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A Lesson in Letting Go
Do you hear yourself saying? When I have enough money, I'll... When I go on vacation, I'll... As soon as I find the right partner, I'll... When the house is clean, I'll be able to... When I can afford a better car, I'll... When this project is over, I'll... As soon as I get more clients, I'll... I can't leave work, or I'll... When my kids are grown and moved out,I'll... How much of your life do you put on hold? During coaching sessions, people share their "I'll's" with me all the time. The most popular justifications are that they are waiting waiting for the money or the time to magically open up. Tracking the reasons over a ten year period and finding the bottom line truth, people aren't hungry enough to do what it takes to find or create the money. I'm sure you have accomplished many things in your life without money. Thus, why would you believe that these I'll can't be on that list as well? There are five elements involved with achieving prosperity. Money only one of them. Energy (sometimes mislabelled as power), love, time and success are the other four. Belief underlies this whole process. The belief that you need money to accomplish whatever is on your list. The belief that there are no other options. And so many more. What are your beliefs that are placing your "I'll's" on your hold list? And excellent question. However, until you are aware of what's on the list, and they are a true want, you don't open up your vision to their possibilities. The biggest time I was aware of this in my life was some years back when my father was very ill. He said to me, "Go after your dream, don't wait for anything." I'm sure you've heard that as well somewhere in your life. Discussing that further with him, I realized that I didn't know what I wanted. So I thought. I soon realized that that wasn't it at all. I just didn't believe it was possible to "really" live the way I wanted. Since then, I travelled for a year all over the world, attending and teaching at conferences, attending universities, and even personally studying with well-known writers. And how it all came about was still an awesome miracle to me. Most of the adventure paid for by someone else, or an organization. But I had to take risks, at least they were big risks to me. Sometimes I didn't know how I was going to get there or back, where I was going to sleep, or what to do in between destinations. In every situation, every instance, things appeared that still leave me spell bound. And it all began with a little trust and belief. Since this time other amazing adventures appeared, including studying with some of the most amazing people in the world. Can this happen for you? You bet it can. Dr. Wayne Dyer, Donald Walsh, and Deepak Chopra, three I now call friends, tell you all about it in their books and lectures as well. What underlies all this? One thing -- our belief system. If you believe you must have money in order to do something, then you will need to. You closed the window to possibilities. If you need all the answers before you start, you will get exactly that, waiting on all the answers to appear. Have you given up on one of your "I'lls"? As children, we don't understand adult situations. We hear this and that and when there are gaps, we toss in whatever is available from our warehouse of experiences. We usually carry this learning experience until we seniors. And there is an awakening when we realize there are less years ahead than behind. A new wisdom emerges. Until...you... 1. Ask new questions when these beliefs saboteur your success. This is examining that belief. When this occurs, it is important to ask these valuable questions: (1) What is the belief? You need to name it to claim it. Many times, we don't want to own that belief -- we avoid the ownership. This denial dances around until we can no longer stay behind the way. Until it gets bad enough... we're broke, eating our loneliness away, and other destructive habits. Learn to name it, this automatically starts the change, then take it one step at a time from that point. Don't look jump the ocean. Stick your toe in the water. It's cold water and you need to get used to it a little at a time. Give it daily conscious thought. Just by doing this alone, you build the boat that will cross the ocean. (2) Does the belief serve me any longer? Did the belief serve you when you were a teenager, and now you are 55? Adjust it for the age. (3) Who says the belief needs to be this way? What gives them the right to say this? Are they just transferring their own belief to you? Don't be willing to accept it. Form your own. Give it some space. (4) Who will be upset if you change this belief? The fear of losing someone, confronting someone on their beliefs is nerve wracking to most people. Do you really need to confront them on it? No. Do you need to tell them they are wrong? No. Do you need to let it go and form your own? Yes. Take more leaps of faith! Change your beliefs, every single one that isn't current serving you. Stop, I'll'ing...or when'ing. It takes space to open up and invite abundance and prosperity into your life. If you life is too full with excuses, what ifs, or someday you'll, there isn't any room. Invest in yourself today and every day of your life, not just your money. Invest in your own energy, your personal power, your love for yourself and others, your time, and your success. The payoff is the biggest in the world...happiness... living your life now and not later. Be brave, not much, just a little. Take a leap of faith purposely every day for the next week. When it works, continue the process. One toe at a time. Create the new space needed to invite abundance in. Go ahead, go in. The waters fine. Stop waiting for the eclipse marks to stop. They stop when you take the leap! Catherine Franz, a Certified Professional Marketing & Writing Coach, specializes in product development, Internet writing and marketing, nonfiction, training. Newsletters and articles available at: http://www.abundancecenter.com blog: http://abundance.blogs.com
