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Internet Radio: A Sanctuary in the Rubbish Tip
The internet, it's a whole world of information and entertainment, but every day it fills up just that extra bit more with complete trash. At every corner, popups, banner ads, viruses, spyware, the list goes on, well I've had enough and I'm sure you share my opinion. So, I hear you ask, what does the rubbish online have to do with internet radio. Absolutely nothing! It's a complete opposite. Back in November of 2004, every evening I sat at home bored to death writing English essays and completing Maths papers, and when I wasn't doing that you'd be guaranteed to find me plonked in front of the TV watching whatever rubbish the BBC scheduler had decided to inflict upon me that night, and don't even think about mentioning a social life, I didn't have an iota. What changed? Later that month I overheard a friend talking about a radio show he regularly presented online, so I decided to have a listen. Well I enjoyed the show, but then I would, as would anyone hearing someone they knew as part of a broadcast, the strange thing was I enjoyed EVERY piece of music that was played. Now before then I was totally hooked on dance music, I just wouldn't listen to anything else, every time 'Top of the Pops 2' came on TV I'd change channel, any hint of 80's music and I'd be out of the room like a shot. I'd been converted without any explanation as to how. However, there was something even stranger to follow. The station I had tuned into was an AMATEUR station made up of DJ's of all ages using their own talents and equipment to broadcast from around the UK & USA. Notice I stress the word amateur. Well, I kept listening for a while and it just kept getting better and I'm not joking. For the first time I was enjoying every bit of music I heard. My collection of dance CD's sat in the corner getting dusty and still, to this day haven't had the need to touch it. But it wasn't just my music taste that had been changed by this experience, it was my whole life. I got involved, the usual shy me suddenly became part of an online family, the social flame inside me lit up for the first time. I was taking part, meeting new people and above all enjoying it! So what are you thinking now? Maybe that this article's just become an advert? Well in a way, yes, that's true. I've got so much out of this experience that I felt it was about time I spread the word, you just can't keep something so good to yourself. So what am I doing now? Well, as I said, I got involved. Since way back in November I've had a go at presenting and production, and met more people than you could shake a stick at. Right now as I type this article I sit listening to the station that started this all off, and chatting to new friends I would never have met without this fantastic creation. So thanks to Marconi, Faraday, whoever it is that came up with combination of radio and the internet, it really is the best thing since sliced bread! If you're surfing the net or doing chores about the house, give it a try, I guarantee you will not be disappointed. Internet Radio, the clearing in the deep dark forest that is the WWW. Andrew Bonney Resources:
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Alternatives to MP3 Although MP3 is the most popular format for encoding music, it is by no means the only one. There are two basic methods for compressing audio ? lossless and lossy, and for each of these methods there are many formats. Why Publishing MP3 Can Cost You A Fortune This was news to me. It might be news to you too: Transmit Clean Digital Audio with Digital Coaxial Cables In the world of digital audio, there are two types of cable to choose from; optical cables which use light to transmit signal and digital coaxial cable. These audio cables will enable your home theater system to transmit digital data between components. This will provide you with superior sound quality over typical RCA audio cables. How to Use Your Computer as a Recording Studio A few years ago there was a revolution in recording technology. As computers became more powerful, they started to replace traditional tape recorders that were the heart of most recording studios. Today, computers designed for home use are powerful enough to emulate an entire recording studio, and can be used for everything from multitrack recording to audio editing and scoring music for videos. How to Add Audio to Video Digital media is everywhere you look. Music and video production have made it to the grass roots level thanks to the affordability and widespread use of powerful computers. Add Audio to Your Web Site and Increase Your Sales up to 35%! Ok, you've got your site built, you have traffic coming to it, a good product at a reasonable price.... hmmm... what else do you need? 7 Ways to Use Website Audio in Your Marketing Arsenal Most visitors to your website are using computers with audio capabilities. Recently introduced techniques make it easy to take advantage of this capability. Seven Ways to Warm Your Prospects Using Website Audio Gone are the days when putting audio on your website consisted of subjecting your visitors to gaudy musical fanfares and various clichéd sound effects. Fortunately, audio has now become a lot more sophisticated and new techniques that allow audio to be streamed have made it possible to use your own voice as a highly effective marketing tool. Teleseminars, Audio Downloads, Podcasts: Listen Up So You?ll Learn and Earn More Internet Marketers love audio. You can't blame them. They used to have to spend weeks, or even months, writing an ebook to have something to sell. Now, they just pick a hot topic, interview an expert for a couple of hours with the recorder turned on, and Bam! They've got a hot new information product. The Ten Commandments of Using Streaming Audio On Your Website When it comes to placing audio on your website there are Ten Commandments you absolutely must follow. Break one of these Commandments and you can watch your website drive visitors away faster than the speed of sound. Fortunately, if you follow the Ten Commandments you can get people to stay at your website longer, inquire about your product or service more often, and even buy more of what you are selling. Doesn't that sound good? Creating Web Content Using Audio Recordings of Expert Interviews Creating Web Content Using Audio Recordings of Expert Interviews Adding Sound To Your Web Site - The Good, The Bad And The Ugly Many webmasters like the idea of adding background music to their web sites but most shy away from doing it worrying about slow loading pages and large file sizes. There are many different ways to add background music to your site and some of them don't require large files to achieve professional results. Let's examine all the different ways to add background music to your site and rate them to find the best solution for you. Why I Hate Flash Audio and What I Did About It I love spoken-word audio. I've been listening to seminars, lectures, and books on tape for years. 7 Ways to Use AUDIO to Increase Your Web and E-mail Sales Thought about adding audio to your Web site yet? You should. While great copy does a good job of selling your services and products, audio will amplify the effect of your words. What The Muscle Power of Audio Can Do for Your Site How Audio can Influence Sales CD/DVD Master Preparation Tips "CD/DVD Master" is the disc you provide to your CD/DVD vendor for replication or duplication of that media. Here are some helpful tips for creating a high quality master: DVD Audio: An Introduction DVD Audio is a music format that is designed to offer improved audio performance over CD. The new audio format can be used to provide listeners with Advanced Resolution stereo and/or multi-channel (up to a maximum of six channels) music. In order to play back DVD Audio discs, players have to be specially designed to support the format. So far, consumer electronics manufacturers have announced a range of DVD Audio players, including home decks, portable players and devices for cars. Streaming Audio Recorders 1. i-Sound WMA MP3 Recorder 6.x - On Sale www.abyssmedia.com Dont Use Web Audio The Wrong Way Have you ever wrestled with a set of instructions, but then got so frustrated with it all that you threw them aside in a fluster and tried to figure out how to do it? yourself? Adding Streaming Audio to Your Website Adding streaming audio to your web site can help you enhance the message you send to your customers and can serve as a wonderful confidence-building tool. In the past, audio was used primarily as a decorative effect, but advances in technology and the increased use of the internet by consumers have made it easy for you to add streaming audio to your web site and create a personal bond with your clientele. You can also add streaming audio to your newsletter or blog for a personal touch that will keep the interest of your readers and subscribers. ![]() |
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