Natural Poison Oak-Sumac-Ivy Remedy

Have you ever casually strolled into a patch of poison oak or sumac? And then, of all times, you realize for the first time in your entire life, that you are extremely allergic to these wonderful, little plants? Have no fear, Holistic Junction has the perfect and most natural remedy for you.

Most affected persons would spontaneously run to their local drug store or family supermarket for the latest cortizone treatment. And although makers of Aveeno have undeniably captivated nature's essence, most persons would like instantaneous relief from this itchy, plant-induced rash.

Naturally, what works miraculously can be found right in your own kitchen cupboard. Oatmeal. Quick oats, as one might call it, is nature's cure-all for various rashes.

Simply pour a cup of plain, instant oatmeal or oats into a nylon knee-hi, or cut nylon hosiery. Tie a knot on the end and loop over the bathtub faucet, where hot water can flow through the hosiery. Now, the oatmeal bath is optional, but one can easily concoct a salve from the same directive.

Simply place the oatmeal-filled hosiery into a small bowl of very hot water. Allow to set for about 10-15 minutes. When time has lapsed, squeeze the natural oatmeal baggy several times to allow as much fluid to escape as possible. (The soapy-colored and textured liquid will be a little sticky.) Once completed, take a cotton ball and gently apply potion to rash. That's it. The itching should diminish and healing can begin.

© 05/2003

C. Bailey-Lloyd
aka. LadyCamelot
Public Relations' Director & Staff Writer for Holistic Junction - Your Source for information on Holistic Practitioners, Massage Therapy Schools, Naturopathic Schools, Alternative Health, Insightful literature and more!

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