Are You Thinking About What Youre Thinking About

Do you realize that your belief system is ultimately what will determine whether you live a successful life or not?

Since your thoughts are what your belief system is composed of, you should take great care in what you are thinking about because your thoughts influence the outcome of every area of your life.

Are you thinking about what you're thinking about? The Bible says, "As a man thinks, so is he" (Proverbs 23:7). I believe it is safe to assume that as a man continues to think, so he will remain. Along the same line, as a man changes his thinking, so he will change himself, and therefore, his circumstances.

Obviously the key to changing your belief system is changing your thoughts.

Can you think of some things you may have heard growing up that could be influencing your beliefs today? How about "I wish I had two nickels to rub together" or "If I had a dollar I would stay up all night and watch it."

Needless to say this kind of programming is detrimental to your well-being. If you were told that money doesn't grow on trees, you will believe that money is hard to come by and you will always struggle with lack. If you were teased about being fat as a child you may struggle with your weight today.

If you were constantly told that you were fat as a child your belief system says you're fat, and even though dieting and excercise will work just like it will for anyone, you will not sustain permanent weight loss. The fat child picture burns in your mind causing you to regain any weight you may have lost.

The same goes for finances. If you've never had a large amount of money and all of a sudden come into some, you will probably find a way to blow it all. You will sabotage it because in your mind, you do not see yourself as a financially successful person. It is a fact that the working class earn and spend and the wealthy save and invest. It's all a matter of thinking, and thinking is a matter of beliefs.

Procrastination, tardiness, lack of follow through, fear of failure are all qualities that start as thoughts. These thoughts can became entrenched in your belief system and become obstacles to living an abundant and prosperous life.

Think rightly about the things you want to attract. Get around like minded people who have the kind of life you want to live. Go out to dinner with them, sit around a fire pit and talk about ideas, or play golf together. If they are not physically accessible, listen to their tapes and read their books.

We must take care of what we put into our minds. For what goes in may also come out.

Daniel N. Brown is the publisher of the "Living your Abundant and Prosperous Life" Newsletter. A FREE weekly publication that teaches how to live the abundant and prosperous life. Receive a FREE 7 page report entitled, "How to Receive from God" when you sign up.

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