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Free Or Not Free - Its Your ChoiceRandy Justason The internet is one of the worlds top sources of information, products and just about anything else you could possibly want. And, if you have spent any amount of time online, you must have noticed that much of it is free. Many home business entrepreneurs get their start online using some of these free resources. In fact, some of them use freebees almost exclusively. So, just what are these valuable assets that attract so many home business newbies Here are just a few:
And the list goes on. However, today I would like to talk about Web Space. Free Or Not Free, Its Your Choice. Many home business entrepreneurs, when first starting out, want to keep expenses to a minimum I did this myself. Therefore, just after we join one or two affiliate programs and find out that we cant get the affiliate web page into the search engines because there are probably 5 million affiliates with exactly the same page we want to build our own site. Having your own web site is probably one of the most important steps you can take to get your home business off to a fast start. Taking the time to find a good web host should be equally as important. Read that last line again. Why do I say that Just think about this. You have just spent the past two months learning html or how to use a program like FontPage to build your web site. Youve been writing your web pages, putting in images and links to your affiliate web page and maybe even have made a few forms to get people to sign up for your own newsletter. All is well and good so far, because its still on your computer. So now you go to find a place that will host your site. And, being the money conscious person that you are, you look for some place free. Your internet service provider will give you probably 5 megs of space but will only let you put up a personal site. So you decide to give another place a try. Bingo, youve found lots of places that will let you have space on their servers for free as long as they can put a banner ad on your web pages. A small price to pay you say and go ahead and sign up. Great, now you have your own web site up and running, its a little slow loading because of the banner ad but you decide that is OK. Now, in order to get your site closer to the top of your category in the search engines you decide to start doing link exchanges. Very good, it shows you have been doing your homework. Now its 4 or 5 months later and your site is on page 5 of the search results, people are joining your downline and signing up for your newsletter. What a wonderful thing this internet is. One day you decide to log into your hosting account and change a few things on your site. But, whats up, you cant log in. You then decide to go to the search engine and type in the url of your site. Nothing! Error, the page you are looking for is not available!!! Just like that, its all gone. All your hard work, your only means of getting affiliate signups and newsletter opt-ins has disappeared. Whats up you ask your web host and they tell you that they have changed their policy and no longer offer free web space. Youre back to square one. Think it cant happen Think again. It happened to me. Thats right, all my web pages, articles, newsletter archives, classified ads, everything gone. And, to make things worse, I have been making changes tothe site at the control panel of the web host and therefore didnt even have a recent copy of most of the pages on my computer. We live and learn! Had I known all along how inexpensive it is to get good web hosting service I would never have gone the free route. To make a long story short, for less than $5.00 per month you can get excellent web hosting services. I wont make that mistake again, will you Randy Justason
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50 Surefire Business Card Tips Business cards are one of the most powerful and inexpensive marketing tools you can use. Here are 50 surefire tips to make the most out of your business cards: 10 Ways To Get More Profit From Your E-zine Publishing an e-zine will help you to strengthen your status as an expert in your field and convert more of your visitors into customers. Fast Track Your Journey to Online Success No one has ever logged onto the Internet for the first time and started pocketing dollars in a really short period of time. As with all things in life, there is a learning curve. Design Web Site Around Affiliate Programs There are many affiliate directories and affiliate network Web sites where you can search for the best programs. For this example, I use Commission Junction http://www.jc.com This affiliate network site provides a vast amount of searchable information on over 1200 affiliate programs. What The Muscle Power of Audio Can Do for Your Site. How Audio can Influence Sales Top 5 Tips for Frustrated Affiliate Program Marketers Do you go through affiliate programs like most people go through pairs of socks Many Internet marketers do. In fact, 97% of all Internet marketers never make a single cent advertising opportunities on the Internet. They jump from one opportunity to the next and never see results. If you want to break free from this cycle of failure-- if you want to earn a living off of your Internet ventures--continue reading. I will tell you exactly how you can earn money from any legitimate affiliate program. Shifting Sands Online The internet is considered a god-send by many people all over the globe. Never before has such an opportunity been placed on the table for your taking. Where else could you set up a business transcending borders for fifty dollars a month or less. How to Generate Extra Cash in an Instant With so many out of work, laid off or staying in dead end jobs to make the ends meet, we need creative ways of generating extra income. Here are a few simple, innovative ideas to get the cash you need quickly. Are You Driving Away Potential Customers When a prospect lands on your website will he or she understand what you are presenting Do your ordering/sign up instructions make sense Can prospects easily find the information they are searching for If you don’t know the answers to these questions you may be driving away potential customers. Let The Market Choose Your Price Setting the correct price is hard for any on-line business, and there are plenty courses and manuals dedicated to this delicate subject. Steal Traffic From Your Competitors This interesting idea is likely to drive your competitors nuts. It is published purely for its entertainment value. Discover the Incredible Power of Ethics in Online Network Marketing As you are reading this article, the tide of the world is changing rapidly. More and more people are taking charge of their own lives, taking responsibility of their own future and taking control of their destiny. Security, freedom and unlimited income are the trend of the new millennium. For many, the chosen path to achieve freedom and unlimited income is online network marketing, or online MLM, as some people call it. Top Three Reasons For Why Your Product Is Not Selling Huh You are selling a product I didnt know that! Why didnt you say so... So Top *ONE* Reason: You dont advertise. A Unique Opportunity For Affiliate Recruiters If youre a webmaster, web publisher, or web merchant, chances are you have already come across the concept of affiliate marketing. 10 Sizzling Tips For Affiliates 1. Create an infopacked mini site. Build your mini site for a specific niche audience and then choose affiliate programs specifically for that niche audience. How To Create A Stream Of Income I must say a lot of people today dream to live a comfortable life but most of them don’t do anything to fulfill that dream. I was one of those people myself until not long ago. It seemed as though there was a way to total abundance in life but I just never got to really focus on that particular area. Maybe for most of us it just seems like pie in the sky, and maybe for others just pure “could not be bothered” mentality. Get Traffic Using The Power Of Multilevel Marketing Ever received one of those irritating chain letter scams where they asked you to place your name at the bottom of 10 names and remove the top oneNext you are supposed to send a buck to the top name Join in on the Success of the 2nd Wave of Affiliate Marketing What do I mean by 2nd Wave ... let me explain: Super Affiliate Strategies Part 3 In our previous Super Affiliate Strategies articles, we went over ways to increase your web sites click through ratio. Today we are going to take an entirely different approach, this time we are going to be promoting affiliate programs outside of your web site. How Cybersquatters Make Money from Your Children’s and Your Own Innocent Flubs Getting clicks and traffic by accident appears to be big business. And by ‘big’ I mean worth MILLIONS of dollars! While typosquatting is unfortunately not a new online marketing practice, its use and, moreover, its ABUSE has grown significantly and exponentially since 2000. ![]() |
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