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Looking to Where the Grass is Greener?
I've written this article specifically for individuals contemplating change with the idea of making things better, brighter and different. This change could be anything from relationship/s, career, to relocating somewhere else (having a sea change is an example). It could also be in the form of personal development through attending courses, reading and networking. Whatever it is for you, it may possibly be that what you're searching for is available to you right now, with no need to look very far. It's called inner peace and with it comes a change of perspective - looking at life in a different way. A state of being that will allow you to 'get on with it' regardless of what's happening in your external environment. Basically, inner peace is a state of mind where you're not impacted by external circumstances, you simply just 'are'. Whenever I step into peace no issue agitates me, I have no attachment to anything; I just am. Quite simply, it's peaceful, serene. Inner peace? It sounds pretty clichéd I know, but it is just that, peace on the inside whilst around you chaos reigns. For me the inside bit is the place I'd rather be. I liken it to watching a game of football from a front row seat. I can see how I relate to others and them to me, in my social, work, spiritual, and family life. I can also see the never ending possibilities of what life has to offer. This is where I get the big picture stuff. It's a place I love visiting to rebalance, regenerate, and centre myself. When I return and again become aware of my physical environment, the clarity to see how things really are is almost blinding. Clarity: when there is total clearness about everything and anything. It's when actions are totally understood as well as the consequences of those actions. I've personally yearned for change and have observed others with same. This desire for change can become all encompassing and when change fails to happen the way we'd like it to, or thought it would be, the disappointment can lead to hopelessness and in some ways be emotionally crippling. The adage 'The grass is greener on the other side of the fence' is not necessarily true. I've been there done that, although I failed to buy the t-shirt. All I needed mostly was a different way of looking at my situation. If you're contemplating creating major change in your life think carefully about why you want it in the first place. Maybe a different perspective is all the change that's required. Give yourself some time to truthfully answer and reflect on the following questions: 1. What would happen if I started to create change for myself? 2. What would happen if I left things unchanged? 3. Who will I become through having that change happen? 4. What needs to happen for me to truly get the most out of life? 5. Where will I be, and what will I be doing once I've changed what I wanted to? 6. How will this change affect your family and other areas of your life? 7. What would happen if you changed your attitude? 8. If you didn't change your attitude what would happen? 9. What is it that I need to do now in order to enjoy life the way it is? 10. Will it be worth it? 11. What will I lose? 12. What will I gain? 13. What are all the positive outcomes if I do not create change? (There's always a positive, even when we perceive something as negative). I had a huge 10 year goal until recently. After I jotted down all the positive outcomes if I didn't pursue my dream, I sighed with relief. It was much better for me and the family, not to have this particular outcome. Change can be challenging and scary. What was known before becomes outdated, friendships are outgrown, new ones are formed, and if things were comfortable previously, now it's time to become comfortable with the uncomfortable. Adjustment takes time. Learning to access inner peace can take time too. Some people fully immerse themselves in the change process, whereby others may take a little while longer and that's ok too. It's different for each of the six billion people on this planet. May change in whatever form you choose bring you success and abundance in all things great and wonderful. Michaela is a Transformational Coach, certified practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), writer and Metaphysician who is totally committed to helping others create positive and action oriented changes to their lives (see http://www.michaelascherr.com) Michaela is the author of several e-books including Book of 10 Colour Meditation Scripts and publisher of a monthly newsletter called From My Desk. Married to David, Michaela has two children and a grandchild and currently lives in Brisbane Australia.
