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Alternative Medicine Information |
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The Many Advantages of Herbal Medicine
Nowadays is the era of everything that is herbal and natural. Millions of "all natural," "all herbal" health and dietary supplements are swamping the markets today. Some of us are puzzled as to where and how the sudden exaggeration for those things started. Maybe it was because we became suddenly concerned and watchful of our health and well-being. On the other hand, maybe the media has so much influence over us that we often fail to see beyond the glamorous models and endorsers. In any way, do not fail to recognize that usage of herbal medicines and natural remedies dates back millions of years ago. Archaeological remains from early civilizations have revealed that plants were used in burials and other rituals. The earliest written account of herbal remedies comes from China and dates back to 2800BC. Herbal medicines have had a chequered history ever since, in and out of favor with the great and the common man. But throughout the last 5000 or so years, it has continued to develop until today, when in the light of growing concern about the efficacy and side effects of many synthetic drugs, herbal medicines are once again providing a safe and natural alternative treatment for many everyday complaints. Among the listed advantages of herbal medicines and natural alternatives are as follows: 1. Cost- Herbs cost less than prescription drugs. They are certainly much more convenient. Without a prescription, you can go to the health food store and buy whatever you want. However, it is always wise to consult with your doctor first before taking ANY medications. Natural does not necessarily mean safe for you. Many natural substances can be harmful. However, it is also important to note that medicines are not categorized as drugs. Alternative medications are treated as food, not medicines, because they are considered "natural". They can be sold as dietary supplements without a prescription. Supplement claims are not subject to the same scientific scrutiny as prescription medications. Unlike prescription medicines, herbal products do not have to be tested to prove that they work well and are safe before they are sold. In addition, herbal products may not be pure--they might have other things in them, like plant pollen or contaminants that could make you sick. At the present time, testing and standardized manufacturing of herbal and other supplements is needed. 2. Effectiveness and Potency - Reasons for seeking alternative treatments include dissatisfaction with traditional healthcare, although the efficacy of herbal medicines is mostly subjective to the patient. Potency may vary, depending on genetic variation of different strains of herbs, growing conditions, timing and method of harvesting, exposure to air, light and moisture over time and type of preservation. Breast And Enlargement Offers by Breast Enhancement Solution http://www.breast-enhancement-solution.com
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Why You Should Use Fruits for Constipation Fruits are made by nature and are a perfect food. They contain the right balance of nutrients with distilled water. You gain enormous benefits from eating fruits especially if you eat the outer skin and eat them without cooking. They are easy to digest and absorb and do not stress your colon. What Is Reflexology? For the Reflexologist, the feet are a microcosm of the human body and every organ and body part is represented in the feet. Where there are two organs in the body they will be represented on both feet, e.g. lungs and kidney and where there is only one organ, this will be represented on one foot, e.g. the liver will be on the right foot while the heart will be on the left. Where the organ or body part is reflected in the feet, this is called the "organ" reflex, e.g. the heart reflex. How Visualization Is Different from What You May Have Tried for Pain Relief You've probably tried everything you can think of to ease your chronic pain. But chances are that in your search for relief you haven't tried anything quite like visualization statements. Holistic Health Holistic Health involves natural treatment options like holistic health nutrition, herbology, environmental medicine, energy work, mind-body medicine, anatomy, and many other holistic health practices. The Source of All Disease So why is there disease? The very word means that the body is in a state of Diss-Ease. It is certainly not being provided with the optimal conditions that it requires to maintain itself healthily. Unless you provide it with the right conditions, mentally, physically and spiritually, it will not function at its optimum level. Reiki REIKI is a form of natural healing through direct application of Universal Life Force Energy, or CHI (the term used by Chinese mystics and martial artists for the underlying Universal force, otherwise, energy). Through Reiki, energy is thought to be effected by thought. Reiki implies that our energy can be shaped and manipulated by thought patterns. The Importance of Touch Through the simple process of touch, Reflexology is so effective in the healing process. In the hi-tech world that we live in, touch has taken second place to machines. Oregano Supplements : An Effective Natural Treatment for Fungus and Other Ailments What's the big deal with oregano? Many of you have eaten foods containing oregano, or even sprinkled it on your pizza, without knowing its healing powers. In a comparative research, oregano topped the list of healthy herbs according to the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. According to, Shiow Y. Wang, Ph.D., the study's lead researcher and biochemist, herbs with the highest antioxidant activity belonged to the oregano family. In general, oregano had three to 20 times higher antioxidant activity than the other herbs studied. 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We seem to have forgotten how deeply connected we are with the space we live in and how important is for our well being to live in a balanced environment. The Sense of Smell Disturbed vibrations occur in the body as a precursor of illness. Vibrational healing restores the body's healthy vibrations. Essential oils can be used to balance the subtle energy flows in the body. How to Sense Low Levels of Asbestos in Your Daily Environment. (Part II) Most people find it difficult to believe that a tiny dust material, too small to see, can cause such havoc with the human body. As a construction worker, I may have an advantage in identifying the materials which shed this residue, but this also tends to make me more vulnerable to it's effects. This, in turn gives me the incentive to do what it takes to avoid it or possibly shed it myself if I should accidentally make contact with it from any number of situations. Acupuncture Arthritis Treatment ? Using Acupuncture to Treat Arthritis Acupuncture treatment for arthritis and joint pain has been with us for centuries. Acupuncture provides many arthritis pain sufferers with an alternative (or an addition) to modern arthritis medication ? which can at best be unpalatable and, at worst, potentially toxic. Acupuncture arthritis treatment may not work alone for joint pain but it can result in powerful pain relief if your joints are angry or inflamed. Five Simple Steps For Treating Heel Pain If you experience a sharp pain in your heel at the first step in the morning, chances are you have plantar fasciitis (plan * tar fash* ee * I * tis). "Plantar" means the bottom of the foot. The "fascia" is a long ligament type structure. "Itis" means inflammation. Plantar fasciitis is a tearing of the ligament on the bottom of the foot. The tearing causes inflammation and the inflammation causes pain. Plantar fasciitis is the most common cause of heel pain. Many individuals with plantar fasciitis find that they hobble to the bathroom every morning because of the pain. They must grab onto the dresser or the wall to balance themselves. After fifteen minutes or so, the pain works itself out, only to come back with a vengeance at the end of the day. Not all individuals with plantar fasciitis experience pain in the morning. Many find that they only experience heel pain at the end of the day or during certain types of activity. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is a mental and emotional condition that has its origins in a physical and/or mentally traumatic event that occurred anywhere from a few days to several years in the past. PTSD can develop by one overwhelming trauma as in 9/11 or by a series of smaller traumas or abuses occurring over several years such as living in an alcoholic home. It can be recognized from symptoms such as recurrent and persistent recollections of the traumatic event and recurring dreams of the event. Why Do So Many People Seem To Have Allergies? Allergies and asthma arise from loss of the body's natural resistance to allergens, often beginning with early exposure to secondary smoke, industrial chemicals and asbestos, and the incredibly intensive chemical farming and industrial treatment, of the foods we eat, and fabrics we wear and sleep on. Homeopathy: A Natural Health 101 Article What It Is All The GREAT Benefits You?ll EXPERIENCE When You QUIT Smoking! Within 20 minutes ???? you can expect??.. Hypnosis CDs vs One-to-One Treatment What's best? ![]() |
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