Building A Business Relationship

John Kovacs

If you have an online business, you conduct your business through the modern technology of computers. Most of your business is most likely transacted from your website, email, or phone.

Since the majority of your business transactions are online, you’re not out meeting people one-on-one developing business relationships. So you need to focus on building these relationships via the Internet. You need to communicate and establish trust with your customers or business associates, as it is a vital step to your business success.

Some people will start an online business and only focus on what services or products they can sell. They are not concerned about establishing a business relationship or even a simple “thank you” when they do make a sale.

For those who use this methodology will eventually see a significant drop in their business over time. Ask yourself, if you dealt with a company that gave poor customer service, how quick would you go back to them for future business

Think of relationship building as the foundation to your business. If you fail to establish business relationships with the people you do business with, the foundation of your business will begin to crumble.

Realize this for a moment, building relationships builds retention, retention builds sales, sales grows your business.

The logic is pure and simple, provide great customer service to the people you do business with, and you will get customers coming back to you.

With an Internet business, this is your only way to establish yourself as reputable, trust worthy and to build a business relationship.

Relationship Building:

Even if you have great products or services that you offer, most customers or business associates will rate their experience with you by how they are treated before, during and after doing business with you.

The perfect way to start relationship building with your customer is being there before, during and most importantly, after the sale or any other business transaction.

It’s important to understand and listen to your viewers needs by asking for feedback or suggestions you can implement. This will give you the added insight to better enhance your services.

You can do this by having a contacts page on your website with a comments or feedback form. If you publish a newsletter, you can also accomplish this by asking for feedback from your subscribers.

This is your way of letting your viewers know you care about what they have to say and how important they are to you. When you show interest in your customers you will build trust, credibility and loyalty.

When you receive a request whether it be a question, concern or simply someone looking for more information by all means answer them promptly. If all possible, answer their request within 24 hours.

This shows attentiveness to their concerns and gives them a feeling of support from you.

If you sell products on your website, sell quality products that have merit, plus offer a guarantee and stand behind it. One of the quickest ways to destroy a business relationship is selling poor quality products and not standing behind what you offer.

If you are promoting third party affiliate programs from your website, take the time to research the companies you recommend. Only represent companies that are of legitimate nature and have a solid Internet presence. Remember the companies you recommend will have an impact on your business reputation.

Copyright 2003-2004 © by John Kovacs

About The Author

John Kovacs is the CEO and founder of “A Home Business Opportunity”. His main focus is supplying free marketing tips, resources and support for home startup businesses and Internet marketing. To get a step-by-step guide in building an online business, visit

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