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Babies Bring Love, Joy, and Opinions
The old saying "babies aren't born with instruction manuals" has opened the door for unwanted advice from family and friends, alike. If you're a mother, specifically a "new" mother, at first you may appreciate the guidance of those that went before you. But eventually even the most patient of women will break. You will most likely become a hermit, hiding the car in the garage, locking the doors, turning the ringer off and avoiding anyone that perceives themselves as an "expert" on the subject of motherhood and newborns. So before you become a recluse and start avoiding all human contact; here's some more advice on "unwanted" advice. Often times, a new mother's insecurities get the best of her, and in all honesty, this happens to all mothers; not just the "new" ones. As mothers, we're always questioning our abilities to raise our children. You want the best for them and fear you'll make bad choices, its human nature. Therefore, when someone offers advice or guidance, we often take their words as criticism. But in all reality, most family and friends mean to help, not judge. Open your mind to their words; ignore the little voice inside your head that says they're judging you. In most instances, these same people have been giving you "unwanted" advice for years and you've never paid any attention to it. The insecurities of having a newborn often times warrants defensive behaviors when faced with unwanted advice. However, motherhood is a learning experience; it starts at the birth and never ends. Listening to family and friends that have walked in your shoes before can, however, be a soothing and rewarding experience. Everyone will have opinions on certain circumstances and if you listen closely, even theirs will differ from one another. Pretty soon, you find yourself throwing your hands up and surrendering like General Lee. However, often times by educating yourself on what the actual "experts" say can eliminate the frustration and the insecurities that a new mom will face. Educating yourself on the best choices that you can make for your newborn can build self-confidence, self-respect, and sanity. It is very important for mother's to have a good relationship with their infant's pediatrician, as well. Often times, the trust you put into your child's doctor will help fight off those insecurities that you may have. A pediatrician sees most infants several times during the first few months of their lives. These are great opportunities for mother's to ask questions. Keep a notebook handy, write down concerns that you have, or questions. Lighthearted advice is just that, when given it's meant to be taken as helpful hints and suggestions. However, in some instances, you will have family and friends insisting on "their way" of doing things. When this circumstance occurs, be prepared. Thank the person and tell them you will consider their advice, quote what you have read from child-rearing books, explain to them that you and your child's pediatrician has discussed the matter and you're following doctors orders. If all else fails, change the subject or leave the room. In many circumstances, especially those that are short-term, you may consider following the person's advice while they are present. In all reality, they will leave and when they do, so can their advice. Short-term circumstances that have no long-term effects are just that. They won't warp or change the big picture. If your mother-in-law comes to your house to "help", and suggests adding more blankets to the crib or turning the heat up because the baby looks cold, just go with it. When she does leave, you can quickly undo the heartfelt actions. Often times, you may find yourself in a circumstance where all other methods of deterring an opinion or advice have failed. You have tried avoiding the subject, quoting a doctor or expert, and even ignoring the advice. But yet still, the person insists on you listening to them. It is at this time that you have to result to what I call, "the truth". In the kindest fashion possible, you explain to them your honest feelings on the subject, you express gratitude that they care, but in all honesty, the child is yours and you know what's best. If you're uncomfortable saying this to someone; ask a friend, your husband, or another family member to talk to the person and explain to them your true feelings on the situation. It's important to surround yourself with positive people. If possible, find other mother's that share your views and values. Then, as mother's you can swap stories, not advice. http://www.womenshealthcaretopics.com/newborn_baby.htm Dr. James Brann is a board certified Obstetrician and Gynecologist and a Fellow of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. He is also the Editor of Women's Healthcare Topics an information source for all women. http://www.womenshealthcaretopics.com
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Baby Carriers - Choosing the Right Pouch, Ring Sling, or Carrier for You With so many options out there for baby carriers it is hard to choose the right one for your needs. Listed are all the different types of carriers with the advantages and disadvantages of each. How Toddlers Can Benefit From Using Computers It's a fact of life that we live in an electronic age and computers are a bigger part of our lives than ever. It's unlike anything we've seen in the past and kids are learning to use computers at younger ages. There are steps a parent can take to ensure that their toddlers receive important skill-building benefits from their computer experience. Baby Shower Invitations Ideas The first thing you need to do before you order invitations or make your own baby shower invitations is to decide on the theme of your party! You can choose from baby shower