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Understanding Hypnosis
If you want to use hypnosis for therapeutic reasons, there are three personal assets you will need. They are: imagination, concentration, and a genuine motivation to be hypnotized. Each time someone works with a group to induce hypnosis, we can still justifiably say we are talking about self-hypnosis. It is every person's individual option: they either wish to collaborate with the operator and experience hypnosis, or they do not. Hypnosis involves releasing some of the power of your subconscious mind, and this takes time and practice. Once learnt, however, it can then be used to improve many aspects of your life. Therapeutic hypnosis is not accessible to everyone, but most of us can reach light or medium states through concentration, coupled with patience. Deep levels of hypnosis produce the best therapeutic results, but even beginners may reach healthy states of relaxation and inner peace. At the lighter levels of hypnosis, their operators usually experience feelings of relaxation and calmness. It is also possible to perceive some physical changes. Some people, for example, may experience tingling sensations in the fingers, blinking eyelids, a sensation of weight in some parts of the body and others. The intensity of these early experiences is usually low, but a few weeks of practice can teach you how to develop these skills even further. Another element that often relates to initial hypnosis is the distortion of time. Most people who undergo hypnosisl believe they were hypnotized for a shorter period of time than it was in reality. However, after they have experienced hypnosis a few times, a person will start to get a better perception of the passing time. As the hypnosis subject progresses to medium levels of hypnosis, the altered state becomes more enhanced. Physical perceptions may gain more importance, and the subject may experience heightened tingling feelings or heaviness in the lower body. Some subjects experience floating sensations, and all these feelings are perceived as being very real by the one being hypnotized. This stage allows the hypnotist to suggest stronger visual images in the subject's mind. At this level, creating illusions becomes more accessible. New thresholds that were unavailable previously now become apparent. Conscious awareness may fade for the subject when the level of hypnosis deepens. A subject who reaches the somnambulistic levels of hypnosis, can achieve even better mental and physical responses. Several physiologic responses can be observed, such as the REM (rapid eye movement) usually associated with dreams during sleep. At this stage the patients may experience complete conscious amnesia, as if they are virtually absent from their surrounding reality. This is also the level where strong hallucinations can occur, not only during the actual hypnosis process, but even after it ends. Hypnosis can be viewed as the sleep of the nervous system. There is a decrease in the rate of respiration, but not as strong as the one experienced during sleep. Circulation also slows down, together with the brain waves. Brain wave variations in intensity commence with beta, the fastest, then slow to alpha, theta and delta. Beta waves are primary when the mind is under a normal state of consciousness. Reduced levels of hypnosis decrease the brain wave activity to alpha, and deeper levels may take a subject's brain waves all the way to theta. Roy Thomsitt is the owner and part author of http://www.routes-to-self-improvement.com
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Health - Its All in the Mind Do you ever listen to other people's conversations? I mean when you're standing at a bus stop, or having a drink in a café after a hard morning's shopping. You know, those people whose voices are just a little too loud and you can't really help listening; after all you are on your own, and other people's lives are quite interesting. Healing Crisis A Natural Part of Body Cleansing Introduction to A Healing Crisis An increasing number of people today are trying alternative healing methods to cleanse and detoxify their bodies. Simple methods such as switching to a natural food diet, juicing to increase nutrition, or fasting are used to cleanse the body of stored toxins in the hopes of naturally addressing long-standing symptoms such as chronic headaches, adult acne, allergies or arthritis. More intensive methods may be used to perform cleansing of the body's elimination organs: colon, kidney and liver. However, many people trying these and other alternative health cleansing methods discontinue them when they experience new symptoms of ill health. Generally, these new symptoms are in actuality not a new disease or malady affecting the body, but rather a healing crisis. Healing Crisis Defined A healing crisis is when symptoms from diseases and toxins that are released during a detoxification process manifest themselves. Also known as "Herxheimer Reaction", a healing crisis occurs when toxins stored in the body are released at a faster rate than can be properly eliminated. The more toxic one's body is, the more severe the detoxification