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Making Money in the Online Dating Gold Rush of 2004John Weisenberger Have you noticed the explosion of Websites related to love, sex, matchmaking, relationships, etc. Theyre popping up all over the place. Why the sudden popularity you ask Well, the reason for this "gold rush" towards Online Dating & Relationship Oriented Websites is really quite simple: people are making a lot of money with them! So how can you claim your share of this exploding marketplace Well you could go off and start your own Online Dating service to compete with the likes of eHarmony and Match.com if thats your idea of fun but thats really not the best way for small business owners to make money in this, or any, new marketplace. In reality, the easiest and surest way to make money in any gold rush is selling tools to the prospectors! I think youll see what I mean in a moment. In the Beginning... Consider, if you will, that whenever any new industry begins there are always hundreds of other businesses needed to support it and make it truly complete. For example, just think of all the businesses that are now connected with the automotive industry. Tire companies, glass companies, mechanics, insurance agencies, driving schools, etc.. Your very own Dating & Relationship oriented website could be one of the complimentary businesses supporting the new Online Dating marketplace while generating thousands of dollars of profit in the process. Complimentary businesses such as relationship advice sites, personal matchmaking services, astrological compatibility testing sites, personal appearance "make over" sites, background checking services, etc., etc., are all possible product or service "tools" needed by todays "romance prospectors" searching for love on the Internet. Im sure youll be able to come up with other product and service ideas too if you think about it. So what other types of relationship oriented businesses are springing up based on the technologies and business models pioneered by the Online Dating sites New companies such as Friendster.com and Linkedin.com are two good examples of a new generation of non-dating, non-romantic, relationship building Websites springing up to connect people for business relationships or other social activities. Others will surely follow their lead into this adjacent marketspace and your online business could be one of them. Setting Up Shop. Okay, so now that you know the best way to make money online is to sell tools, the next big question youll need to answer is whether your new Website will be a general store carrying all types of tools or a specialty store providing some type of specific expert service or product. Lets talk about the general merchandise store first. The General Store Imagine if you will an 1849s old west general store loaded with canned goods, clothing, kerosene lamps, picks, shovels; everything the local prospectors needed. What would be todays Online Dating equivalent to the general store Well in our analogy it would be a Dating Directory Website. Heres how they work. Dating Directory Websites provide a service to their customers by collecting information about all the various Online Dating services in one centralized location. This allows their visitors to comparison shop among the various dating service companies while also making convenience purchases of advice eBooks, romantic gifts, sexy lingerie, etc., while theyre browsing the entire "general store." Dating directories make their money from the affiliate sales commissions they are paid by the producers of the products they carry. If youre thinking of getting into the Online Dating & Relationship Marketplace, setting up your own Dating Directory general store is probably the easiest way to get started. All thats required is the construction of a "store front" Website and then registration with multiple affiliate programs for the products that you want to sell. Dating Directory startups are easy, low cost and can be built up over time with products you really enjoy selling. In addition, no product development expertise is required because you are essentially just the "shop keeper" selling someone elses products. However, before you decide to open up your own Online Dating & Relationship product general store, you may what to consider specializing in one particular area of the market where you can carve out a niche of your own. Lets talk about this strategy for a moment. The Specialty Shop When it comes to the Online Dating & Relationship marketplace everyones an expert. Including you! Its true. Whether youre young or old, single or married, gay or straight, everyone has their own special knowledge about Dating and Relationships that can provide you with the background and knowledge needed to write a newsletter or eBook of your own. And while Ill admit that writing an entire eBook and setting up your "specialty shop" Website is more work than running a general store Website, the potential rewards are much greater due to the uniqueness of your specialty product and the value you can deliver to your customers. So whatever you do, dont underestimate the power of the knowledge you have to offer. Get started on that newsletter or Ebook today! Bottom Line... If youre thinking about starting your own online business, check out this fast growing marketplace. It could be right for you. And remember, if you want to make money without risking the large amounts of capital required to compete with the big guys, dont try to start your own Online Dating "gold mine", sell the dating & relationship "picks and shovels" instead. Thats where the little guys win. Copyright 2004 John Weisenberger
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Go With Quality Over Quantity And Your Business Will Prosper In the early days of developing my home business, I went for the numbers instead of focusing on targeting prospects. It took me a while to appreciate the importance of targeting quality instead of just going for the big numbers quantity. Making Headway on a Slow Day: 9 Ways to Turn Down-Time into Productivity Time If you work from home, you know the kind of day I mean. You made the calls. You revised those drafts. You sent out the emails. Where is everybody! As much as you used to relish a slow day when you were corporate, it’s a little different when you’re playing boss to yourself. Your mind gets to wandering. Should I head out to the park Should I hit the mall Should I... file for unemployment Generating More Traffic to Your Website Are you looking for an effective way to generate more leads or traffic into your online business or affiliate programs Now you can easily generate more leads and sales by using these techniques. MISTAKES Don’t worry about making mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes. Why should you be different. The person who never made a mistake, never made anything. Mistakes can be costly. They can also be educational. Look upon your mistakes as an asset. Life is a learning process. Learn from your mistakes. Profit from them and you will not only make more money, you will also become a better person. You must face the fact that from time to time make the odd mistake. As long as they are not life threatening, pick yourself up, dust yourself down and get on with your life. Just remember to not make the same mistake twice. 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Be aware that there are a lot of people that are just out to get your money. Now read carefully, it is possible for ordinary people to make money on the internet as well as it is to be ripped off and/or lose big. Some of The Best Ways To Get Visitors To Your Site Before building a site there are many things that you need to take in mind. For example, how are you going to design your site, what is it going to cost you, how long will it take you to build, etc. All of these things mentioned a both are important aspects to consider when designing a site, but there is no point in doing all of this if you can’t even get visitors to your site afterwards. ![]() |
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