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Contact Lenses Explained And Compared To Glasess
Many people over the past ten years have changed from glasses to contact lenses but are they really worth it? This is a question that you need to answer for yourself. Many people change to contacts as they find them less expensive to purchase and certainly less expensive to replace. If you lead an active life well contacts are for you Most people involved in some sort of sporting activity much prefer contact lenses and that's for the obvious reasons. Contacts are less dangerous and many sporting organisations will not let you participate if you are wearing glasses. Many parents are now opting for lenses over glasses for their children as a safety precaution. Kids live active lives and with lenses at least you have some piece of mind, if your child falls as they do, glass in the eye will not be an issue. Change your eye color with colored lenses Over the past four years we have seen a trend developing in colored lenses. Many people who do not even need contacts are buying clear lenses for fashion reasons. They are relatively inexpensive and it a fun way to see what you would look like with a different eye color or shade. I'm to old too change from glasses to lenses You are never too old to move to contact lenses. Many older people imagine lenses taking to much time to install and an expensive on going commodity. Your eye specialist will do your first installation and will prove just how easy and quickly it is to put the lenses in. The only thing I will say is that, lenses can take a few day to get used to. Your pupils need a small amount of time to adjust but once over this minor issue you will never look back. What type of lenses do I require? Research has shown that over 80% of people using contact lenses are currently using soft contacts. Your doctor will best advise you. You will need an eye test for lenses. This test is different to the test for glasses so you will need one. Cleaning your lenses is very important Always clean your lenses. Unlike glasses the lenses have to be inserted over the pupil and cleaning will keep away the risk of infection. You can purchase the cleaning solution very cheaply. I wear glasses because I have astigmatism, can contacts help with this? Yes they can. Toric contact lenses are used tackle people with astigmatism. Unlike most contacts these lenses remain stationary in the eye and do not move around. You can get soft lenses in the Toric range. Toric can cost a little extra but some people find them more comfortable to wear than the standard. You can also get colored Toric lenses. What are Bifocal contact lenses? Bifocal contact lenses are used to tackle a problem called Presbyopia. Presbyopia is a common condition suffered by many. A clear sign of presbyopia is when you need to hold the newspaper or other content further away than normal to make out the content. Bifocal contact lenses operate very similarly to that of bifocal glasses. They have dual function and tackle persbyopia depending on your vision difficulty. The lenses operate to correct distance vision and also to repair short vision. Once again you can get the Bifocal contacts in different colored lenses. What about disposable contact lenses? Disposable lenses are by far the most type of lenses sold today. Many opticians (eye doctors) much prefer prescribing disposable lenses. The main reason being there is less chance of infection setting in. Disposables lenses are generally cheap and sold in packs (sometimes large quantities). They tend to be changed every two weeks or less. You still need to clean these lenses even tough you are changing them regularly. Where is the cheapest place to purchase contact lenses? The Internet is the cheapest place according to our sources. Watch out for delivery charges. You may be getting a great deal on the lenses in general but some companies load on with hefty delivery charges. Get the delivery in order and you will find great bargains for quality branded lenses. About the Author
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Is Heat or Ice Better for Arthritis Pain? You probably know that applying heat or ice to a painful joint can help relieve pain, but have questions about these simple techniques. Which one? Why? How often? How long? Gallbladder Disorders And How To Treat Them Using Natural Remedies The gallbladder is a 3 to 4 inch-long pear-shaped organ located on the right side of the body, directly under the liver. One of the functions of the liver is to remove poisonous substance from blood so that they can be excreted from the body. The liver excretes all these gathered toxins in a digestive agent called bile. Bile also contains cholesterol, bile salts, lecithin, and other substances. The bile (about one pint of it every day) goes first to the gallbladder, which holds it until food arrives in the small intestine. The gallbladder then releases the bile, which passes through cystic and bile ducts into the small intestine. Ultimately, the toxins are passed out of the body through the feces. The Source of All Disease So why is there disease? The very word means that the body is in a state of Diss-Ease. It is certainly not being provided with the optimal conditions that it requires to maintain itself healthily. Unless you provide it with the right conditions, mentally, physically and spiritually, it will not function at its optimum level. Alternative Medicine & Herbal Preparations Alternative medicine is gaining more attention every day. The idea that one can heal their body, prevent physical symptoms and even treat them - naturally - is very appealing. It is especially appealing in the wake of some alarming findings on popular prescription medications which resulted in them being pulled from shelves due to health hazards. The Honeybush Miracle Perhaps a little eclipsed by the world-wide success of Rooibos, another