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Creating Relationship Synergy through Rapport Building
One of the great things about rapport is that it doesn't matter whether you have agreement or not with the other party. Remember some of the conversations you've had in the past with your best friend, partner or even children. Do you always agree with them? What happens when you disagree? Is it the end of the world or is there friendly banter? Sometimes we simply agree to disagree. I heard someone say once "You can either be right, or you can be happy". I know I'd rather be happy. You can also build relationships with others although you personally don't get along. I've had jobs in the past where I personally didn't get along with my bosses for whatever reason, however I still respected their position ? they were still my boss, they were running the show and for all intents and purposes knew what they were doing. With that, my professional integrity remained intact. So what can we do about getting rapport happening? Interaction with others is multifaceted. We all have our own views on life that we believe is right, we have different values and beliefs; there are cultural issues as well as many other things that need to be taken into consideration when dealing with others. So I've come up with some very basic rapport building strategies that might just make it happen for you. Firstly, take baby steps. If you're uncomfortable matching and mirroring the behaviours and language of others, start by practising with yourself in front of a mirror, find yourself a partner you'll be comfortable practising with, or mirror someone on television. The more you practise the more fluid your rapport building skills will become ? think of this as if you engaging in a slow moving rhythmic dance with someone. Read each point first and give yourself time to absorb its meaning. *Take a genuine interest in the other person. *Become curious as to how the other person thinks, what they value most, what type of humour they have, what language they use ? is it visual, auditory or feeling? *If there is an apparent age gap between you and the other person, learn about that generation, what their values are, what motivates them and show an interest in their history. *Be willing and flexible enough to see life through the other person's eyes? How do they view the world? *Have open communication with others and be willing to disclose some things about yourself, of course within reason and when appropriate. *People can sense manipulation, if not consciously then subconsciously. I can sense manipulation a mile off and don't like it one bit! Sometimes I've kicked myself for agreeing to something I really didn't want to. Like I said earlier, rapport is about mutual influence ? a give and take experience. An example of this is when we share jokes, brainstorm a project together, a class, or simply being part of an effective team. *Mirror and match their posture and movements. This doesn't mean copying or mimicking. I once interviewed a young man who copied my every movement. When I invited him into the workplace by saying "Walk this way", he did by copying me exactly. For something serious like a job interview I thought I was part of a comedy routine. That is definitely NOT what I'm talking about. When movement's flow like a dance it shows you're in sync with others. For example if someone crosses their arms you could subtly do the same or cross your feet. You could match someone's breathing rate with your blink rate, foot tapping can be equalled with nodding in rhythm, tugging of the earlobe could be tugging at skirt/trousers/shirt. Again, this takes practise and subtle observation. After awhile it will be something that's done unconsciously. *Notice and really hear their voice. What tone, pitch, pace, volume and wording do they use? *What's their breathing rate ? fast, slow, even, erratic? Notice their rhythm of breathing and do the same. I find when I do one-on-one sessions with my clients, my breathing rate and that of my client becomes as one. I know then that my client and I are totally in the present moment and focused on each other. *We all have a unique way we move, some of us are slow, fast, steady or barely make a movement. I apparently move something like a penguin (womanly would have been nice but there you have it). The unique movement of others is something else that can be matched though I wouldn't be overdoing the penguin waddle! *Actively listen to the other person ? be interested in what they have to say. Even my young son knows when I'm not present and listening to him. *Know and understand what your relationship with your 'Self' is before building rapport with others. *Be in the Present moment. *And the biggest and most effective rapport building strategy is when you are personally involved in the rapport building process. Makes sense, does it not? May you have many wonderful moments in building relationships! Michaela is a graduate of a well known parapsychology academy in Sydney Australia, and is a highly-regarded professional within this field. She is also a Transformational Coach, certified practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), and writer who is totally committed to helping others create positive and action oriented changes to their lives. A high achiever in many areas of her life, Michaela has extensive experience through not only her varied careers but also her interests and education in the fields of spirituality, aromatherapy and massage, personal development and transformational coaching, to writing, meditation, and psychometry. Michaela is the author of the eBook 10 Colour Meditation Scripts, and publisher of a monthly e-newsletter called From My Desk which is available via subscription at http://www.michaelascherr.com Married to David, Michaela has two children, Kristen and Aaron, and a grandchild called Matthew. Michaela and her family currently live in Brisbane Australia.
