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Gratitude: 11 Universal Laws for ThanksLiving
The Law of Thanksgiving It's easy to be grateful around the Thanksgiving holiday. But what if we were able to find ourselves feeling grateful year round? What that might change about your life? The Law of Who Past To whom in the past are you grateful? Someone who gave you a break, someone who cared about you, inspired you, believed in you, or someone who simply listened to you? Have you ever sought them out to thank them, perhaps just a phone call to say thanks? As someone who has made those kind of calls, it really feels good to express your gratitude. And as someone who has had the privilege of being on the receiving end of those kind of calls, it sure can make your day, your week, or more. The Law of Who Now For whom are you grateful for in your life right now? Have you let them know lately how much you appreciate them? If not, give the gift today! The Law of Attitude Gratitude is simply an attitude. The one thing we can always choose each day, in any situation, is our attitude. Therefore, we always have the ability to choose an attitude of gratitude. The Law of Abundance, Part 1 One great benefit of a gratitude attitude is you become much more aware of the abundance you already have in your life. The Law of Abundance, Part 2 Another great and unexpected benefit of a gratitude attitude is that, with this consistent attitude of gratitude, you seem to be able to draw even more and more abundance into your life. The Law of Abundance, Part 3 Author Stephen Glenn has this definition of abundance; "In terms of the population of the planet, you have abundance if, when you wake up each morning, you have: a choice of what to eat The Law of Lacking If we focus on all the things we want and don't have, we wind up feeling lacking. Not a great state to be in. The Law of Blessed When we focus on all the many things we need and want that we do have, we wind up feeling blessed. A pretty great state to be in. The Law of Focus Have you ever noticed that what you consistently focus on tends to be what happens? I've also noticed that when we focus on what we lack, we tend to get selfish, looking out only for ourselves. On the other hand, when we focus on our blessings, it's much easier to look out for others as well as ourselves. Yes, it really can be that simple. The Law of "Betcha" I'll "betcha" that if between now and next Thanksgiving season, you focus on developing a consistent, year round gratitude attitude, your life will be a whole lot better this time next year. Visit SecretsofGreatRelationships.com for tips and tools for creating and growing a great relationship. You can also subscribe to our f*r*e*e 10 day e-program on how to enrich your relationship today, from relationship coach and expert Jeff Herring.
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Do You Want Raspberry, Chocolate Or Vanilla? Descartes once wrote, "I think, therefore I am!" and 'hidden' in plain view amongst those five small words ? for all the world to see ? lays the secret to unlimited success. Do you see it? Finding Truth Why Must We Find Truth: Charm Is Good Business What's most astounding is that the vast majority of business people don't automatically understand the concept of charm. You'd think it would be a reflex, a conditioned response in business to "turn on the charm" when dealing with customers, clients, associates, employees, competitors, or potential clients. And since the list of "potential clients" for many businesses can include Everybody, the idea that someone in any job, anywhere, ever is not making the maximum effort to be as charming as possible all the time is stupefying. How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying? Try being charming. Self-Esteem: The Foundation of All You Achieve At its core, your sense of self-esteem or self-worth has a huge impact on how you live your life. A Look In The Mirror That's all it takes to change the world. Take a long hard look in the mirror and really notice who you are. Putting Yourself on the Road to Success What separates successful people from unsuccessful people, achievers from non-achievers, winners from losers? Are people born that way or do they develop habits as they grow older which determine their stations in life? Demanding Miracles Have you ever had an overwhelming problem or issue? Was there some circumstance in your life that seemed beyond your ability to handle it? Have you ever called out to God, Buddha, guardian angels, The Force, your higher self, Mohammed, Mother Earth, whatever name you give that spirit? To find an all-encompassing name without prejudice towards any one belief system, I'll just hereby use the word 'god' to refer to whatever or whoever it is that you pray to for assistance and guidance. Have you cried out to your god for help and guidance with some crisis in your life? Did you get an answer? Did you get help? Embrace Change Last Sunday I was sitting in on a class we conduct for newcomers at our church. One of our pastors said, "If we don't change, we aren't growing, and if we aren't growing, we are dying". Isn't that so true? If you want your life to remain status quo, then your best guarantee is to resist change. However, if you want a better marriage, more life balance, higher self-esteem, better behaved children, or more quality friendships, then you need to embrace change. Correcting a Gap Between the Teeth As we age and our teeth shift, a gap between the teeth may suddenly appear. If you have a tooth extracted which is not immediately replaced with an implant or bridge, your entire bite may shift dramatically. The teeth surrounding this missing tooth may shift toward each other, creating a gap between the teeth. It's not at all unusual for a person who had a terrific smile her entire life to suddenly notice she now has gapped teeth. Create a Climate for Success by Mastering Your Total Image - Part 1 Your Total Image is made up of several essential components: You Teach People How to Treat You So often we hear people ask the question, "Why does he/she/they treat me/us so badly?". The honest answer, in most cases, is "Because you let him, her or they!" Principles for Total Prosperity In Business And Beyond Are you looking for that "something" to give you the winning edge in your business? Is success still elusive even after burning both ends of the candle? Well, you may be looking for success in al the wrong places or you may not have an accurate picture of what true success is. Abundance Flourishes in an Atmosphere of Integrity There's no way to fake INTEGRITY. You are either are IN INTEGRITY offering a PURE positive vibration which the Law of Attraction responds to. Or you're OUT of INTEGRITY which creates a negative or mixed vibration, which the Law of Attraction cannot ignore. How Do You Treat Others? When others are angry with you, loving to you, critical of you, and so on, do you treat them the same? We tend to treat others, except those in a position of authority or power over us, the same way they treat us. Quick Tips On Becoming The Best In Your Field Want to be the best in your field? Isnt It Time to Give Yourself Permission? Remember back in school days when you needed a permission slip to do almost anything outside of the classroom? Things like simply being able to visit the washroom, attend a sports meeting or going on a field trip? As adults we don't need someone to give us a permission slip. We already have a whole supply at our disposal. Blushing Blushing can be a curse. Blushers experience a range of effects, including loss of confidence and fear of meeting new people. Blushing is an interesting phenomenon, as there is no generally accepted psychological theory to explain it (although many theories have been put forward). Nevertheless, some of the characteristics of blushing have been clarified. The Art of Manifestation We should strive to attain a desireless state. As long as we have desire, we lack. Lack and want are the same thing. Wanting traps us in a world of limitation. Wanting is the greatest enemy of joy.~Lester Levenson. The Power Of Charisma You have seen them on television your entire life: the world leaders, the movie stars, and yes, even the infomercial darlings! These people almost seem incapable of self-doubt as their undeniable confidence exudes from their every pore, almost mesmerizing their audience. They are literally capable of convincing listeners to buy products they don't really need, support causes without question, and follow when one would rather lead. What is their secret? How are they able to do what you or I could only dream of doing, and do it with such ease? Want to Feel Rich? Shop Til You Drop... Just about everybody gets them... ![]() |
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