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Preventive Medicine - Ayurveda
It should not be hard for anyone to imagine that man sought medicine to maintain life and gain knowledge since the time of his being pre-hominid and eating plants while learning which ones killed him. Your puppy or kitten will show this when it goes outside for the first time and eats grass to help its gastrointestinal processes. The Therapeutae of Pythagoras who some say developed the pentagram were learning from far more ancient insights that were being lost and we have lost a lot of the knowledge of healing he had in his chanting or 'Singing of the Spheres'. Ayurveda includes the use of herbs and plants combined with psychic arts of a healing nature. The proper practitioner includes psychology as part of the diagnosis and getting the patient to use their own mental or soulful energy. It comes from very ancient shamanism and has many names for its practice. This art is called ayurveda in India, and it has Taoist and Yogic corollaries. When I lived in Vegas I grew Aloe Vera, and its Vitamin E may be part of why it works to heal so many things. Comfrey tea is something my brother took to help a broken leg that wasn't healing in the traditional medical approach. There are many ways to enhance the immune system along with our natural ability to heal and help each other. 'Cleansing' auras or meridians of 'Chhi' or pranha, positive visualization and what is sometimes deemed wholistics have been available for longer than books or politicians were practicing their questionable arts. The ancient priests and shamans who were corruptible became even more so as this knowledge grew. The Inca's 'magic' and healing may have been one of the best balances of knowledge and compassion ever exercised on behalf of every citizen. Can you honestly say you trust the future of gene therapy and near immortality to our current system? Do you want more transparency or honesty? Shouldn't we all become 'informed consumers' and have alternatives considered when they make sense? Much of what Western doctors learn about anatomy and diseases is easily input and reacted to by modern computer and diagnostic tools. Can you imagine them ever putting these things in the public forum and trying to engage us all in honest dialogue that might diminish their power, money and influence? In China you don't pay the doctor when you are sick and preventive medicine is the rule. Bill and Hillary Clinton tried to emphasize 'preventive medicine' and ran into the same kind of lobbying that George Bush and Dan Quayle saw when they ran with a commitment to institute 'tort reform' in the legal system. The idea that a fully diluted homeopathic tincture might heal through some imprint left by Cyanide found in peach pits or laetrile is just one of the conundrums that science still struggles to face. But the fact is cyanide kills cells and results have been achieved by some people who might have attuned themselves with that small amount of Cyanide that Japanese researchers found in peach pits after the US researchers said there was no possible agent that could kill cancer cells in peach pits. The implications of this extend to genetic rituals that modern science cannot see the effects of, and other energy lattice memory or Intelligence. There are forces in society which seek to keep certain knowledge hidden or what one might term 'occulted'. We do need to learn to stop the shelving efforts or those who do the shelving and denigrating. They would rather have a monopoly and power before seeing all mankind capable of greater things. Author of Diverse Druids
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The Benefits of Swedish Massage Swedish massage is the most common form of relaxation massage offering many relaxing as well as healing properties to your body. Swedish massage combines the use of long strokes, kneading and friction techniques to manipulate the soft tissues of the body causing a variety of benefits to your body to help it to heal itself. Below is a list of benefits that you will receive from Swedish massage: Independent Research Proves Effectiveness of Magnotherapy Wristbands "Magnetic bracelets reduce the pain of osteoarthritis." Those are the findings of a scientifically peer reviewed clinical trial published in the British Medical Journal (Dec 17 04) The trial used specially designed 'Bioflow' magnets which use Central Reverse Polarity? made by Cornish company Ecoflow Plc. Holistic Is Not A Four-Lettered Word If you're anything like me, then you've got a certain picture in your mind of what *holistic* is supposed to be. For me, it's conjured up pictures of holy men, or shaman, doing a ritual dance while chanting mantras, and rubbing *energy crystals* in an effort to remove evil spirits from your life. It wasn't until I started doing