The Keys To Faster Evolution

Prosperity is management of positive energy. It's individual capacity to pour energy out in the world and re-circulate back in our life. The greater we share our energy and prosperity in the universe, greater will be recirculation of the same energy into our life.

1. The greatest energy management is harmonizing male and female energies. Dropping all the concepts of unworthiness of self or others our since potentialities that we are all god's (male and females) animating in different forms. The greater is our generosity and respect for the world animating in all the possible combinations (dissolution of duality and there by faulty perception of dual universe), greater is our capacity and potential for energy. Feminine in all her forms (I mean Divine principle of female without attachment) has to be respected and worshipped by the seeker of wealth since she is the source of energy and the more you awaken her to her truest nature, the greater she will enthuse you with energy. It's all about raising and looking the sacredness of the universe beyond the animated drama of human existence.

Don't look just at the form, but penetrate into its essence and you will discover that you are eternal spirit and you have never been apart from power, peace and abundance. Seek to be guided by feminine and you will start harmonizing instead of fighting with the greatest ally in your existence. Never criticize her or blame, instead let her work with her own intelligence.

2. Drop all the sense of unworthiness. It's not who you are, it is a self hypnosis acquired unconsciously. We are basically crippled because we living in second hand reality handed over to us by means of our upbringing and impressions so far. It has instilled huge sense of unworthiness in us which traps us in reality which is not consistent with our true nature. The more you reside and relax in the true nature, the greater will be the protection from the events created by the mask of unworthiness which we have acquired unconsciously. Now just relax and know that you are creative and guided by the highest intelligence and all the unworthiness will be dropped eventually.

3. You will start manifesting greater reality since all the thoughts of your own unworthiness will be dropped once you are inspired by the highest in you and others. The observer is affecting the reality through the filter of his own perception. The upward the perception moves about the highest in yourself and others, the upward the reality and evolution moves. The more you assert the highest in you, the more it starts manifesting in life. Don't be caught up in the means but move and search with spirit. All the doors will be opened for the seeker.

4. Practice -WHAT IS "SEXUAL CONTINENCE"? It is described simply by means of the injunction to make love "without emitting semen", or by the recommendation that one should fix, hold, contain, stop, or stabilize one's semen, or by speaking about sex as being timeless or endless. Because there is no accidental male sexual release in sexual continence, erotic fusion between lovers is not forced to end. Therefore this type of lovemaking provides the unhurried sexual context that allows lovers to become immersed in the endless immediate present moment, while their bodies spontaneously move together as one. Read more about this since there is plenty of material available on Internet on this most important aspect and YOGA of life. This helps move your energy and intelligence in the upward direction.

Author: Santosh Kunte ?Mumbai India. An avid reader of the spiritual knowledge, engineering graduate and executive. Loves reading meditation and sharing. You can reach me for your valuable feedback or you can reach me for your problems of finance, relationship etc. by dropping an e-mail to me on

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