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Baby Expense: What To Do When Baby
As you probably know, baby expense should be high on your list of things to plan for, before the baby comes. There is no cheap way to have and raise a baby: it takes sweat, work, lots of cash, patience, and more to have a happy, healthy baby. Some studies suggest that you will spend anywhere between $150,000 and $200,000 for your kids by the time they are 18 years old, not including private schools, special lessons, or college. But if you waited until you had enough money, time and energy to have your baby, you would probably end up without any children. Here you*ll find a few ways to ease the finances, so that you can enjoy your new bundle of joy. 1. Get health assistance - if you don*t have health insurance, and can*t afford it, doctor*s bills can ad up really easy. But there are options out there for people just like you. This baby expense will probably be one of your biggest, so don*t be afraid to ask for assistance if your family needs it. 2. Breastfeed your baby, if possible. It*s free, it*s convenient, and it might help against breast cancer. It*s recommended as being the best form of nutrition for baby. If you can*t breastfeed, don*t feel guilty. Try to apply for WIC (Women , Infants, and Children): http://www.fns.usda.gov/wic , a program designed to help middle and low income families with educational resources and food. You can also save money by buying formula in bulk, clipping coupons, and accepting free samples whenever they are offered. This is a baby expense you can*t do without. 3. Diapers - Some diapers are better than others, but most are basically the same. Store brand disposable diapers can be just as good as the name brand, for several dollars less than their name brand counterparts. You can save even more, if you use cloth diapers instead of disposable. As with breastfeeding, it*s a little more work involved, but well worth it. 4. Diaper Rash Prevention - instead of taking action after your baby got a diaper rash, prevent it with a drop of olive oil applied to their bottom every time you change their diaper: it works wonders (you should check with your doctor first). 5. Baby food - When it comes to baby food, a blender is your best friend: it will help you keep this baby expense at its lowest. Not only is it much cheaper, but it*s so much healthier! Save the little baby food jars for quick trips, or special occasions, and give your baby pureed food made by you. You can cook a week*s supply on the weekend, put the blended vegetables in the ice cube tray, for a few hours, and then place them in a freezer bag. Depending on your baby*s appetite and age, you can microwave one, two or three cubes before meal time. It*s quick, healthy and inexpensive. 6. Clothing - There is no need to buy expensive designer clothing for you little one. Do you think anyone will really notice that your baby is wearing Tommy Hilfiger? Babies look cute in anything: don*t waste your money! You can get most of your baby clothing at yard sales or second-hand stores. 7. Toys - they are big business, but you don*t have to feel pressured to get the latest and most expensive models. My kids were happy with everyday items as their toys: empty shampoo bottles (make sure they are cleaned and rinsed very well before handing them to your baby), plastic bowls, plastic containers from food products (margarine, sour cream , etc.) that they could stack up, etc. Also, buy some toys that will help with your baby*s development, are durable, and are age appropriate: a baby expense worth the money. 8. Wills - Get a will or update your old will. Name a guardian for your child and the trustee of your child*s inheritance (often but not always the same person). Without a will, the court will name these individuals and also split up your assets in accordance with state law which may not be the way you would wish. Please don*t try to avoid this baby expense: your kid*s future might depend on it. A simple will that includes a trust for minor children costs between $150 and $250. Here are links to some great baby resources: - generic brand wholesale diapers
- baby formula: free samples and coupons
About The Author Adriana Copaceanu is a work at home mom of 2, and the publisher of Baby*s First Year Companion http://www.babys-first-year.com, an online resource for new parents.
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While drinking more water is a good idea for everyone, especially during hot summer months, too much water can be harmful to infants 6 months old and younger. According to a study in Clinicians Reviews a 1997 survey of new mothers found that nearly 25 percent give their babies water at least 3 times per week in the first month of life. Selecting a Baby Shower Theme: Easy as One Two Three No aspect of party planning is more crucial and sometimes mind boggling to a baby shower planner than selecting the baby shower theme. There are almost too many ideas available today, and often the host of a party finds themselves suffering apoplexy at the idea of selecting a baby shower theme. Show Your Baby That You Read When you take your child to the library, check out a book for yourself. Then set a good example by letting your child see you reading for yourself. Ask your child to get one of her books and sit with you as you read your book, magazine, or newspaper. 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It may seem like a lot of gear, but if you bring along the following baby paraphernalia when you head out, you'll be ready for just about anything. Child Safety in the Home In the 15-year period from 1982 to 1996, the leading cause of death among young children was accidents, poisoning and violence (external causes) -- these accounted for about 46% of all deaths among Australian children. How to Choose a Car Seat That Meets The Needs of Your Baby There are many types of car seats available on the market today. In order to be able to make an informed decision it is best to check out car seat manufacturers. You can also check any consumer guide for information on recalls, seats that have been crash tested, the best type of restraint systems for your child. Before that even starts be aware of the fact that there are many types of car seats. The choice you make will be based on your prior research and your child's needs. A note of caution: before you purchase a car seat check the manufacture's recommendations and be sure the seat is compatible with your vehicle. Benefits of Making Your Own Homemade Baby Food Making your own homemade baby food will ensure that what your child is eating is fresh, nutritious and free of additives. By making your own baby food, you'll be saving money. Also, you will have total control over what is put into your baby's food. You can therefore take the extra steps to ensure that only high quality foods are selected and used. You will be able to feed your baby according to his or her needs because you will know what foods are best suited for your baby from experience. The Average Growth In Babies Growth charts are tools your pediatrician can use to keep track of your child's physical growth. During each checkup, the doctor will measure your baby's length, weight, and head circumference. The doctor can then compare the measurements for your baby to a chart of national averages for infants of the same age and sex. ![]() |
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