research for my new book, *5 Keys To Health: A Holistic Approach* when I realized that my preconceptions couldn't have been more further from the truth. Your Home is a Toxic Waste Dump! Did you know that the household and beauty products that you purchase at your local store are unhealthy for your family? You probably don't know this because the chemical and manufacturing industries don't have to provide us with this information. Of course, many of these chemicals were originally intended to enhance our lifestyles. However, you really need to know that these "life-enhancing" products are actually polluting our health and environment. Your continued good health depends upon knowing this truth. This way you can limit your exposure to these toxic chemicals. Use Essential Oils and Herbs in a Sitz Bath for Hemorrhoid Relief Sitz bath using juniper and lavender oils What Causes Osteoporosis and Ten Changes You Can Make to Reduce Your Risk of Osteoporosis Ten Simple Lifestyle Changes You Can Make to Reduce Your Risk for Osteoporosis How I Was Overtaken By Evil Eye Envy! You are about to embark on a journey that only a percentage of the world's population has made. Throughout the journey, you will gain insight that will expand your horizons in the evil eye phenomenon. Water Therapy: Therapeutic and Esoteric Properties for Your Home Spa Smart Bathing Something New Interesting About Water Therapy. Natural Remedies and Prevention of Constipation Constipation is a problem that affects many Americans every day. Constipation is mainly due to poor eating habits, insufficient exercise, not getting enough fiber and not drinking enough water. Constipation is quite uncomfortable and most everyone knows when they have it. Common symptoms include: Check Your Colon Transient Time Many doctors and others in the health field may tell you that it is ok not to have a bowel movement everyday. This really goes against common sense. If you eat every day, you should have a bowel movement everyday or 18 to 25 hours after you eat. Fitness-related Benefits of Massage Ask someone their reason for getting a massage and you're likely to hear "because it feels good". We all know that a massage can relieve stress, help to make sore muscles feel better and even reduce anxiety, but can it help us achieve our fitness goals? Research shows that the massage you get to relieve stress can also have a positive effect on your muscle-building capabilities and fitness level. Using Herbs to Relieve Hemorrhoids ? Aloe Vera, Bilberry, Butchers Broom To relieve hemorrhoids first look for ways to get your bowels moving easier and more frequently so they produce softer stools. I have suggestion ways, in other articles, to do this by changing your diet. Constipation Relief With Fruits Part III Here's another group of fruits that you can use to get constipation relief. Use these every day for desert or in between meal. Use more than normal to get rid of constipation. Superb Skin Disorder Relief found in Common Diaper Rash Ointment "Accidental" discoveries are made each day. Common substances can sometimes be utilized for other purposes in which they were initially intended. One of these common substances, also known as the widely-used diaper rash ointment, (specifically) -- Dr. Sheffield's Diaper Rash ointment, a mostly natural compound composed of zinc oxide and vitamins A and D, standardly used for diaper rash, minor skin irritations and chafed skin. Kundalini Questions Alex Wrote; Memory Loss Memory loss affects thousands of people every year. Memory loss is often attributed to "getting older." In reality, age-related memory loss is a fallacy. The latest scientific research indicates that memory loss is actually a direct result of decreased use of the memory centers within the brain. Why Use An Aromatherapy Diffuser? We breathe 22,000 times a day, inhaling 400 cubic feet of air. How To Have Optimal Health and Energy: Seven Key Steps Hello! Feeling Helpless in the Face of Pain? Here Are 4 Ways That Visualization May Be Able to Ease You Back into Control Natural Pain Management Life in today's hectic society is going more and more in the direction of fast food restaurants, sugar in foods you would never think should be there, trans fatty acids, preservatives and pesticides which we consume in large amounts every year. We even go so far as to invent foods, such as artificial sugars, which your body (in my opinion) does not recognize as actual food. We are bombarded with hormones in most of our meats and dairy products. Girls are maturing physically at a much younger age because of this. With all this going on, it's no wonder that our immune systems are on overload and physical ailments are growing in leaps and bounds. Pain in some cases, is what some people's lives revolve around. ![]() |
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