revenues with an affiliate based on the affiliates performance. Affiliate programs can drive targeted traffic to your website. Different Models For Making Money On The Internet There are several strategies for making money on the net. Here are some possible options: Get Traffic Using The Power Of Multilevel Marketing Ever received one of those irritating chain letter scams where they asked you to place your name at the bottom of 10 names and remove the top oneNext you are supposed to send a buck to the top name 8 Things I have Learned As An Internet Marketer I started as an internet marketer, like I am sure a few of you have with various mlm programs. After little success with these types of programs I finally decided it was time I make my own website and get serious about marketing on the internet. Although I have not been doing this as long as some, there have been a few things that I have learned along the way that have helped me achieve much more success than my previous ventures in mlm. I would like to share with you 8 things I have learned since becoming an internet marketer. Finding a Niche Market You are probably new to ecommerce or have decided to get involved into it. In any case, if you plan to run an ebusiness of some kind, I advise you to read this article. My dear friend you have probably heard that it is easy to make money on the internet with almost anything, and that having a web site with cool products will just make you successful. This is just not true. Be aware that there are a lot of people that are just out to get your money. Now read carefully, it is possible for ordinary people to make money on the internet as well as it is to be ripped off and/or lose big. Affiliate Alternative; Google Adsense The Rise and Fall of Affiliate Programs Make Your Financial Dreams A Reality Tons of opportunities for you to achieve financial success is flooding into your inbox every day. Maybe youve even opened and did the suggestions by the author. Their ideas didnt pan out huh Well today is your lucky day, because this opportunity is the real deal. Turn your financial dreams into reality right now. ![]() |
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