invitations ideas like teddy bears, ducks, baby bottles and diaper pins. And what colors do you want? Blue for boys, pink for girls, or yellow and green for the baby yet unseen? Unique and Unusual Baby Names Today one of the biggest trends in naming is choosing a unique name. Those of us who grew up in the 70's and 80's undoubtedly knew multiple Jennifers, Amys, Michaels and Johns, and many parents want their child to have a more unusual name. Parents have dusted off old classics, combined names and altered spellings in the hopes of saving their child from the fate of being known throughout their school years as "Amy with a Y" or "Michael R, the one with brown hair." So how do you find a name that is unique and unusual? Here are some suggestions, along with a few warnings. Reading to Children ? Are We Doing It Right? Setting the Stage - Reading is One of the Big Boosts to Life: Potty Training Doll - How Do You Use A Potty Training Doll To Potty Train You Child? Your heard about using a potty training doll that drinks and wets to assist in the process of potty training. Okay - that sounds good. So how do you use a potty training doll? Baby Shower Centerpieces That Double as a Gift! Here you will learn how to make and where to purchase your baby shower centerpieces. As the centerpiece is the focal point of the baby shower, it is very important for you to design or purchase the right one. Educational Toys That Stimulate Chidrens Mind When children start to walk more steadily, run, push, pull, climb and grab things - they are growing from infants to toddlers. Between their first and second birthdays, they are self centered and get busy doing various things like - to flip light switches, pour things in and out of containers, unwrap packages and empty drawers. The toddler stage is very important in a child's life. It is the time between infancy and childhood when a child learns and grows in many ways. Everything that happens to the toddler is meaningful. Protecting Your Baby and Toddler from the Sun Babies and young children have thinner and more delicate skin than adults. Afterall, our skin has had a lot more years of conditioning to the outside world. Due to this, the risk of young children getting sunburnt is significantly higher. Top List of Baby Girls Names - Choosing Perfect Baby Names for Girls The list of baby girls names that are the most popular can help you when considering which names are the best baby names for girls. Choosing her name is fun for the parents, family and friends, and her name will be something she will live with the rest of her life. Keep these tips in mind when looking at the list of baby girls names and selecting baby names for girls: A New Baby can be Expensive! A new baby brings a lot of joy and hope to a family. It also brings some uncertainty. You may be concerned that your home is too small, or that you need a larger car, among others. Whether you are expecting your first or your fifth child, chances are that you need baby gear! There are hundreds of different items that you need when the baby arrives, and it is important to remember that stocking up doesn't mean you have to clean out the bank account. If you do a little bit of research beforehand, you can get everything that you need at a fraction of the retail price. My favorite money saving tool is the e-coupon. You can sign up for e-coupons at a variety of different retailers, and start savings instantly. Oh Baby! Choosing the Right Baby Name Naming a baby is no easy task. However, the following tips will help you give your baby his or her very first gift. Potty Training in One Day - Can You Really Potty Train in a Day? What Does It Mean? Sounds great ? doesn't it? How to Make Your Own Baby Food and Save a Fortune! Baby in a highchair, mom in front with a small spoon and a jar of baby food. It looks like something right out of a parenting magazine, and it's a scene that is played out several times a day in the majority of homes with small babies. Unfortunately, it's also a powerful marketing image that can cost a family a great deal of money in the long run. Baby Massage: A Cure for Colic Colic hurts. Any parent who has an affected child will know that there is almost no pain like it ? the physical and vocal response to the problem can be highly tiring and its very difficult to stand by and cope as a parent. It's often tough to ask ? what the hell is going on inside my baby?! When the problem arises, as it's so common and many health visitors expect parents to be aware of the nature of the affliction and how to deal with it. Baby Shower for Mom and the Ladies Baby Shower for Moms who just wanna have fun! This type of baby shower is not the only type of shower given today. Traditionally, baby showers have been thrown for mommy-to-be and the guest list was strictly women. A Baby Is Born With Certain Reflexes A Baby's Reflexes.. White Noise and 10 other Soothing Sounds for Calming a Colicky Infant The crying ? oh, the crying. A colicky baby can really drive you to the edge. Failed attempts to soothe her crying may leave you wondering if you are cut out to be a parent after all. But, don't worry, you are. You just need to arm yourself with some tools to battle each colic-crying outburst. How to Choose a Baby Swing According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, 1,000 American infants are taken to emergency rooms every year for injuries sustained while using swings. This is generally a result of the infant's head or neck becoming trapped between the back rest and the bars the swing is suspended from. If figures like this concern you as a parent, then knowing how to choose a baby swing that is safe and durable, will be one of your first priorities. You Have a New Person at Home: Babys Fourth Month Guide Baby is into her fourth month now. ![]() |
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