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Face Off
The other day, I indulged in one of my many guilty pleasures. Specifically, I watched a programme called "Face Lifts From Hell." Like many factual programmes, you can learn a little something from "Face Lifts from Hell", and tonight I took away this little nugget: It's not immigrants or asylum seekers that are putting a drain on the national health service. It's idiots from this country. One woman on tonight's programme (and I don't want to appear misogynistic, but there were no men featured; draw your own conclusions) went on a surgery holiday. The basic premise is that you go on a package trip with a group of other desperate people, and they cart you off to Poland to have various bits of your anatomy sucked, snipped, sliced and tightened. This woman, who, due to numerous face-lifts, looked like she was constantly hurtling forwards at about 97 miles an hour, had some sort of breast-enhancement and, after surgery, was taken to a small apartment in a block with all the other patients and left there to recuperate. She was essentially dumped in a flat in Poland and left to her own devices with a group of equally vacuous and recently-mutilated women. Perhaps unsurprisingly, she contracted an infection. She then came back to the UK and, at a cost of £5,000, had to have things fixed. (Her bosom was left comically lopsided, to my great amusement, but this is a serious point. Ironically, a serious point is also what one of her boobs was left with.) If this was an isolated case I could let the matter go, but the entire programme was like a hit parade of idiots who now had bodies as defective looking as their brains almost certainly are. One woman - I swear this is the truth - was talked into cosmetic surgery by a travelling face-lift salesman. I'm not making this up. Someone came to this woman's door and convinced her to get a face-lift she didn't really want. I have enough trouble figuring out how my dad always seems to end up with windows and bank accounts he didn't have any intention of aquiring after someone knocks on the door, but how in the name of all that is holy can you even consider listening to someone who goes door to door trying to convince people to be drugged to unconsciousness so that a stranger can slice into them and pull their skins on tighter?! Am I the only one who would hear alarm bells ringing in my head if this happened to me?! Possibly, yes, as this woman leapt at the chance and was genuinely surprised when things ended in tears. Another woman travelled from Turkey for liposuction, and woke up a week later in a different hospital with what can only be described as a seam. She now looks like you could unzip her and keep pencils in her stomach. Apparently the surgeon, who, wouldn't you know it, had a history of this sort of thing, botched the operation, severed an artery, and had to rush her to a (stop me if you see this coming) NHS hospital for treatment. While I'm ranting, I may as well mention the lap dancer who wanted her breasts increased from a B cup to a C. She woke up with an F (am I the only one who pictures her relatives standing around with deeply interested looks and yelling "SURPRISE!" as she comes to?) and as a result could no longer lap-dance. Not to fear. She's since become a teacher. Perhaps this goes some way to explaining the state of the education system, too, but that's another story. Our penultimate contestant tonight was a heavy smoker with a heart condition (who, funnily enough, was starting to look a little aged.) She was, to be charitable, nothing special to look at anyway. She also happened to neglect to mention her heavy smoking and heart problems to her surgeon, and ended up having a stroke from the stress of the procedure. What a shocker. However, our prize winner tonight was a woman who had two children and put on weight (she actually put on the equivalent amount of weight of two ten-year-old children, by my calculation) and was offered a stomach reduction and lyposuction on (just the girls! People on the left! All together!) the NHS. Her operation wound became infected, and she contracted gangrene. But this isn't the end of the story. Oh no. After three days, she was allowed home, and was, in her own words, in agony. She then suffered several fits. This, I'm sure you'll agree, is where most of us would plan a return to the hospital. Instead, without going into the exquisite and mind-numbingly sickening detail she indulged in, she waited a further five days (with her condition becoming progressively worse) and nearly died. Now, is it me, or is there a pattern, here? From what I can see, the sort of people who have cosmetic surgery are the same sort of people who travel to a Polish ghetto for operations, accept advice from travelling facelift salesmen, who don't think that mentioning your liability to have a heart attack mid-operation is anything to trouble your doctor with, and decide that having a series of fits following an operation should be considered a "wait and see" sort of situation. People who go in for cosmetic surgery, by and large, are stupid. Now, I'm not for a moment suggesting that there aren't good