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Tired Of Tweezing? A Better Way To A More Beautiful You
Any drug store has a section full of products to deal with the problem of unwanted facial hair: tweezers, waxes, bleaches, and even sugaring kits. Some salons have a trained electrolysist on staff to remove hairs by electrolysis (electric charge put through a needle to kill hair follicles at their root). Some dermatologists now offer laser removal of hair that removes hair. Many women use one or a combination of these methods to remove facial hair that they feel detracts from their appearance. Some of these methods are uncomfortable, some can't be used by women with certain types of skin, some are temporary, and the ones that are permanent can be outrageously expensive. Lisa S, a family lawyer, comments wryly, "I'd rather spend the money on a gorgeous dress - then no-one will be looking at my face anyhow!" Where did this facial hair come from? All women have facial hair: for some women it consists of "peach fuzz" - an almost unnoticible sprinkling of almost invisible hairs. Some women however have places where one or more darker hairs (sometimes called terminal hairs) which they feel detracts from their beauty. Women have different amounts of terminal hair on the face for different reasons. it might be hereditary - if your mother or grandmother has darker facial hair on the upper lip you're more likely to have the same pattern. Having more body fat allows your body to create more of the hormones that make terminal hairs grow. And all women, thin or curvy, make more of the hair-growth hormone as they get older, which can increase facial hair growth. Rarely, large amounts of facial-hair growth (for example, a "beard" and "moustache" type appearance) may signal an illness that is changing your hormones. If you've noticed a significant change in your facial hair or your hair growth seems excessive to you, talk to a doctor that you're comfortable with. Her job is to help so don't be shy! She will make sure you get treatment if there is a problem. And most of the time, she'll be able to reassure you that the hair growth you're experiencing is normal. It might be normal, but I still don't like it! What makes facial hair "unwanted" depends on the woman. Some women feel perfectly comfortable with visible hairs on the upper lip, where others will find very bothersome. Only you know whether it makes you uncomfortable with your appearance! If it does bother you, though, and you're tired of plucking, waxing or bleaching, you may want to consider the option of a medication that actually reduces the amount your facial hair grows. Vaniqa Cream Vaniqa is a prescription topical medication, a cream that you put on the skin that has the annoying hairs. Vaniqa's active ingredient (eflornithine HCl) actually slows the growth of hairs. Vaniqa doesn't remove hairs completely. So if you've been tweezing or waxing, you may occasionally continue to do so. But you'll notice that you have to remove hairs less often or find that with fewer hairs growing at any one time, their appearance does not bother you as much. Best of all, Vaniqa has very few side effects: rarely, a few women feel stinging, burning or see a rash where they've applied the cream. And in studies of the drugs, the women who did have side effects felt that they were so mild that they continued using Vaniqa. If you have side-effects, stop using the cream till you've talked with your doctor. World, Here I Come! As you use Vaniqa you'll notice the reduced appearance of facial hair and you'll spend less time removing the hair that appears. You'll have more time to do the things that the beautiful-you wants to do - shopping, flirting with your husband, working, and being more confident every step of the way! Copyright (C) Shoppe.MD and Ian Mason, 2004-2005 Ian Mason, owner of Shoppe.MD, your source for hair removal tips and Vaniqa cream. Ian is a fat-to-fit student of health, weight loss, exercise, and several martial arts; maintaining several websites in an effort to help provide up-to-date and helpful information for other who share his interests in health of body and mind.
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The Right Beauty Supplies Will Make You Look Great! Use beauty supplies the right way and yours could well be the face that launched a thousand ships! Growing old may be mandatory, but looking it certainly isn't. It's just that one has to do it right. But that's exactly what's difficult. The mind boggles with the onslaught of unending types of beauty supplies, countless makeup and enticing brands. Am I using the right beauty supplies? Am I doing it correctly? What about side effects? Thankfully, makeup tips are not very difficult to find. Beauty Today: All Smoke and Mirrors? Did you ever notice that the bar is continually being raised on exactly what physical characteristics define beauty? As I sit in front of the TV, I am bombarded by beauties with pouty lips, perfect bone structure, flawless skin, more "voluptuous" upper regions, size 2 waists, and hair that resembles spun silk. Take these same beauties and plop them back in time 20-30 years, when the advent of modern cosmetic technology had not even begun to reach its full potential. Do you think they would have had those same attributes you find yourself longing for when faced with these images? My guess is probably not, or at least not to the same extent. Sunless Tanning Booth As we begin to fully understand the serious consequences of sun tanning, we are looking for alternatives and that's why a visit it a sunless tanning booth has become so popular. There are no tanning bed risks and no tanning bed burns to worry about. Just a beautiful golden tan that lasts about a week. What Do Plastic Surgery Pictures Look Like? The plastic surgery pictures usually come in pairs. One shot is taken before the operation, the other - after it. You can see them almost at every plastic surgery website and finding them is not a problem. Trouble begins when you want to use them to make up your mind about the results of the plastic surgery you want to have. Getting Rid of Cellulite - The Best Anti Cellulite Creams, Treatments and Remedies It is estimated that about 95% of all women have cellulite. That is a staggering number, and seems almost impossible to beat! We are lucky enough to live in an age where cosmetic and "nutraceutical" technology is becoming so advanced, getting rid of cellulite is becoming easier, more affordable, and faster. Wear For Fun Colored Contacts Wear for fun colored contacts are exactly what they sound like. Wear for fun colored contacts are cosmetic contacts and are available throughout the world. You can even get some of these wear for fun colored contacts without a prescription. How to Remove Dye From Hair How to remove dye from hair which is designed to ... well, dye, change the color of, alter stuff. And it does it - very well. Beauty Sleep - Is It A Dream? As women we know that a lack of sleep leaves us irritable; however most of us are unaware of the damage it may be doing to our skin? Besides being an essential component of a healthy lifestyle, getting 8 hours of sleep per night helps improve the texture and the luminosity of our skin. During the night the skin is restored from the harmful effects of daily stress. When we do not get the required sleep our skin suffers. This is especially noticeable in the fragile skin under the eyes. The under eye area is almost fifty percent thinner than the skin on the face. Sleepless nights leaves behind fine lines, dark circles or puffy bags. Cosmetic treatments can soften the effects of sleep deprivation but preventive medicine is the best cure. Eye treatments are limited in their ability and cannot reverse the stress that a lack of sleep will do to the skin. Teeth Whitening: Home Treatments Not Without Some Risk Before you start whitening your teeth, you must consider that there is a small danger unless you are just using toothpaste. What is Digital Nail Art? How is the procedure performed? Color Toric Contacts - Good News for People with Astigmatism If you have an astigmatism it doesn't mean that you are stuck with wearing glasses. These days there are special contact lenses, called "toric", developed specially for people with astigmatism. And it gets even more exiting - you can also wear color toric contacts. Find out what color toric contact lenses are available and which would be best for you. Plastic Surgery: Rhinoplasty / Nose Job Information What is a Rhinoplasty? At-home Hair Color: Seven Tips for Great Results Doing your own home hair color for the first time can be intimidating, to say the least. Have I chosen the right color? What if I make a mistake and wind up with green hair? What if I end up with overprocessed, dry damaged hair? The fact is that you can achieve excellent results and save a lot of money by coloring your hair at home as long as you know a few basics about how to select the right color and apply it correctly. Here are seven of the most common questions and my advice on hair coloring at home. Advice on Permanent Hair Coloring at Home 1. How do I know whether I should color my hair at home or go to a salon? Most people can successfully color their hair at home but there are exceptions. You should get a professional color job if your hair is in poor condition - coloring dry damaged hair at home can result in uneven color. Also, if your hair has different shades and you want one even tone, a hairdresser can apply different formulas to the different areas. Finally, it's best to leave it to the experts if you want to make a drastic change to your hair color, say dark brown to platinum blonde, or you want special color effects or highlights. 2. Are drugstore hair colors just as good as salon hair color products? In general, salon hair colors contain higher-quality ingredients than the drugstore brands. Salons also offer a wider variety of colors and tones. But home coloring kits are getting better all the time and can deliver good results if used properly. 3. How do I pick a color that will look natural on me? When choosing a hair color, your skin tone and natural hair color are the two most important factors. Whether you're going lighter or darker, stay within two or three shades of your natural hair color. Here is a guideline for selecting a compatible hair color for your skin tone: Dark/olive skin: Stay with darker hair colors. Yellow skin: Dark, rich colors like deep auburn. Pale skin: Almost any color. Pink skin: Neutral tones like sandy or beige blonde or chocolate brown are best. Avoid reds or golden tones. Complexion Problems - Getting a Clear, Healthy Complexion Most of us do. There are the few lucky people who have near-perfect skin tone and color, and who never break out with an acne blemish, and yet their skin stays perpetually moisture balanced and clear. Manicure at Home Required items to perform manicure: Benefits of Spa Treatments Ladies, when was the last time you were treated like a queen? Whether it was in this millenium or the last, spending the day at a Spa guarantees the Star Treatment. Day Spa's are like hair and nail salons, only better. In addition to hair and nail services, they offer relaxing muscle massages, pedicures, manicures, deep cleansing facials and even body scrubs, all in a comforting, soothing environment. Most offer gift certificates and will combine services into 'packages' at a reduced price. Anti-Wrinkle Lifestyle Tips Experts say that, when it comes to getting wrinkles, 10% is genetics -- but the other 90% is environment and lifestyle. This is great news! Why? Because it means that you have A LOT of control over your skin and how badly - and quickly - it wrinkles. In fact, you can begin today to make lifestyle changes that will literally save your skin and prevent wrinkles as long as possible. Specifically, the following lifestyle tips are proven to protect and nurture your skin: The Revolution in Skin Care Q: With so many skin care products on the market today, how do you know which one is right for you? Silicone Breast Implants Revived by FDA On July 28 2005, the FDA issued a letter of approval to Mentor Corp ending the the thirteen year old ban on silicone-gel breast implants. This move came about as Mentor Corp. persuaded the FDA that its newer silicone implants are less dangerous and more durable than older versions. The company will employ these implants only under the following strict safety conditions approved by the FDA. Learn How To Tan Safely Finally summer has arrived, the sun is warm and inviting and we can ditch that heavy clothing. It's the season to enjoy the outdoors and enjoy that sun. But the trick is to tan safely and enjoy the sun safely. ![]() |
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