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Babies & Toddler Information |
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Five Reasons For Preparing Your Own Baby Food
Are you unsure whether you should make your own baby food at home or just buy it from the store? If so, then take a look at these five good reasons for doing it yourself - they may help you make up your mind... 1. Home-made Baby Food is Healthier and More Nutritious 2. You're in Control 3. It's Easy to Make Your Own Baby Food 4. It's Much Cheaper 5. It's Very Gratifying And finally... If all that weren't enough, here's another great reason to do it yourself: home-made baby food is much tastier than any commercial product. Delicious food is one of life's great pleasures and your baby deserves to enjoy the rich flavor and texture of real home cooking just as much as you or I. After all, none of us would enjoy eating 'TV Dinners' morning, noon and night - and that goes for your baby too! So, don't put it off. Get started today. Your baby will thank you for it in more ways than one. Nancy Miller is author of 'How to Make Your Own Healthy Baby Food' and a full-time working mom. Visit Nancy's site for more tips and advice on making baby food.
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Baby Strollers Tips and Advice You have just learned that you are expecting a bundle of joy and now you need to begin getting the things your baby will need. If this is your first baby all the decisions you need to make may seem overwhelming at first. One of the biggest purchases you will need to make is about the type of stroller you will use for your baby. Baby Development - But What Role do Parents Play? It is truly amazing the development that a baby experiences in the first year of life. Every week seems to bring another milestone for parents as well as baby! The primary way a baby learns is through play and baby games, it is how they start to make sense of their world. By providing a nurturing and safe environment for our babies we help to promote this learning that aids their early development. Tips To Get Your Child To Stop Using A Pacifier Limit the time you allow your child to use a pacifier. Baby Shower Game Distraction The best baby games for baby showers to entertain all of your guests and let the mother-to-be benefit from the experience of others. Your baby shower then will become more than a party. It's an entertaining learning experience. Bye-Bye Bottle It's finally time. My child is old enough to be drinking from a cup; a sippy, if not an open-mouthed one. I reason that we've been making the switch for some time-after all, it is only milk that is served in a bottle. Juice comes from a sippy cup or a juice-box-we've even learned to get all of the juice out of the box without spilling or squeezing. But alas, it's time for us to change the way we consume liquids. The Scoop on Giving Your Baby Juice Many moms like to think that as soon as their baby turns 6 months of age, they should start giving them juice. But this couldn't be further from the truth. In fact, juice is NOT necessary for an infant. Here's why: Babies: How to Get Your Children Excited About the New Arrival The sudden appearance of a new baby can be rough on the other children in the family. Daily routines are disrupted and suddenly mom and dad are too busy to pay attention to older siblings. Worst of all, the new baby is the instant star of the family - the center of attention. The adorable baby is the big attraction for everyone from mom and dad, to visiting relatives, to casual acquaintances bumped into at the mall, right down to strangers on the street. Everyone is talking baby talk, cooing at the new baby, and making a fuss over the newborn. The older kids may feel shunted aside and resentful. This is especially true for the displaced former baby of the family. How Often Should A One-Month Baby Go for Check Up? What happen during the first month of your newborn, does your baby need check up? In the first weeks after birth, your newborn begins a series of routine check ups. These are called well child visits. All healthcare professions have individual approaches to the timing and frequencies of these visits. In general, you should take your baby for a checkup within a week after delivery and thereafter, one or two visits during the first month as recommended by your doctor. Moses Baby Baskets Moses Baby Baskets are a traditional, convenient place for babies especially for one who cannot sit up or cannot push itself up on its hands and knees. Modern moses baby baskets are distinct improvements over conventional ones. The fabric is made of 100 percent cotton, designed for the perfect safety and comfort of the baby. Ideally the mattress is designed in such a way that it is convenient to remove it before giving it to the laundry. The same goes for the moses basket bumper inserts also. The mattress and bumper inserts could be made of polyesters. Wash the moses basket mattress by hand in mild detergent and warm water. Baby Cold Symptoms and How to Treat Them Remember how miserable you felt when you last had a cold? Can you imagine what your baby must feel when he experiences a cold for the first time? How to Meet the Dietary Needs of Babies ? Health, Palate, and Lifestyle More and more studies are proving that food has a large impact on our overall health and may even determine which diseases and ailments we will get later in life. The more we are aware of the importance of our food choices the earlier we can teach and protect our children. Of course there is always a balance to strike between what's good for our body and what's good for our taste buds and lifestyle. Here is a description of the most important nutrients for your child's development and which foods meet their needs. How to Pick the Best Name for Your Baby Expectant parents spend hours preparing the nursery, poring over pregnancy and delivery books and going to childbirth classes. Yet surprisingly, many decide their child's given name within a matter of minutes, often spending more time selecting the right car seat or stroller. Baby Dangers New Parents Need to Know About This Spring many new parents will welcome new additions into their family. Prior to taking on this important task, most parents hear and become knowledgeable about common safety precautions like preventing poisoning or selecting the right toys but there are big, hidden dangers that parents need to be aware of. These hidden dangers, by causes not often thought of or addressed, include the potential of suffocation, strangulation, germs and re-breathing which is a proven problem associated with SIDS. Colic Baby Bootcamp - Parent Survival Tips Surviving a baby with colic truly deserves an award of some sort. The relentless screaming can really drive you to the edge. Potty Training Doll - How Do You Use A Potty Training Doll To Potty Train You Child? Your heard about using a potty training doll that drinks and wets to assist in the process of potty training. Okay - that sounds good. So how do you use a potty training doll? The Personality Traits of A Baby Born During The Sign Of Cancer Your Cancer Baby.. Educational Toys That Stimulate Chidrens Mind When children start to walk more steadily, run, push, pull, climb and grab things - they are growing from infants to toddlers. Between their first and second birthdays, they are self centered and get busy doing various things like - to flip light switches, pour things in and out of containers, unwrap packages and empty drawers. The toddler stage is very important in a child's life. It is the time between infancy and childhood when a child learns and grows in many ways. Everything that happens to the toddler is meaningful. Keeping Baby Safe: Your Most Important Role As A Parent Saying Thanks, But No Thanks to Used Safety Equipment Baby Shower Gifts Are Not All The Same When one talk about shower baby gifts, it is clear they can vary from the very practical to the extremely bizarre. If you have ever been invited to a baby shower, you know that there are two different kinds of presents you can give the new mom: the gifts that impress her and are useless, and the very practical stuff. If you choose the latter is best, as things given are useful and the shower baby gifts are about having a baby. When we speak about useful baby gifts, we refer to casseroles, or anything you can just heat up to prepare dinner, or the book "What to Expect the First Year", in which the mother can find a lot of useful information. Commonly baby gifts can vary from extremely practical things, like disposable diapers to things that are bizarre such as a grinder for turning steamed veggies into homemade baby food. How to Make a Lovely Baby Shower Cake Baby shower cakes are terrific centerpieces for showers. Guests always laugh when they see one and the expectant mom is thrilled to receive a very useful gift. They're also called diaper cakes because diapers are the main ingredient. It is quite easy to make one. Check out the detailed instructions below. ![]() |
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