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Are You a Sheep in People Clothing? Many people, who feel that they are independent and communicate well, are actually sheep in disguise. Are you one of them, how do you tell and how do you go about changing if you are? Seeing Is Believing! - Visualize The Result In Your Life Today! "If you can see it, you can have it." Is it really so simple? The answer is 'Yes'...and 'No'. If you can see it, you already got your first step right but if you can't even see it, your first step would be fatal right from the start. Let me put this in perspective. If you cannot 'see' where you are heading in your direction or 'see' the end results that you want to achieve, most likely you would give up halfway or even if you did have results, you wouldn't reap the maximum result had you first 'seen' it in your mind with maximum clarity. Affirmations Based on Rich Dad, Poor Dad I'm sure most of you have heard of, and perhaps read the book "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" by Robert Kiyosaki. If you haven't read it yet, I highly recommend it along with his book "Cashflow Quadrant." Both of the books are simplistic and introductory by design. But there are some important concepts that Kiyosaki highlights that are fundamental to accumulating wealth. Here are a number of Power Affirmations that I have created based on studying his material. Isnt It Time to Give Yourself Permission? Remember back in school days when you needed a permission slip to do almost anything outside of the classroom? Things like simply being able to visit the washroom, attend a sports meeting or going on a field trip? As adults we don't need someone to give us a permission slip. We already have a whole supply at our disposal. What Characters Teach Us about Character Character is that which defines us; it's what people will remember about us long after we're gone. The TV News, Radio Talk Shows, News-Magazines and the daily Paper are replete with stories about characters. [My favorite short story/play of all time was written by the great Italian Poet Luigi Pirandello ? "Sei Caratteri in Cerca di un Autore" or "Six Characters in Search of an Author."] These characters come in all sizes, hail from different parts of the country and can be found in many institutions. You may have known them as once successful businessmen, politicians, doctors, and lawyers or so called sports heroes. Temporary success is their common bond, as is total disregard for ethics or for other people. How to Start a Conversation Effortlessly The ability to converse effortlessly with those you encounter is a critical component of all your personal and business relationships. Dont Seek Success; Seek Self-Actualization "You make a living by what you get. You make a life by what you give." When Will Love Find me? Love. You may notice that I made that an entire sentence. That one little four-letter word can easily be a sentence on its own, an entire book, or the meaning of life. I doubt there has ever been a person on this planet who has not at some stage pondered the meaning of this little word. Men have lived for it and men have died for it. How Do You Attract Opportunity Into Your Life? Someone recently asked me the question: "How can I have more opportunities come into my life?" Good question, but I think my answer surprised them a bit. Transformational Counseling - Part Two Once one becomes present to his or her self-limiting belief, the opportunity then exists, possibly for the first time in the person's life, to invent a possibility for his or her life, to begin to reinvent his or her life anew. An individual's possibility is how that person will be in the present, free of the constraints or barriers of the past, a creation from nothing. Within Transformational Counseling, an individual's possibility is a new or different way of thinking about himself or herself, of who they are, of who they will be. Like the individual's self-limiting belief, a person's possibility is a personal affirmation or declaration. Like a person's self limiting belief, an individual's possibility also exists in language, and once generated by the individual, will begin to create or invent his or her experiences and sense of reality through the power of his or her thoughts and word. Unlike a person's self limiting belief, an individual's possibility will allow him or her to create a life that they truly love and be able to live it powerfully. Increasing Money by Conquering Personal Fear and Greed One of the first lessons that "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" teaches is about understanding and controlling fear and greed. Many people go to work and work hard not to learn more and to grow, but out of fear that they won't have enough money to pay their bills. So early in their lives they form the pattern of: Reminiscing About Your Past Can Stimulate Your Future Have you ever thought much about how some of your past experiences and talents influenced how your life turned out? I sure have and I've found it not only interesting but valuable, too. Whatever the case, I believe we can all find value in reminiscing about our past. Use Your Vibrations of Energy to Communicate Part 2 "The speed of electromagnetic energy signals is 186,000 miles per second, while the speed of a diffusible chemical is considerably less than one centimeter per second." -Bruce Lipton What is the Key to a Successful Life? An ideal is not the dream that can never be realised, that certain weak-willed individuals like to imagine, if only to provide themselves with an excuse for moaning about life. Nor is it a vague and flimsy speculation in which shallow people want to indulge. Abundance Prosperity Based on Wallace Wattles and Napoleon Hill It is arguable that the definition of wealth is the free and unrestricted use of all of the things which may be necessary for you to advance in the direction of your dreams and aspirations thus attaining your fullest mental, spiritual, and physical prosperity. Crack the Clandestine Code of Diamonds Precious, brilliant and expensive-why wouldn't diamonds be a girl's best friend? When giving the most significant gift of a lifetime, most men, and even the women who receive them, know precious little about diamonds. By the time they're old and experienced enough to know about cut, shape, grade, brilliance, color, weight, and setting, they already have the diamond of a lifetime. Crack the vocabulary, and you'll be on your way to purchasing your first diamond with confidence. The Beast What does one do when one is too old, too weak, and feels powerless and regretful? What does one do when one looks back at his life and sees nothing that was worth living for? What does one do when one sees the future coming to an end ? the end of a journey? "The journey was not mine," said the old man. "What was that about? Why was I here? What was I suppose to do? Where am I going and will I ever come back? Come back to what, to whom and for what purpose?" A Magnificent Obsession Is The Best Medicine! The idea I'm about to share with you can bring you the greatest hope. It can bring you happiness beyond anything you've ever dreamed. It can present to you the quality and quantity of life that may seem like only something that always goes to others. Brace yourself; a band of gypsies would pay to hear this. Appreciating and Communicating Your Value It's a common scenario. Although the specific circumstances may differ, the challenge often remains the same: we professional women seldom understand our true value. Perhaps it's because we continue to be paid, on average, less than men to only then have to prove ourselves by doing more. Or, perhaps it's because we've been taught from our earliest years to value the humble individual--the Mother Theresa who gives, but never takes. How To Bypass Your Conscious Mind and Program Yourself For Success Emile Coué, the French psychotherapist once said: "When the imagination and will power are in conflict, are antagonistic, it is always the imagination which wins, without any exception." Then you can program yourself for success by understanding the power of imagination. ![]() |
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