natural South African health tea, Honeybush; is finally getting the attention it deserves. Empowering Ourselves with the New Energy Dynamic The chakras are an important part of our energy anatomy. Ideally we would like to feel that all of the chakras in our body are fully functioning. This is not the case. The un-empowering beliefs & excess electromagnetic energy within our energy anatomy, which we hold onto, create blocks. Excess electro-magnetic (blocked energy) surrounds the fear filled & worry filled events of our life. Clearing the energy anatomy releases its buildup. This released energy then becomes available to us in the Now. The electrical potentials in the brain pathways can be altered by an act of consciousness, i.e. intent. These intents focus our attention to various centers of the body, using our consciousness to direct the flow of energy. Light is literally the messenger of the electromagnetic field. Light is within the essence of our cells, and the DNA. The DNA is tuned and corrected by this flow of light. Arthritis and Aromatherapy Arthritis is an inflammation of the joints and is characterized by pain, stiffness, swelling, decreased range of movement and at a more serious stage deformity. Aromatherapy is a holistic approach to health and wellness by means of aromatic, plant derived scents. It is very much a traditonal method as well as a science that encompasses the intuitive and creative aspects of preparing special purpose blends. The Healing Effect of Scented Candles In June 2002, I was a bridesmaid at my cousin's wedding when I had my first panic attack (or "episode" as I called it at the time). I managed to get through the wedding without anyone knowing I was having a problem, but in two months I was going to be a bridesmaid at my sister's wedding. What if I this "episode" happened to me again at my sister's wedding? Well, it did happen again, well before my sister's wedding. Alternative Fibromyalgia Therapies Fibromyalgia is a mysterious disease that is effecting more and more people, as increasing numbers of patients are being diagnosed with this disorder. What is fibromyalgia, and what are some alterative therapies and treatments for this often-times debilitating disease? Natural Remedies and Prevention of Constipation Constipation is a problem that affects many Americans every day. Constipation is mainly due to poor eating habits, insufficient exercise, not getting enough fiber and not drinking enough water. Constipation is quite uncomfortable and most everyone knows when they have it. Common symptoms include: What Is A Holistic Practitioner? Holistic Practitioners are holistic healing professionals with a gift in one or more areas of healing. From bodyworkers to homeopaths to hypnotherapists, the term holistic practitioner has become one that is often challenging to describe or understand. Hopefully this article will provide you with some clarity on what a holistic practitioner is and how to find one that meets your individual needs. The Tribrain and Trauma Therapy When someone experiences a trauma they go into immediate shock. This is very similar to hypnosis. Under hypnosis a person is more suggestible and tends to remember everything that occurred while in that state, even if it is on a subconscious level. Because of this a person, when abused, will remember vividly everything about what it was to feel like a victim and they will also remember everything about what it is like to be an abuser. Chypre Ecology Massage Magic - Music & Touch What Massage Therapists Do! Ginger for Upset Stomach The common ginger root used in cooking has been found to alleviate nausea, indigestion, and motion sickness. Sun Chlorella and the Benefit Sun Chlorella is referred to as the Green Magician due to the amazing healing powers of sun chlorella and its benefit of chlorella. Also known as the 'Super food', sun chlorella is packed full of the benefit of chlorella! Chlorella contains the highest levels of chlorophyll of all earth's foods and has many benefits of chlorella. Genital Herpes - Natural and Alternative Treatment Remedies Modern medical science has not been able to produce a cure for the herpes simplex virus (HSV) and can only offer pharmaceutical solutions that help ease the pain and speed up recovery from a genital herpes outbreak. For those that don't want to turn to medication to manage a lifetime of outbreaks, several holistic and natural remedies may offer a safer alternative. Organic Bedding and Organic Mattresses by Prescription Only? Effective January 1, 2005, California law requires all mattresses contain chemical based fire retardancy for "public safety". This law may become national within a year, and is under consideration by the Consumer Products Safety Commission. California residents can buy chemical-free organic mattresses with a letter or prescription from a doctor, which can be mailed or faxed to at time of purchase. Unfortunately, this legislation may eventually extend to organic bedding and organic clothing. Preventing Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy Through Ayurveda Definition: Benign prostatic hypertrophy is swelling of Prostate gland. The prostate is a walnut sized gland that is only present in men. It is located just below the bladder and top of the penis. This gland surrounds the urethra ( the tube through which urine flows from the bladder and out through the penis ). It is a very astonishing fact to know that the condition BPH has been explained in ayurveda long back. The anatomical position of prostate gland, symptoms of BPH and its remedies are explained by Acharya Sushruta. Magnetic Therapy: The Facts (and Some Myths) Is magnet therapy regarded yet as a mainstream therapy? I consider it is not and through this series of articles I hope to raise awareness by examining a number of issues that have stood in the way of mass acceptance. ![]() |
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