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How to Halt the Train of Aging
Aging would not be so bad if it did not tell on us at every encounter. As we hug one another, we register the love handles on the other's waist, the flab on their arms and the sag on their cheeks. We stare into each other's faces. After all, only saints find no pleasure in the wrinkles of their peers. We are not inexcusable sinners; we are checking to see how well we are holding up. Estimating someone's age and deciding how well that person has aged tells us a lot. Looking and feeling younger than chronological age has increasingly becomes a yardstick of success. Preoccupation with age is a reality for our rapidly aging society. It is part of our resume and every bit as important as our employment records. We may be justified in our dismay at aging, even scientists are puzzled by the purposelessness of the process. Every biological event in the human body, from conception to puberty to maturity, has a purpose except aging. Aging makes no sense. Scientists are baffled as to why mammals have much shorter life spans than more primitive species. We don't live nearly as long as the Galapagos turtle but we usually wind up looking like one. Nowadays, researchers hunt for the gene that causes aging. If they find it, they will look for a pill to disable it, as though it were a virus. They face an appalling task. A cell, the simplest form of life, is more complex than Mexico City, the largest city in the world. No one gene or any one hormone is responsible for health and youth. It is the ideal work of all the cells and organs functioning together in complete harmony to prevent the breakdown of the body. What makes us think we can think stop aging just by turning a switch in the body? The signs of deterioration that we consider the signs of aging are the result of waste overload on the cellular level. When our actions are in opposition to nature, the results are different types of bodily ills, deformities, and ugliness. Eating denatured and devitalized food leaves residues the body cannot utilize, and they are deposited in places our Creator never intended. Whatever the body cannot use, becomes toxic accumulations that steal our health and our youth. Body acids enter in chemical reactions with waste products causing calcification of the soft tissue. Now tissues of vital organs and glands become burdened with mineral salts and crystalline deposits. Overloaded with waste, they not only can no longer function normally but also become more responsive to gravity's pull. As every tissue elongates and sags, drooping jowls and sagging cheeks begin to drape on both sides of the mouth, and the eyebrows begin to hang over the eyes. External deformities are direct manifestations of internal pathologies. Ugly ropes of varicose veins, puffy faces, and cellulite are telling tales about your inside condition. Every pimple, psoriasis, or pigment change on your skin is in fact a reflection of some organ struggling to do its job. Every bulge, boil, or swelling is a sign that the body is pushing out some toxins in its effort to protect itself. Most of us feel our appearance lacks something. In reality, ugliness is more about excess. Toxic accumulations in our bodies are responsible for stealing our health and attractiveness. Beauty lies latent under cushions of retained fluids, deposits of fat, and sick tissues. Your beauty is buried alive, but in most cases it can be revived in a version that will be satisfactory to you. You must take immediate action to revitalize it. When you do, your uncovered beauty will surprise and delight you Some physical characteristics of our face and body we cannot change--they were determined prior to our birth. But the consumption of the raw plant diet as an adult will make a difference in the texture of skin and hair, the health of nails, weight and complexion. All of these traits and more are determined by daily choices, with food being one of the most important and, luckily, the one we can fully control. Since there can be no natural health without eating 100 percent natural food, most of people have never explored optimum health. In my book Your Right to Be Beautiful, I advocate a diet made up solely of raw fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds-Rawsome Diet. No, you will not be asked to graze the garden, dig up the squirrel's nuts or dine out on the birdfeeder, but you will be introduced to an unexplored world of preparation techniques that allow you to create not only the most nutritious meals, but also dishes that are delicious, filling and satisfying. Some raw food recipes even mimic traditional cuisine and make the transition to the Rawsome diet easier. There are 100s of different kinds of fruits and veggies, nuts and seeds with a variety of tastes and flavors, which awakened taste buds will begin to appreciate. If you combine only two or three ingredients at each meal, then the number of dish combinations is endless. The ability to renew cells is built into your body, and the body itself is capable of making you look more attractive. After all, we were designed to bloom continuously as old cells get replaced by new ones. The Rawsome diet makes the most of this rejuvenating ability of our bodies. Rawsome beauty is not manufactured from the outside but cultivated from the inside by nutritionally charged food. Whole raw food restores the integrity of every cell and facilitates the optimal operation of every organ inside and out. The body, having been awakened by the improved diet, in its wisdom, will reach out to the places where health was lacking, and you will gradually see your beauty surfacing. The Rawsome diet will eliminate all the toxins on a deeper level and bring amazing changes to your appearance. Only the body sustained on raw food will host natural beauty, or should we say Rawsome beauty. The body becomes transcended and will