and the more intense the reaction. A healing crisis is characterized by a temporary increase in symptoms during a cleansing or detoxification process. Such symptoms may be mild or severe, depending on the body's original toxicity, but are definitely temporary. They can occur immediately, within several days, or even several weeks of a cleansing program. Reverse Order What is not immediately intuitive is that symptoms are experienced in the reverse order of when the body was originally exposed to their cause. This simple explanation may help demonstrate the reason. Assume that every year you painted your walls a different color. As time went on, you layered color upon color. Finally after 30 years, you found that the newest paint was not sticking properly because layers of paint underneath were cracking and coming off. So you decided to strip all of the paint off the walls and give it a fresh coat of paint. As you started stripping off paint, you saw earlier layers. In the process of cleaning and stripping the walls, you got glimpses of what your walls were like and what they went through in prior years. Believe it or not, human bodies work in a similar fashion. As bodies store fat, the chemistry of the fat reflects the internal body conditions at the time the fat was stored. Each year, a residue of the viruses, bacteria and toxins you were exposed to were stored in fatty deposits. Similar to the paint stripping analogy, as a body is cleansed, stored toxins, bacteria, and viruses are released. As they are released, symptoms experienced with the particular malady or event associated with the toxin are re-experienced ? albeit in a milder form. Possible Symptoms A healing crisis can have a variety of possible symptoms, depending on what the body underwent during the initial toxic encounter. Symptoms can include: muscle cramps or pain arthritic flair ups diarrhea extreme fatigue restlessness headaches insomnia sinus congestion fever skin eruptions strong emotions or mood swings Recommended Treatment During a healing crisis, it is important that the cleansing program be continued. Continued cleansing will help the body rid itself of released toxins and diseases forever. Following these simple steps may help to relieve some of the symptoms of the healing crisis. Drinking plenty of fresh water helps the body eliminate released toxins. Increasing fiber intake and taking supplements to cleanse the colon and kidneys will also help to accelerate the elimination of toxins. If fatigued, give the body rest Meditation can help to manage symptoms such as strong emotions and mood swings More Information Additional information on body cleansing and detoxification can be found at The-Natural-Path.com. Hypnotherapy in the Treatment of Phantom Pain Much of what goes on in our bodies is controlled by the subconscious mind. A simple example is the process of moving from a sitting to a standing position. Infants (and stroke survivors also, for example) have to think consciously of exactly what their muscles need to do while they are learning to stand up, but it soon becomes automatic. Thereafter, when we want to stand up, we simply do it -- from then on, it's a process that's controlled by the subconscious mind. Pranic Therapy - Part I Pranic Therapy Part I - An Introduction Acupressure Developed in Asia over 5,000 years ago, acupressure is an ancient healing therapy that utilizes fingers to depress key locations on the skin's surface to prompt healing withing the body. Similar to acupuncture, acupressure uses the same reference points on the body that release muscular stress; thus encouraging better blood circulation. Chiropractors: Theyre on My Team! Whenever I see the title "men's health", it conjures up a couple of images in my mind, and as far as most of the articles I see on the subject, they fall into one of two distinct and very different categories. It's either a sort of bodybuilding bust-your-buns biceps and washboard abs type deal with the fake tan and the body oil and the ubiquitous smile or it's the serious senior, Alan Alda persona doctor advising on the necessity of enduring an examination with a latex glove and all the guilt you have to endure if you don't. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is a mental and emotional condition that has its origins in a physical and/or mentally traumatic event that occurred anywhere from a few days to several years in the past. PTSD can develop by one overwhelming trauma as in 9/11 or by a series of smaller traumas or abuses occurring over several years such as living in an alcoholic home. It can be recognized from symptoms such as recurrent and persistent recollections of the traumatic event and recurring dreams of the event. All Natural Shampoo - 5 Tips All Natural Shampoo - 5 Tips Here are 5 tips to ensure you are buying a true all natural shampoo product, even though the label may say all natural. All natural shampoo will not contain as an ingredient SLS, or sodium lauryl sulfate. This additive is only added to ensure the shampoo bubbles, and forms a thick lather, neither of which ensure your hair is actually clean. This is the same additive added to oven cleaners. SLS is a