Make Money by Making a Life as Mother Teresa Did

Many people forget business is a way of service. When you serve others, you make a life instead of making a living. Jesus said he came to serve others in his Father's business. I am not religious, but it is very important to understand the point. If you think of business as a spiritual event, you are co-creating with the Universe. That is to say, it is an opportunity to make this world a better place to live.

Mother Teresa is a wonderful example of someone who lived life fully by serving others. She helped those in need through her acts of kindness and love. Through her hard work and living her life as a child of God, others were able to make their dreams come true. Serving others is between you and God, not between you and them. God is in charge and through him you will find serenity and happiness.

As regards Mother Teresa, I am hesitant to talk about her and money at the same time. According to polls, Mother Teresa is the most respected woman in the world. By the way, it is unpleasant how several websites talk about her as someone with pecuniary interests. The most reliable reports we have about her confirm she never promotes fundraising. Nevertheless, I beg your permission to talk about her example.

Money is energy. When you find your purpose in life and practice it, you create positive energy, abundant energy. One component to prove you have found your purpose in life is when part of your mission is serving humanity. As soon as you fulfill this purpose, abundance surrounds you.

Mother Teresa is not excluded from this example. She won seven awards and prizes, but she always behaved according to her mission in life. Excuse me for saying this, but she could have taken a pleasure trip, a worldwide vacation. Instead, she said, "I see God in every human being." And all the money she received from the awards and prizes went to her centers, which devoted all their energy towards helping treat the blind, lepers, the dying, the disabled, and the aged.

I dare to use Mother Teresa's work as an example because it is real. When your main purpose is to fulfill your mission in life, money inevitably comes into your life because money is energy, and you are generating plenty of energy. Of course, your mission might not be to help the sick, the poor, and the dying.

Mother Theresa said, "It is not how much we do, but how much love we put in the doing. It is not how much we give, but how much love we put in the giving." But one thing is true: when you find your passion and intentionally fulfill your purpose in life, you will generate enough energy to attract anything into your life. This includes money, too.

When you really do what you love, you will enjoy life with abundance. And you will be able to help others with love. Learn to find your purpose in life, and do what you love. You will start making a life instead of a living. You will never work again because when you do what you love, you fulfill the noble mission of serving others too. Everything will be given to you, and you will not need to seek the approval of others. You will want to work to serve them.

Mother Teresa said, "If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies; succeed anyway. The good you do today, people will forget tomorrow; do good anyway. Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough; give the world the best you've got anyway. You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and God. It never was between you and them anyway."

You make a living by intensively serving others. You can do this through your business. Anything you do to make a living is a business. Even a spiritual group is a business. Jesus said he came to work in his Father's business. Therefore, money is definitely spiritual.

Find your mission in life as Mother Teresa did and you will attract huge amounts of money into your life. You will make a living (that is, money) by serving others (that is, making a life). The pleasure of the material things will be a part of your spiritual reward.

I go deeper about this topic in my most recent book, THE TEN ENLIGHTENED TEACHINGS OF THE GRAND MASTERS: A complete guide to making universal laws work for you. Please visit my web site at

Copyright © 2004 All Rights Reserved. By Pedro Avalos

Pedro Avalos, is a teacher by nature, is also writer and motivator. He has become very famous for his practical and revolutionary ecourse "How to Be Motivated for Success Every Moment of Your Life." This person has outstanding teaching credentials and many personal success stories-many people who contact him have had unbelievable results by applying these tips! Now he has summarized this course and all the experiences of more than 20 years helping people to be motivated every moment in his book TEN ENLIGHTENED TEACHINGS.

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