Do You Have Tickets To Your Dream Theater?

I'd like you to do an exercise with me.

I want you to use your imagination to construct a dream theater.

Begin by visiting your living room in your mind's eye.

Now this is not the living room you now believe in and have created in actuality, but this is your living room in the future.

Notice how everything is different. Make it bigger, brighter, and closer. Feel the vivid emotions of this dream living room.

Expand this vision a little more. Deepen this vision quest.

See the other rooms. See the house. See the neighborhood. Fly higher on the wings of desire and see a marvelous new world.

Now populate your house with the people you would like to share your time and space.

What kind of work are you doing? What kind of impact on the world are you now having? In what ways is your life deeper, richer, and more fulfilling?

Do this exercise right now and then come back to this article.

Do you find yourself believing the story you just told yourself?

Was your dream real for a moment? Or did it seem more like just another pipe dream? If your desire was intense enough, it will have aroused within you a sense of certainty, a taste of possibility.

Once upon a time, Benjamin Franklin flew a kite and discovered electricity. Today every home in the developed world is lit by electric light. In fact, we take electricity for granted.

Once upon a time, the Wright brothers flew the first airplane and discovered aerial transportation. Today every major city in the world is connected by airports. In fact, we take travel by air for granted.

Similarly your dream is calling to you to awaken it and to bring it forth into form and function. Your ambition is trying to arouse you from your conditioned slumbers.

Your dream exists because it is your way to be uniquely yourself. It also exists because it wants to change the world for the better.

What has to happen before you will act on your dream and learn all you need and do all that is necessary to bring it into reality? Dare you allow yourself to unleash your aspiration?

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Saleem Rana got his masters in psychotherapy from California Lutheran University, Thousand Oaks, Ca., 15 years ago and now resides in Denver, Colorado. His articles on the internet have inspired over ten thousand people from around the world. Discover how to create a remarkable life

Copyright 2005 Saleem Rana. Please feel free to pass this article on to your friends, or use it in your ezine or newsletter. It's a shareware article.

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