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Are You The Worlds Expert On Yourself? Congratulations! You are the world's expert. Do I Need to Visualize to Manifest my Desires? You've heard me talk in previous articles about Deliberate attraction. The Law of Attraction is a powerful force that is operating in every moment, including this moment right now. Knowing that we all offer a vibration (vibe) in every moment, and that The Law of Attraction matches that vibration and brings us more of the same vibration (whether wanted, or unwanted), it is important for us to understand the significance of becoming deliberate about what it is that we are vibrationally offering. The more we learn to apply The Law of Attraction to our lives and tap into this powerful force, the more deliberate we learn to become as attractors. This speeds up the manifestation of our desires. And that brings us to the topic of this article. Is visualization needed to manifest our desires? Is Effortless Prosperity Really Possible? Dear friends, Complete Self Acceptance One of the most important parts of Personal Mastery is 'Self Acceptance'. This is much more than the usual 'self esteem' issues that we hear about, although that's a part of it. Break the Cycle The other day I was walking out of a store and a guy who appeared to be homeless stepped up to me and asked if I could spare some change. I gave him a few dollars and struck up a conversation with him. I thought I would share some positive information with him and do you know what? He got offensive and told me to leave him alone. He said he LIKED his life just the way it was and walked away from me-angry. (He did take the money though.) I thought that was a bit strange-not that he took the money but, how could he like a life where whether or not he ate depended on whether or not someone else gave him a few dollars. But, hey, as my mother use to say, "to each his own". Personally, I don't believe he likes his life. I do believe that HE believes that there is nothing he could do about it and he has lived that way for so long that he simply has adapted to the life style and sees it as normal. All of his friends are probably in the same situation that he is in and they too have adapted and accepted it as a way of life. Avoid a Life of Regrets With Your Yes List How many times have you told yourself "yes!" today? Not enough I bet. Yes is the most powerful word in the English language. Prosperity on Purpose for a Purpose Whilst everyone seems hell bent on becoming "wealthy" at all costs, the desire to become prosperous has seemed to fall to the background. I see building ones wealth as very one dimensional. It can potentially become a very selfish path if you are not careful. Listening Is As Important As Speaking While engaging in conversations with friends and co-workers, how often do you feel that the other person has truly heard what you've said? Breaking News: The Answer May Not Be In The Infomercial Financial Course The other night, leg cramps kept me up at night so I found myself watching these various couples discuss their success over buying a Real Estate course in this infomercial, at 2AM. Other Peoples Opinions In a society where interaction is part of everyday life, and other people form a vital part of life, other people's opinions are actually important in where we fit into society. However, we often think we know what other people are thinking and base our actions around those 'apparent' opinions. Do Good Deeds & Get Rewarded? A Universal Mystery Uncovered Do you believe in the idea of "abundance" or do you see the whole notion as just a load of "airy-fairy" nonsense spouted by "new age" goody goodies? Top 10 Ways to Use Attraction To Build Your Business Most business people would rather have customers seek us out based on a strong personal referral from a satisfied customer, than go to the expense of mass advertising. It's called marketing through attraction. It's about offering phenomenal value. It's about being liked, about being respected, about having potential customers wanting to do business with us! It's very efficient, and it's very cool! The problem is that for most business leaders the specifics are often vague or confusing. Here are ten practical steps: My Other Life is Exciting, is Yours? Everyone dreams of a more exciting life or a life that is different to the one they are living now. Visualization: Attracting Your Dreams and Desires Visualization is an essential tool for attracting your dreams and desires. To manifest in your outer life, your dreams must first manifest inside your mind. The Law of Attraction - Make it Work For You The Law of Attraction responds to whatever vibration you are sending out into the Universe. You will receive more of what you are vibrating whether it is desired or not. This law does not decide whether what it is returning is good for you or not, it simply responds to your vibration. We Are All Literally Two-Faced "Your face is my map to your life." - Houdini, magician Creating Your Own Destiny If you don't know where you are going, you won't know how to get there. How can you get a sense of purpose or meaning in life unless you have dreams or visions of what you want to achieve? Goals are dreams with deadlines, which propel you on your journey of self-discovery and self-achievement. Do You Want Raspberry, Chocolate Or Vanilla? Descartes once wrote, "I think, therefore I am!" and 'hidden' in plain view amongst those five small words ? for all the world to see ? lays the secret to unlimited success. Do you see it? Simple Truths for Change, Healing, and a Magnificent Life! Many people on the planet are realizing that the key to a healthier, happier and life of abundance can be distilled into simple truths. We live in a complex and cluttered world. Take a deep breath and listen to this: October: A Month of Personal Harvest October is hands down my favorite month. Every year l look forward to a visit to Lynd's Fruit Farm in Pataskala, Ohio. My husband and I get in the car on a crisp day and take in the leaves displaying their glorious colors as we travel the country road. Once we reach the farm, I pour through bushel baskets brimming with gourds and Indian corn, wander the pumpkin patch, and pluck ripe apples from the trees. In addition, I reflect upon the hard work that was put in months before by the Lynd's in anticipation of this one month of autumn abundance. ![]() |
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