unfold from the inside out. While your non-raw eating peers discover new blemishes, blotches, and moles on a nearly daily basis, you will see your own skin irregularities gradually fade or disappear. Feeding your body raw food will make eyes, once sunken in bulbous flesh, look larger and more round by eliminating the surrounding puffiness and by firming the eyelids. Eyebrows that were beginning to form an awning over the eyes will regain their youthful arch. As natural collagen production improves, it will fill in the places where it is needed as in hollow cheeks. It will not just patch your face, but every one of your 3,000 square inches of skin will improve. The landscape of the body will change. The surface of the skin will become soft and smooth but still firm and supple. Visible pores will diminish. A sallow skin with a yellow pallor will turn into a porcelain-like complexion. The whites of eyes, once red, will become bright with a bluish tinge. Raw food eating will clarify and refine your features and bring delicacy to your face. People who have been on the raw food lifestyle for several years begin to have a glow, the kind not often seen in middle-aged people. Optimal health is recognized by an emerging radiance. Glow is hard to fake because it is internal. It comes from an abundance of clear, pink, almost transparent cells that light up the face. Only superior blood circulation can bring this transfiguring glow. Several years on the raw food diet will make you look as though you just stepped out of a painting by Renoir--the impressionist best known for his preoccupation with light. Colette, France's greatest woman writer, once wrote: "The fear of aging, a commonplace neurosis, does not usually wait for age and spares neither sex." But aging is full of mercy towards people on the raw food diet. This diet will allow you to ripen, not to decay. Beauty does not have to erode or disappear with age. You will be lithe and limber and keep your loveliness for a long time. It is like winning the Jack Pot in the Age Game. You become age-proof. When you discover The Most Beautiful You, old age will lose its sting, and you will have victory over the ravages of time. Even on the 100 percent raw food diet, no one lives forever. For individuals who follow this diet for many years, aging comes a week or two before death. Deterioration takes place rapidly. Perennial youth is a perpetual dream. The raw food lifestyle is the closest anyone can come to reaching the maximum life span with the quality of life intact. The diet allows the body to mature gracefully. It produces an alliance of character and health. The Rawsome Diet allows everyone to live as long as God intended and look as God envisioned. Excerpted from the book "Your Right to Be Beautiful: How to Halt the Train of Aging and Meet the Most Beautiful You" by Tonya Zavasta. The book is available at: http://www.beautifulonraw.com/html/righttobe.html © 2004 Tonya Zavasta This article may be freely reprinted in its entirety as long as the entire article, byline and URL are included. About The Author Tonya Zavasta is the author of the book "Your Right to Be Beautiful: How to Halt the Train of Aging and Meet the Most Beautiful You" and of the soon to be published its sequel "Beautiful on Raw". In these books Tonya comes across as an ambassador for plain looking women in their quest for physical beauty. Tonya knows firsthand what it is to be humiliated, face adversity and meet the complex obstacles of daily living with a congenital disability. In her forties facing several reconstructive hip surgeries to enable her to walk, she sought a way to offset the devastating effects of anesthetics on her health and appearance. She became convinced that the solution to her quest for health and beauty was to be found in the raw food lifestyle or the Rawsome Diet as she calls it. To learn more about how you can uncover your Rawsome beauty, visit: www.beautifulonraw.com
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Sunless Tanning Booth As we begin to fully understand the serious consequences of sun tanning, we are looking for alternatives and that's why a visit it a sunless tanning booth has become so popular. There are no tanning bed risks and no tanning bed burns to worry about. Just a beautiful golden tan that lasts about a week. Beauty and Raw Food One of the best ways to improve the appearance of your skin is by incorporating raw food into your diet. Beautiful skin starts from the inside out. People who switch to eating mostly raw food often see an improvement in their skin and look younger. The Eyes Have It Did you know Leonardo da Vinci sketched and described several forms of contact lenses in 1508, and in 1632 Rene Descartes suggested the possibility of a corneal contact lens? Civilization has come a long way from these early ideas to the high-tech advancements we have to care for our eyes today. We even have choices for improved vision other than through a contact lens or eyeglasses. LASIK surgical procedures are done on the eye and intended to reduce dependency on eyeglasses. It doesn't promise perfect vision, but it offers convenient benefits to people that don't want to put on glasses. How to Exfoliate Dead Skin Cells Exfoliating dead skin cells is one of the simplest ways to achieve the fresh and healthy glow of new skin. After all, that's exactly what exfoliating is -- removing the top layer of dead skin cells and allowing the new and healthier skin cells to rise to the surface. Simply washing your skin with traditional soap and water isn't enough. To remove those nasty dead skin cells you will need to exfoliate your skin on a regular basis. Microdermabrasion Treatment Offers Dramatic Results Microdermabrasion is a procedure that improves skin condition. It is effective at reducing fine lines, fine wrinkles, small scars such as acne scars (although it is not effective on deep wrinkles or deep scars), and