Traditional Vs. Untraditional

Nathaniel Balcom

Many times as I listen to people tell me why they think that network marketing, affiliate programs, and multilevel marketing is not for them, I am amazed at how little time these people have actually spent comparing the traditional job with those untraditional methods of earning a living.

I mention this because if you take a serious look at it, it appears to me that many so called regular jobs are a lot more restricting in respect to the ability of their employees to make money.

Let’s compare the normal set-up of a traditional job versus the untraditional way of making a living.

In a traditional job, you get paid a set amount of money for performing a certain task over a set amount of time.

In untraditional work, you get paid a certain amount per sale and can make as many sales as you want during a set period of time.

In a traditional job, you increase your pay by getting a promotion to the next level in the hierarchy, which is determined by someone in the hierarchy above you saying that it is ok because you are qualified.

In untraditional work, you increase your pay by increasing the amount of sales you make, whether this is through your personal sales or through the collective sales of a team that you have put together. There is no pre-qualification screening.

In a traditional job, you are limited to when you receive an increase in pay by the number of available positions in the hierarchy above you. You have no control over this.

In untraditional work, your level of pay is directly tied to the amount of sales made by you and your team. You can increase your pay at anytime by increasing the amount of sales made by you and your team.

As I listen to these people explain to me why the untraditional way of earning a living doesn’t work for them, I realize that what they are really saying to me is that they prefer comfort over control.

You see, with a job you know exactly how much you’re going to be paid, and when.

The problem with this is that this amount cannot be increased until someone else says that it is ok and there is nothing that you can do to change that fact.

In the end , what it really comes down to is control.

With a traditional job, someone else has control and in the untraditional arena, you have control.

In either case, it’s still a matter of individual choice.

Apparently, network marketing, affiliate program, and multilevel marketing businesses have chosen to be in control.

About The Author

Nathaniel Balcom is the director of NVB and Associates, a home business association that assist its members in building and expanding their home business ventures. You can learn more about NVB and Associates by visiting

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