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Natural Poison Oak-Sumac-Ivy Remedy
Have you ever casually strolled into a patch of poison oak or sumac? And then, of all times, you realize for the first time in your entire life, that you are extremely allergic to these wonderful, little plants? Have no fear, Holistic Junction has the perfect and most natural remedy for you. Most affected persons would spontaneously run to their local drug store or family supermarket for the latest cortizone treatment. And although makers of Aveeno have undeniably captivated nature's essence, most persons would like instantaneous relief from this itchy, plant-induced rash. Naturally, what works miraculously can be found right in your own kitchen cupboard. Oatmeal. Quick oats, as one might call it, is nature's cure-all for various rashes. Simply pour a cup of plain, instant oatmeal or oats into a nylon knee-hi, or cut nylon hosiery. Tie a knot on the end and loop over the bathtub faucet, where hot water can flow through the hosiery. Now, the oatmeal bath is optional, but one can easily concoct a salve from the same directive. Simply place the oatmeal-filled hosiery into a small bowl of very hot water. Allow to set for about 10-15 minutes. When time has lapsed, squeeze the natural oatmeal baggy several times to allow as much fluid to escape as possible. (The soapy-colored and textured liquid will be a little sticky.) Once completed, take a cotton ball and gently apply potion to rash. That's it. The itching should diminish and healing can begin. © 05/2003 C. Bailey-Lloyd
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Jesus Diet - Lifestyle Changes That Will Boost Your Energy Drawing on the inspiration of loaves, fish, and wine, a doctor from Florida has published a self-help manual called "What would Jesus Eat?". After the launch of this unique book, Jesus officially joined the US fight against fat. Eating is a lifestyle; a day-to-day routine that should sustain a healthy emotional and mental attitude and pump us with continuous energy. Ok, enough talk, are you ready for my secrets. Anxiety Anxiety is a pernicious little devil; it can hold us back, freeze our creativity and diminish our ability to fight our way out of trouble. Anxiety leads to a 'vicious cycle' in which anxiety feeds poor performance which increases anxiety and . . . you get the picture. Oral Chelation ? What Can It Do For You? (Part 2) Intravenous chelation therapy was more popular than oral chelation initially. It involved the injection of EDTA (ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid) that is an effective and widely studied chelating agent. But gradually, oral chelation scored over intravenous chelation. This is primarily because of the comparative cost involvements. While, intravenous chelation is definitely less expensive from bypass surgery or angioplasty, they are still costlier in comparison to oral chelation. Honey! Natural Treatment for Gum Disease There is quite a bit of talk going on about the antimicrobial properties of the sweetener, Xylitol, which is a product manufactured from cornstalks. The dental hygienist community (discussion groups) is where I am seeing most of this and my understanding is that it is a pretty good product as a sweetener and good for your teeth and gums. Something made me think, however, about going more natural and 'honey' came to mind. I wondered about the antimicrobial properties of this natural and healthy food and what I found really surprised me! Healing With Color FAQ Can Color Therapy Be Used With Other Healing Techniques? Health & Longevity With BelAir Aromatherapy 1. Clean and Fresh Air Chiropractors: Theyre on My Team! Whenever I see the title "men's health", it conjures up a couple of images in my mind, and as far as most of the articles I see on the subject, they fall into one of two distinct and very different categories. It's either a sort of bodybuilding bust-your-buns biceps and washboard abs type deal with the fake tan and the body oil and the ubiquitous smile or it's the serious senior, Alan Alda persona doctor advising on the necessity of enduring an examination with a latex glove and all the guilt you have to endure if you don't. Using Carrot Juice for Relieving Constipation Carrot Juice Learn About Falun Dafa I have been practicing an advanced form of qigong for almost 5 years now. The name of this practice is Falun Dafa. Exploring the Mystery of Aromatherapy Through Biotechnology Aromatherapy originated in Ancient Egypt. About a hundred years ago, a pharmacist from France used an innovative method which led to a breakthrough in aromatherapy techniques. In recent years, under the strong promotion by Sathelyne Group, Bel'Air aromatherapy came into being to benefit many consumers. Crystal Healing ? Do Crystal and Gemstone Healing Therapies Really Work? Crystals and gemstones have been valued for centuries for their beauty and also for their healing powers. It is believed that the ancient Egyptians were advanced crystal healers. Body Work Body Work is more than just a massage, it's a whole concept. Body work theororizes that within our anatomy, is a story of unresolved problems and past traumas -- both physical and psychological. Body Work is a massage technique where deep, hard pressure is applied to the acupressure and related points of the blockages (in the body). This form of body work massage frees the client to release tension and feelings; is usually done through yelling, crying, muscular vibrations, release -- then followed by an overall sense of well being. Natural Remedy for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder - ADHD Attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a complex neurobehavioral disorder of higher brain functioning. ADHD is common among the disorders that get affected in childhood and adolescence. ADHD is a disorder of numerous contradictions. We can find different abilities in ADHD affected children resembling some children are very hyperactive, whereas others are quiet and under active.It is estimated that Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is affecting 3-9% of school-age children. The Secret Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) has been used for thousands of years for a variety of healing purposes. In fact, there are references to it in the Bible as a powerful healing agent. ACV contains a perfect balance of 19 vital minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sulfur, potassium, chlorine, sodium, iron, fluorine and silicon to name a few. Headaches/Migraine "Oh, how densely packed your head is, my sweet," sighs Grandmother Growth. "I'm afraid there's no room for new growth. If you could empty your mind, leave off worrying and planning for a while, and give in to the chaos and its random pleasures, just for a short time, I think you'd feel less pressure and your head would hurt less. The energy of your womb now circulates inside you and throbs in your head. Sit quietly; breathe out through the top of your head and imagine the breath falling gently down to earth. Rest your forehead against the earth. Place this cool stone on your third eye. Your Crone's Crowning comes closer. This is the work of your body; let your mind rest." Top 3 Yogis Secrets for Health and Happiness For hundreds of years, the yogi's have been known to know the secrets for health, peace and happiness. In this short, but informative article, I will briefly describe 3 of these secrets with you. Garlic ? My Favorite Healing Herb Garlic is a wonderful healing herb and, unlike many of the other herbs, it tastes great and can be incorporated into a variety of meals. Garlic has been used for over 5000 years as a healing herb and has strong antibacterial, and antiviral properties. But it's health benefits extend well beyond it's infection fighting properties. It is also reputed to help lower cholesterol and blood pressure as well as help protect against heart disease and stroke. Why Detox? For most of my life I considered myself fairly healthy. I was not overweight, very slim infact. I usually ate two to three meals per day, not a lot of junky type foods, so I thought. I was about to learn the hard way that my life style and eating habits were not healthy at all. Evening Primrose Oil Benefits The evening primrose oil which we use is extracted from the seeds of Oenthera biennis, a plant native to North America. The evening primrose plant resembles a primrose but is related to the willow herb group. The Aromatherapy Home Medicine Chest ? Part I: The Essential Oils Here we will have a brief look at ten essential oils considered by some to comprise the 'basic home care kit'. While by no means exhaustive, this list will go a long way to providing effective (and often pleasant!) treatments for you and your family for things like cuts and scrapes, sunburn, digestive troubles, stress related conditions and more. In the second article, we will cover specific applications and uses of each oil. ![]() |
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