age spots. Microdermabrasion works by emitting tiny (micro) crystals that polish (abrasion) the skin (derma). This stimulates the production of collagen and other skin cells that make the skin look healthier. The treatment sessions last for about an hour but several must be done every few weeks. Microdermabrasion does not have a permanent effect, but it has other benefits that recommend it above other skin rejuvenation techniques. Do You Want To Look Ten Years Younger? Do you want to look ten years younger? Are Herbs Weeds or Treasures? Many herbs have been introduced into Australia and because they are not native plants, they have often few competitors for resources such as water, soil nutrients and light and have few predators. Subsequently, these plants can grow and spread unchecked, endangering native vegetation and even various animal species such as birds and insects. Deep Skin Moisturizing When it comes to skin care, moisturizing is usually one of the more popular, and though it's hard to believe, more controversial topics. Some experts swear by moisturizing as the best way to keep your skin youthful and healthy while others feel a bit more suspicious of its benefits. Since my grandma lived to 94 years of age with beautiful skin and touted the benefits of moisturizing for years, I tend to lean towards giving it a go. For many, moisturizing on a daily basis is already a daily part of their skin care regime while others are just jumping on the bandwagon for the first time. Regardless of where you fall, deep skin moisturizing is a cost effective and simple way to take hold of the hands of time and rein it in. It Doesn?t Take Long To Make Yourself Feel Better! Spending 5 minutes on your face: Get Free Cosmetic Samples Just for Completing Offers There's almost nothing more irritating than buying a lot of expensive cosmetics and finding out after you get home that you don't like them. You can protect your wallet from this drain by trying out free cosmetic samples first. Sexy People Have This: Do You? Nothing More Sexy than Self Confidence Benefits of Spa Treatments Ladies, when was the last time you were treated like a queen? Whether it was in this millenium or the last, spending the day at a Spa guarantees the Star Treatment. Day Spa's are like hair and nail salons, only better. In addition to hair and nail services, they offer relaxing muscle massages, pedicures, manicures, deep cleansing facials and even body scrubs, all in a comforting, soothing environment. Most offer gift certificates and will combine services into 'packages' at a reduced price. Personal Care Products Can Lead To Cancer Our skin is a two way membrane. During perspiration toxins are eliminated from our body through it. Recently scientists have found that some chemicals when applied to the skin can penetrate the body and be absorbed by the body in significant amounts. Many personal care products contain chemicals which are considered hazardous by EPA. National Institute of Occupational safety and health found 884 chemicals used in personal care products and cosmetics are known to be toxins. The numbers of products used by adults and children that contain potent carcinogens are very high. It was reported recently that 500 dangerous chemicals have been found on a single fat cell in a healthy looking British woman. Another report was of 350 man made chemicals and residues used in personal care products found in breast milk. Complexion Problems - Getting a Clear, Healthy Complexion Most of us do. There are the few lucky people who have near-perfect skin tone and color, and who never break out with an acne blemish, and yet their skin stays perpetually moisture balanced and clear. Skin Care Secrets ? You Can Have Beautiful Skin Your skin is the largest organ of your body, just like your heart or your kidney. Its job is to protect your insides so it is important for it to be healthy. If you eat a healthy diet, drink lots of water, keep it clean, and protect it from the sun, your skin will stay healthy all your life. Get Rid Of All Those Expensive Skin Creams - They Could Be Causing You To Look Older Than You Are! To drastically improve your skin tone simply add two to three tablespoons of - and this is a long one - Fashionable Mom You're a mom and you're still thinking about being 'fashionable'? That's the kind of response I got from someone I went shopping with. All I did was go shopping with this mom and when we passed a fashion outlet selling fashionable clothing and apparel, I commented that I wanted to get that frilly pink top with splashes of lime green that is flying off the shelves with a 70% discount tag! Contact Lenses and the Over 40s The over-40s crowd are suffering from discovering that their arms are growing shorter as words become increasingly more difficult to read up close and they must hold small items at arms length to be able to see them properly. White Asian Skin Against Tanning The paler the skin, the higher the class The Cost of Rhinoplasty The cost of a rhinoplasty procedure can vary greatly from region to region, city to city and doctor to doctor. Just as in any field, including medicine, there are groups and people that provide low cost, operations for large volume client bases on low budgets and higher cost operations to superstar medical personalities willing to pay astronomical prices. After doing research beforehand and paying attention to published reports on plastic surgery, one can easily find the names of plastic surgeons in the Southern California area, or any area, who have worked on famous celebrities. However, whatever your budget and approach, you can save money by researching the topic, making an informed decision and consulting with several doctors or groups until you find the one who makes you feel comfortable, and who is charging what you are willing to pay for the procedure. ![]() |
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