known, and much publicized skin irritant. No SLES is listed in the ingredients. This is a sister chemical to the SLS. While SLES is not quite as much of a skin irritant, it definitely causes drying of the skin. You should avoid SLS and SLES at all costs. No PEG is added. This ingredient is normally listed as PEG-with a number behind it. Also a strong skin irritant. One of the main ingredients if brake fluid. No term fragrance will be listed in the ingredients. Fragrance is just an artificially derived chemical, which is cheap to use and makes the shampoo have an aroma to it. This is also a know skin irritant. All natural shampoos will be fragrance and enhanced with pure essential oils. No artificial colors, preservatives, or ingredients added. Just a quick check of the label will ensure you are truly buying an All Natural Shampoo product. Evening Primrose Oil Benefits The evening primrose oil which we use is extracted from the seeds of Oenthera biennis, a plant native to North America. The evening primrose plant resembles a primrose but is related to the willow herb group. Teas From Plants Around You and Their Benefits All teas unless specified are brewed with 1 teaspoon dry material or 2 teaspoons fresh material to 1 cup of water. Always steep. This means pouring hot water over material and letting set for 5 - 15 minutes. Always dry leaves and roots out of the sun, in dark airy places. Then store in airtight containers. Holistic Methods: Hemp Seed Oil and Aromatherapy in Steamboat Springs, Colorado Aromatherapy is a well known holistic method for healing, but when boosted by the quickly penetrating carrier hemp seed oil, the healing potential is magnified exponentially. No other carrier oil can take the beneficial medicinal qualities of aromatic essential oils as quickly through the epidermis as hemp seed oil, so if your lotions and salves are missing it, you're not doing your body justice, but it's not too late?. Headaches/Migraine "Oh, how densely packed your head is, my sweet," sighs Grandmother Growth. "I'm afraid there's no room for new growth. If you could empty your mind, leave off worrying and planning for a while, and give in to the chaos and its random pleasures, just for a short time, I think you'd feel less pressure and your head would hurt less. The energy of your womb now circulates inside you and throbs in your head. Sit quietly; breathe out through the top of your head and imagine the breath falling gently down to earth. Rest your forehead against the earth. Place this cool stone on your third eye. Your Crone's Crowning comes closer. This is the work of your body; let your mind rest." Back Pain, Joint Pain, Knee Pain, Arthritis and a Host of Other Pain Ailments You Never Have To Suff "The smallest pain in our little finger gives us more concern than the destruction of millions of our fellow beings." William Hazlitt [1778-1830. British Essayist] Herbe Fraiche Essential Oil : A Combination of Forest Essences Herb Fraiche essential oil is derived from essential oils complex blended from plant substances such as pine, thyme and mint. The refreshing plant fragrance induces a calming effect and relieves fatigue after a long day. To over-stressed urbanites who suffer from deteriorating body functions and sleep quality, Herb Fraiche provides a soothing remedy. Shiatsu What is Shiatsu? Shiatsu, literally means: Shi = 'finger,' Atsu = 'pressure.' By definition, Shiatsu translates into 'finger pressure.' Recognized by Japanese law in 1955, and in the text book, 'Theory and Practice of Shiatsu,'1 Shiatsu is defined as the use of fingers and the palm (especially the thumbs) of an individual's hands whereby pressure is applied to specific parts on the body's surface - purposefully for the correction of bodily imbalances. Shiatsu therapy is utilized for maintaining and promoting overall health. Addressing The Cause And Finding A Cure: Why Cause is Everything When It Comes To Low Back Pain There is an epidemic, at least in the States when it comes to treating back pain. Most doctors do just that... treat back pain rather than finding and eliminating the cause. Natures Way To Relieve Arthritis Pain PINEAPPLE AND PAPAYAS 5 Ways to Deal With ADHD With an increasing number of our youths suffering ADHD, stress syndromes, unemployment, depression, drug use, crime and higher rates of youth suicide than ever before, today's parents and teachers are finding their roles more and more difficult. Why DO the Japanese Have the Longest Lifespan? Part 2: Live the Lifestyle Why do the Japanese have the longest lifespan? Last month you learned to eat the things Japanese people eat, and now you will learn how to live like they live. Fast, long, and lively best describes a usual day in Japan. The country is geared towards an active lifestyle, as the 'couch potato' concept is completely foreign. This lively lifestyle centers around three key aspects: work, socializing and recreation. Do You Have Difficulty in Waking Up On Dark Winter Mornings? Our daily internal body clocks or circadian rhythms synchronise the timing of our wake/sleep patterns and our interactions with the outside world. ![]() |
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