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Pretending Your Life As You Want It - True Power Series This is the sixth article in our "True Power" series. If you haven't been following the series, visit The ARTrepreneur to read the foundational material on beliefs before continuing. All people live a structured existence that is entirely make-believe. For example, though we act as if it's true, there is no such thing as days of the week or hours in a day. These things are completely fabricated conventions. If an alien were to visit New York, and someone said, "Well it's Monday morning, everyone's off to work," the alien would nod politely and think, "How quaint. They regulate their lives into compartments." The alien would in no way mistake the custom for reality. He would recognize the custom as an idea. We pretend it's real, but we could pretend other customs just as easily. There is no such thing as time really ? no minutes, hours, days, weeks, or months. We pretend they exist, and structure our lives accordingly, but we could just as easily do it a different way. The day could be split in half and called "up" and "down." Someone named some cycles. There are other cycles and other names. Musicians, for example, often operate in a no-time zone. Lots of writers have inverted or highly individualistic work schedules. Many artists have made successful careers by following their own personal rhythms and beliefs. They never fell for, "That's the way it is," because they knew it was all pretend, and they could pretend their own structure just as easily as following someone else's. If someone says to you, "the music business is brutal," refuse to believe it. If they want to pretend it's brutal, then they'll get that result. You won't be so easily deceived. There are actors who have made careers quickly in Hollywood because they didn't realize it was supposed to be hard. They weren't aware of the convention. Realize that all conventions that we call modern society are just ideas. Ideas are mobile. You can use them, discard them, and invent new ideas. In reality, there is no movie industry or art industry. In reality, there are never "Seven Steps to Anything." There are only ideas, and your ideas are as valid as anyone's, and certainly more valid for you. Pretending Your Life As You Want It Exercise There are two ways to do this exercise. Choose a time everyday, and pretend your life just the way you want it. See yourself in your mind doing the things you want to do the way you want to do them. This is much like the internal visualization exercises. You try to trick your mind into believing you're experiencing the ideal now. If you are bolder, you can pick a day or even a longer period of time, and while you go about your day-to-day life, pretend that what you really want is happening. Have imaginary meetings, imaginary bank deposits, imaginary shows, imaginary dinners out. Physically, you may be doing the dishes, but mentally you're making your subconscious become accustomed to the ideal. The minute you do this, it starts to create the circumstances to make it happen. The less you negate the ideal, the less you say to yourself, "That's not realistic. I can't have it," the easier and faster it will be produced. By thinking freely about the ideal, you begin to whittle away at doubts. At some point you'll accept the ideal, and the pretend world and the actual world will begin to mesh. Every successful person ignored the pretend circumstances outside themselves, and pretended, instead, to be who they wanted to be and live how they wanted to live. Pretending, then, is the essence of experience and, therefore, an essential quality. Your life is a masterpiece composed of ideas that motivate you to act. Be the creator of those ideas. Be moved by your own impulses and desires. Pretend your existence into what you want it to be. That's all anyone's doing anyways. The End Of The Road Last week I was driving along one of the major highways around Toronto. I had some good music playing on my stereo and the weather was wonderful. Releasing Your Potential In life, few people ever step up to live their lives at a higher level. They spend their lives wallowing in the circumstances that surround them. "If only things would be different, I would be able to achieve so much," or something along that line is the common chorus of these people. Most people believe in such a statement and therefore their situation reflects this attitude of mind; they don't really achieve much because they believe that something outside themselves will deliver their dreams to them. From this example I hope that you can see that it is their very thoughts that are holding them back from ever doing anything about making their vision real. It's not in the circumstances, but in the thoughts. The Universal Laws Of Attraction You know it's funny how some people just seem to have all the luck in the world. Infact in some