Overcoming the Five Obstacles to Affiliate Success

Bill Platt

Nearly every mass marketable product or service available online sports an Affiliate Program or MLM matrix to encourage small business people to sell those products or services to others.

For beginners in the online marketplace and even some pros, these programs offer the best opportunity for earning substantial incomes to their participants.

Yet, despite the promise of Affiliate Programs and MLMs for making money online, fewer than 5% of all participants will ever be successful with them! Only one out of a hundred will ever earn more than $1000 per month from the programs!

There are several factors contributing to these dismal numbers:

  1. Failure to try
  2. Failure to learn
  3. Building sales without any concern about building a network
  4. Building a network without any concern for sales
  5. Failure to duplicate


Many people will argue this point. They argue that they tried and the

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1 Collect your visitor email addresses by providing free reports.

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