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Alternative Medicine Information |
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Benefits of Alternative Medicine
With the growing number of people being affected by newly discovered chronic degenerative diseases such as AIDS and chronic fatigue syndrome, Are you worried or wondering.... Is it possible to maintain good health? What your body needs to function properly? Why conventional medicine is becoming more complicated and costly and in some cases simply ineffective? A growing number of people are turning to alternative medicine and natural healing--simple, traditional low-tech methods of preventing illnesses and solving everyday health problems. Do you have unanswered questions on.... Why are people flocking to health food stores, with their lotions and potions, and what keeps them going back for more? What to do if you or someone in your family falls ill? Are these therapies really old wives tales or can they really work? Even mainstream doctors have begun to recommend natural drugless therapies' to treat both everyday complaints and serious illnesses. Dietary modifications, for instance, has become the weapons of choice against a number of diseases that would have been treated mainly with prescription drugs a generation ago. It is now known that many conditions are caused by the wrong diet and can be reversed by the right diet. Heart disease, cancer, weight problems, arthritis, diabetes, high blood pressure--they can all be treated to some degree with foods. Natural therapies found in alternative medicine are actually much older than Western treatments such as surgeries and antibiotics. Experts estimate that herbal remedies and Ayurveda, the traditional medicine of India, has been around for 5,000 years. Many alternative medicine remedies began with scientific research or clinical impressions reported by physicians working with safe, natural substances. But we live in a generation now that has been cut off from this age-old tradition of self-reliance. Healing and health care have become almost--the exclusive province of duly licensed physicians. While doctors and other professionals-are indeed great to have around, what is not so great is when you cannot do anything without them. Shouldn't we be able to do something to save our health--maybe even our lives--without a doctor? What happens when medical help is not so readily available? What happens when doctoring simply does not work? Some of us go to doctor after doctor, and still no help. Is that the end of the line? While antibiotics have saved millions of lives, they have not really solved some resurgence of germs that are turning up in new forms that do not respond to conventional therapies. There has been a real shift in the way people think about their health. Rising health care cost is a factor in the recent surge of interest in alternative medicine. Many people are attracted to the alternative physicians emphasis on treating the whole person--body, mind and spirit. Most importantly some physicians use intensive counseling to help patients find out whether aspects of their daily lives, such as job stress, marital problems, diet or sleeping habits might be behind their symptoms. In this age of managed care and impersonal group practices patients find this individualized approach of alternative medicine particularly appealing. One of the principal goals of alternative medicine and natural healing is to break the cycle of dependency and allow people to be more in control of their own lives. Ruby Boyd is the owner of / a Natural Health and Beauty website that offers information on how to achieve health and beauty fitness goals naturally. You may contact me at: 3rdsista@bellsouth.net
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Constipation Remedy Using Citrus Juice Citrus Juices Foam Pillows are Changing the way the World Sleeps For countless people worldwide, getting a good night's sleep on a regular basis is an elusive, if not almost impossible, goal. The causes for this malady are numerous, and could consist of overwork, stress, pain, a sleep disorder, and the list goes on. While some people may require a physician's assistance in developing a normal sleep pattern, many Americans have found great benefit by merely changing one or more of their bedding products. Healing Through Stories Stories are powerful. How many times have you heard a child beg, *Tell me a story.* Scientists say we are wired to learn through stories. In fact, the first three polysyllabic words your child spoke are most likely Mommy, Daddy and story. Teas From Plants Around You and Their Benefits All teas unless specified are brewed with 1 teaspoon dry material or 2 teaspoons fresh material to 1 cup of water. Always steep. This means pouring hot water over material and letting set for 5 - 15 minutes. Always dry leaves and roots out of the sun, in dark airy places. Then store in airtight containers. Various Types of Herbal Medicine: Used for Thousands of Years to Successfully Treat Diseases Interest in medicinal herbs is on the rise again and the interest is primarily from the pharmaceutical industry, which is always looking for 'new drugs' and more effective substances to treat diseases, for which there may be no or very few drugs available. The Importance of a Parasite Cleanse A parasite cleanse is required if your body is overburdened with other toxins. A parasite is an organism that derives its food, nutrition and shelter by living in or on another organism. Therefore, by its very nature, it robs nutrients from its host and, by its very existence, it deflects the host's immune system from warding off disease. Within the broad term "parasite", a range of creatures can fall ? worms, flukes, mites, yeast, bacteria and viruses, just to name a few. While your first reaction maybe one of disgust, keep in mind that your body does need certain beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract to keep your system in balance. Ever had a yeast infection? This is when the parasitic yeasts have overwhelmed the beneficial yeasts, most often with the assistance of what has become our annual dose of antibiotics. Working with an Intuitive Counselor: Opening the Door to Yourself "Oh, I've had a psychic reading before. They read some cards and wanted to know when my birthday was and then told me I'd meet a man in the next 6 months, but I never did." I've heard this from clients before. The difference is that after working with an Intuitive Counselor, they see that intuition, psychic ability and energy awareness is for so much more. Tea Tree Oil Tea Tree Oil is one of the most useful products in nature. It has been used by some Aboriginal People in Australia for many centuries as one of their most useful medicines. Tea Tree oil is derived from Melaleuca Alternifloria which is a narrow-leafed paper bark tree that is native to certain parts of Australia. Some people think that it is called the Tea Tree because Captain Cook, who sailed from England in the 17th Century, used the leaves to make a tea from when they first voyaged to Australia, hence the name Tea Tree. Captain Cook found that it was good at combating scurvy a disease that many of his crew suffered from at that time due to a lack of fresh fruit and fresh vegetables. Understanding Herbology The use of herbs as early forms of medicine or healing aid dates back centuries, as far back as the Ancient Egyptians, Greeks, East Indian, Chinese, and many South American Cultures. Herbs are generally safe and like warm sunshine, natural and beneficial to mind, body and spirit, not to mention affordable compared to prescription medicine. Herbs can be listed in three main categories, food, medicinal, and poisonous. Alternative Fibromyalgia Therapies Fibromyalgia is a mysterious disease that is effecting more and more people, as increasing numbers of patients are being diagnosed with this disorder. What is fibromyalgia, and what are some alterative therapies and treatments for this often-times debilitating disease? Natural Remedy for Motion Sickness Motion sickness is a normal response to real, perceived, or anticipated movement. People tend to experience motion sickness on a moving boat, train, airplane, automobile, or amusement park rides. Head movement can increase motion sickness. Avoid drinking alcohol or eating a heavy meal before travel. During an extended flight, eat small meals and drink small amounts of fluids either before or during a flight to help reduce nausea and vomiting. As we know very well, prevention is better than cure; the following natural remedy measures may be adopted for curing motion sickness. NMT: Trigger Point Therapy and What to Look for in a T Bar Massage therapy is as ancient as noodles. People have been striving to reach a state of ultimate comfort and efficiency, while at the same time, cutting the work load. Mud Baths at Your Home Spa- the Pros and Cons "If you truly love Nature, you will find beauty everywhere" -Vincent Van Gogh Straddling the Science/Magic Line: A Look At Magnetic Therapy What's the difference between science and magic? It's our understanding of what makes something happen. Basilic : A Priceless Uplifter "The smell of basil is good for the heart, it taketh away sorrowfulness, which commeth of melancholy and maketh a man merry and glad". (John Gerard) Medical Alert Jewelry: A Life Saving Fashion Statement No one really wants to be labeled as "different." And certainly, no one wants to create that label and apply it to him or herself. But many medical conditions require some form of identification indicating that such a condition exists and must be considered in the case of an emergency. Thus, millions of people with hundreds of medical conditions must advertise that fact simply to protect themselves. For many, jewelry is the chosen medium. Headaches/Migraine "Oh, how densely packed your head is, my sweet," sighs Grandmother Growth. "I'm afraid there's no room for new growth. If you could empty your mind, leave off worrying and planning for a while, and give in to the chaos and its random pleasures, just for a short time, I think you'd feel less pressure and your head would hurt less. The energy of your womb now circulates inside you and throbs in your head. Sit quietly; breathe out through the top of your head and imagine the breath falling gently down to earth. Rest your forehead against the earth. Place this cool stone on your third eye. Your Crone's Crowning comes closer. This is the work of your body; let your mind rest." Pendulum Dowsing: Easy To Learn Techniques Pendulum Dowsing is a very fun and simple way to begin to measure energy fields. Since we all live in a world that is comprised of energy, and since we all have energy in and around our physical bodies, the ability to recognize and measure energy can be valuable and useful. More Sinus Headaches Home Remedies One of the best sinus headaches home remedies, is called acupressure. All you got to know is your sinus points and then you can use this acupressure method to treat your self and rid yourself of the pain, and the best thing about the acupressure method is that it has no side effects. This is one of those sinus headaches home remedies that you can do completely on your own and if you are doing it properly, you can get almost instant relief. I have described the steps in detail in the points that follow, try doing it and I promise you, you'll be glad you did. Quit Smoking Through Hypnosis You have seen and heard the warnings. You know what smoking is doing to your lungs. Perhaps you have tried to quit smoking before, but the gum tastes bad and no matter how hard you tried you just can't pretend that the inhaler is a smoke. You've even tried counseling and prescription medications. So, what else is there for you to try? You should definitely consider hypnosis to help you quit smoking. ![]() |
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