cases it almost seems to be unfair. Or to coin a phrase - "The rich get richer" or "To them that hath, so shall more be given" something like that... 100 Ways to Keep Your Lover ? Happy ? At Home! Here are over 100 ideas to help you keep monogamy hot! What Does the World Owe You? Sometimes many of us feel like we've made deposits into society, yet we are unable to make withdrawals. Whenever I have felt that way in the past, I read essays like Ralph Waldo Emerson's essay Compensation, which I made into a free downloadable copy and distributed last week in the special success issue of my ezine. Universal Law Series - the Law of Cause & Effect This is the third of seven articles in our continuing series on Universal Law. The focus of this article is the Law of Cause & Effect. Based on the Socratic law of causality, this Law is so profound and powerful that it has been referred to as the "Iron Law of Human Destiny". The Mechanic (Channelled) The Law of Attraction - Make it Work For You The Law of Attraction responds to whatever vibration you are sending out into the Universe. You will receive more of what you are vibrating whether it is desired or not. This law does not decide whether what it is returning is good for you or not, it simply responds to your vibration. The Competition Fallacy So many people falsely think that if they help another, they are helping the competition. This scarcity perspective breeds greed and insecurity; ultimately, people who hold it will realize that had they not been helped at certain times, they would not have had the opportunity to be where they are today. The Path of Appreciation Without appreciation, any success you have will be in vain and worthless. Yes, you would have accomplished your goals but it would be an empty win. 10 Ways to Survive and Celebrate Valentine?s Day When You Are Single Do you feel all alone and out of sorts on days like Valentine's Day when you are not in a relationship? Use these suggestions to reframe your experience and set the stage for what you want to attract for yourself. Here are 10 things you can do to make it a great day for you. Four Steps to Attracting More Good Luck The Luck Factor rips apart the notion that luck is something that just happens. Dr. Wiseman reports on over three years of scientific inquiry into what is often considered the most unscientific topic of all. However, Dr. Wiseman suggests another reason for the lack of scientific research into luck: Would You Rather Be Wealthy? Would you rather be wealthy or poverty-stricken? Not a difficult question to answer, is it? How do you think your thoughts impact on your financial state? The Power Of Charisma You have seen them on television your entire life: the world leaders, the movie stars, and yes, even the infomercial darlings! These people almost seem incapable of self-doubt as their undeniable confidence exudes from their every pore, almost mesmerizing their audience. They are literally capable of convincing listeners to buy products they don't really need, support causes without question, and follow when one would rather lead. What is their secret? How are they able to do what you or I could only dream of doing, and do it with such ease? Respect Is A Four-Letter Word One of the most important needs for every human being is the need to be respected. It doesn't matter if you or anyone else is a corporate executive, host of your own television show, short-order cook, Wal-Mart greeter or stay-at-home parent. Everyone deserves to be treated with respect regardless of occupation, gender or social status. Achieving Your Vision of Abundance How can we have more abundance in our lives? It begins by noticing the abundance that we already have. How to Interpret Your Dreams As many different people there are on this planet, that is how many ways in which a dream can be interpreted. Attract Your Ideal Relationship Using the Law of Attraction First, I'll need to explain what Law of Attraction is and how it works. You see, the Law of Attraction states that you'll attract to your life whatever you give your attention, energy and focus to, whether wanted or unwanted--emphasis on the unwanted. The "vibes" that you put out (also called vibrations) are either negative vibes or positive vibes, and at every moment, the Law of Attraction is responding to the vibes you are offering by giving you more of the same, whether wanted or unwanted. Just Allow? But How? If you've been practising the Law of Attraction, then you're probably familiar with the expressions, "just Allow" and "it will come." Well, technically, both expressions are true. However, 'Allowing' is not just thinking that you can have your desire--it's also knowing and feeling that it is possible. When we believe we can have our desire, we have no doubt in receiving it. In other words, we 'Allow'. Simply put, 'Allowing' is the 'Absence of Doubt'. ![]() |
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