Millionaire Mindset: We Become What We Think About

In studying wealth, we learn the power of using our mind to attract either success or failure. By visualizing what we want to happen - or conversely what we fear will happen - we employ a mental magnet that helps to manifest our thoughts. To get rich, the first step is to make sure you have a millionaire mindset."

Many wealth counselors stress the importance of positive thinking- and we agree with them. Whether thoughts of poverty or wealth, you can be sure that your "magnet" is working perfectly. The results of your present thinking will soon be seen. If you have a millionaire mindset, those results will probably be everything you've hoped for.

In The Psychology of Achievement, success trainer Brian Tracy has distilled the essence of Napolean Hill's classic advice in Think and Grow Rich with this concept articulated as well as we have yet seen:

"Any thought, plan, goal, or idea, held continuously in our conscious mind must bebrought about into reality by the Super Conscious Mind? Do you have the discipline, the control, the perseverance, the persistence, and determination to hold your goal or ambition clearly in your mind long enough for it to come about into reality? This is one of the most important summaries of the Laws of Success that you will ever identify."

What's on your mind today?

In addition to concepts like the Millionaire Mindset, offers people of all income levels wealth-building strategies in the areas of small business, entrepreneurship, self development, personal finance, trading, and investing. The site's exclusive Wealth Notes presentation style makes learning easy for people seeking financial independence.

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