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I’ll Take Quality Over Quantity Every TimeKirk Bannerman In the early days of developing my home business, I went for the numbers instead of focusing on targeting prospects. It took me a while to appreciate the importance of targeting quality instead of just going for the big numbers quantity. For online marketing, it helps greatly to get your website in front of people who are actually looking for the product, service, or opportunity that you are offering. This refers to the concept of marketing your sites to your target audience, rather than wasting your time, effort, and money on people who are not already interested in what you have to offer. Be wary of “massive action” techniques in this era when many ISPs feel their hottest marketing theme is the blocking of incoming emails, which they decide their customers do not want to receive they are the self appointed “information police”. Many of the sources of cheap, high volume leads supply you with leads that have absolutely no interest in your particular business or product or service and furthermore, have been put into the list in such a manner that can get you into trouble with your ISP because you are unwittingly spamming many of these bulk lead lists are created by robots that crawl the Internet and harvest email addresses the recipients. In order to be effective in promoting your particular proposition, whatever it is, you have to seek out your target market. This is as true online as it is offline. Just because you are able to reach huge numbers of people with your message on the Internet far more cheaply and quickly than you can offline, does this necessarily mean you should What’s the point of devoting your time and energies to marketing to a massive group of people without first knowing whether they, as a group, have a general interest in what you are offering It is much more efficient and effective to first find out where your prospective customers congregate, and then target that congregation, than it is to use a shotgun approach and hope that one of your pellets will somehow find its target you know…throw enough up against the wall and something is bound to stick. You will find that by selectively targeting your prospects before marketing to them, your conversion ratio the proportion of your target market that takes positive action and actually purchases your product or service will be much higher than the results you would otherwise achieve without first taking the time to target your prospects. Once again, quality wins out over quantity. Many webmasters have not stopped to ask themselves the all-important question…. What is the purpose of my web site For some reason, many of them seem to think that the purpose of their web site is to give away freebies. Or it could be to be a “showcase” for their products. Or it could be to create links to all kinds of resources. Or it could be to have fancy Flash graphics and build a brand name. One of the biggest mistakes people new to web design make is going for more "flash" than substance. They bog down their site with a bunch of fancy colored backgrounds, 3-D text, flash presentations, etc. If a visitor to your site is using a 56K connection and has wait to more than 8 seconds for it to load which can easily happen on sites heavy with graphics, you can expect to lose about 1/3 of your visitors. If you’re a business, the purpose of your web site is to sell a product or service. Your web site should have one main focus. It should not be selling a dozen products, a dozen opportunities, or linking to a bunch of different affiliate programs. Presenting too many options has a tendency to confuse your visitor. When someone visits your site, it should be clearly obvious what one action you want him or her to take.
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How To Create A Stream Of Income I must say a lot of people today dream to live a comfortable life but most of them don’t do anything to fulfill that dream. I was one of those people myself until not long ago. It seemed as though there was a way to total abundance in life but I just never got to really focus on that particular area. Maybe for most of us it just seems like pie in the sky, and maybe for others just pure “could not be bothered” mentality. How To Super Charge Your Affiliates In my article "Affiliate Marketing What Is It And Why Use It", I stated that only 5% of your affiliates will do 95% of the sales. If you dont follow this guide, you might not even get that. Use Collaborative Approach - and Get Leveraged Earnings By helping others to grow their business you ensure growth of your own business. I have seen this theory work even while dealing with competitors. This confirms one of the golden rules - you get what you give to others. How important is content to a successful website Content is the most important part of any website. Auto-Pilot Link Building Strategy for Content-Sites OK, this is what I consider a very effective method to get people to link to you without you having to ask them to do so. The best part is that, people will link to you for your most targeted keyword. How To Get Web Site Traffic Web site traffic is essential to having a thriving online business. You cannot have enough web site traffic visitors unless it is the wrong traffic or you do not want to continue to build your business. Your chances of selling a product or service is proportional to the level of targeted and qualified web site traffic to your site. It is not an easy task getting the right kind of web site traffic to your site. You do not get this web site traffic without expending your time, energy and sometimes hard-earned money. How To Come Up With New Product Ideas Have you ever wanted to add new products to your exsisting product line Obviously one way to do that is to find a product that is already developed and start selling that. Affiliate programs are great for that. The Benefits Of Targeted Traffic The key to success in the affiliate game is "targeted traffic" meaning that it is crucial to direct only those who are interested in your products or programs to your website. For instance, imagine two websites which we will call website A, and website B. "How To Create Your Own *24/7 Little Sales Machines* In 5 Simple Steps" Heres an astonishing fact guaranteed to excite you... Five Things To Do To Earn Money On The Internet Internet is growing very fast. As a result, there is more Internet users, more potential online customers and more opportunities to earn money on the Internet. But most of the people who try to earn money on the Internet are unable to use the benefits of this fast growing Internet world. The Affiliate Model – How To Make Money As An Affiliate Affiliate programs are a very easy and effective way to make money on the Internet right so how do they work Steal Traffic From Your Competitors This interesting idea is likely to drive your competitors nuts. It is published purely for its entertainment value. Developing an Opportunity Mindset Starting a home based business is a fantastic way to earn additional income part time or full You can build a six figure or higher cash machine using you home computer and a few hours of your spare time each week. It is estimated that each day nearly 200,000 new people log on to the Internet for the first time. Many of these people looking for a home based business. 8 Things I have Learned As An Internet Marketer I started as an internet marketer, like I am sure a few of you have with various mlm programs. After little success with these types of programs I finally decided it was time I make my own website and get serious about marketing on the internet. Although I have not been doing this as long as some, there have been a few things that I have learned along the way that have helped me achieve much more success than my previous ventures in mlm. I would like to share with you 8 things I have learned since becoming an internet marketer. Convert Your Passions Into Dollars On Cyberspace Internet, there is a method from which you can make thousands of dollars per month without needing to have your own product or service. This method is highly flexible, and can be used in different forms to produce income by different people with different knowledge and skills. But one definite use of this method can make money for almost any human who is willing to just do it. This specific style can be defined as: Making Money on the Internet for Beginners If you’re interested in making some extra money to pay off creditors or earn enough income to replace your current job or career then the Internet is the place where aspiring entrepreneurs are turning. Unlike traditional businesses, a business on the Internet can be started with virtually no capitol, with the exception of your website expense. You have to have a website if you want to do business on the Internet…PERIOD. IS IT ALL HYPE The Truth About Making Money On The Internet Where else can you start a business that doesn’t require a fortune What other types of businesses can you make money from that reaches across the globe without you having to change out of your pajamas at all What other types of businesses allow you to make money online even if you didn’t have a single product or service to sell or promote The Truth About Info Business We both read many times sales and endorsement letters the only aim of which was to show us the ultimate way to Internet profits. We saw those screenshots of checks or financial statements, proving huge authors earnings, tens of supporting testimonials and risk-free guarantees. The Success Formula Revealed Just starting out with a home-based business Or in the process of looking for a way to make extra money Then you will want to learn the key to success online. Work Smart: Sharpen Your Business! Have you ever cut down a tree Did you use an axe or a chainsaw Was the blade dull or sharp ![]() |
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