reasons. If you've been burned or damaged in some severe way that wasn't your fault, or if your body really does look terrible for whatever reason, I can understand the desire to do something about it. Otherwise, here's a pretty solid, iron-clad law of physics from someone who was a straight C student in science: People get older!! Believe it or not (you probably will, I'm quite dull) you've aged since you started reading this. Yeah, you. You, there, in the chair, looking at the screen with the slightly slack-jawed expression you didn't realise you adopted when you read things. Most people just accept it and move on with things. If you can't, here's the first of my tips: Stop smoking. Without exception, every single woman of 50-something I've ever seen cram her flabby, drooping body into an outfit far too low, high, tight and stretchy for her has also had a cigarette in her mouth. And too much makeup, but one thing at a time. If you want to stay young-looking, stop poisoning your lungs and skin with nicotine. It'll do you wonders. Secondly, here's my tip for losing weight without having to have a vacuum cleaner inserted into any orifices or incisions. It's a simple equation: Less food, more exercise. Or, even, equal it out. Exercise proportionate to how much you're eating. Keep an eye out for this, you'd be surprised how many fat people seem oblivious to this law. As soon as people start to accept that shit (and age) happens, and begin to look after themselves, they'll stop being a drain on the NHS from their botched face-lifts ("Who knew 'Crazy Achmed' wasn't a reputable surgeon?!") and everyone else with real injuries might get some frigging treatment. This, more than anything else, is the problem with the world today. Years of increased convenience (remember when you had to walk to a certain part of the house just to make a phone call?!) has left western humanity softer than an impotent marshmallow and just desperate for someone or something to blame, and for someone or something else to fix it. "I'm 50 and don't look as good as I did at 19! There must be someone to blame and some procedure I can have!" It's just going to happen, people, and until we all start to face up to the simple and oft-overlooked fact that life has a habit of sucking, we'll never get anywhere. And the people who can't accept that, of course, also can't accept it when their desperate, sad attempts to beat the cosmic house fail, and so they complain about that. I guess, at the end of the day, I'm trying to get across a simple message: You were the one who chose to have that operation, madam, and if it doesn't turn out well, there's nobody to blame but yourself. Incidentally, I have another weight loss tip. If you can't bear to exercise and cut back on what you eat, just smoke yourself thin. You'll look old, but I can give you the number of a really good plastic surgery salesman. Honest. He's just knocking on the door, now... Luke Haines
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Petroleum and Cosmetics: What are the Potential Health Risks? What is petroleum? Slow The Aging Process By Watching What You Think How to stop the old aging process is the ultimate age old question. Overtime, the cells of our body grow and die. There is nothing that can stop this process totally, but we are finding out so much more about the body and aging that we can slow down the ravages of time. So much of anti aging is a mind body connection. If you want to keep as young as you can in your body, you should stay young in your mind as well. Energy will follow what you focus on with your mind; so if you are worrying about how tired you are feeling, or how stiff your body is, or you are counting the wrinkles or gray hairs on your head, your energy and the energy around you will give you more of what you are focusing on. I propose to you that one of the first tips for anti aging is to stop thinking about aging; and start focusing on healthy you are, how good you feel and how great you look. The Facts About Cosmetic Surgery Cosmetic surgery is big business now, the advances of science and technology meaning it has become more affordable and much more accessible for anyone to consider it. Far from breast enhancements being the only option anymore, there are operations that can be done on virtually any part of your body to aesthetically enhance your appearance. Getting the 'body beautiful' has never been such a viable option as it is now. How To Establish A Base Tan Without Getting Burned Lets face it. A nice tan makes you look and feel great. Plus, it can hide ugly cellulite and also make you appear thinner! Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon: Treat Yourself to Surgery at Its Best Los Angeles is the city as infamous as it is famous, as notorious a city as you can find. It is a city that is known the whole world over, even by millions who have never visited it, and it is surrounded by an intriguing mysticism that few can resist. This is where the famous people live, the young, the rich and the beautiful, a city that houses people so gorgeous that the plastic surgeons must be the best in the world! Many people travel here from all over the world to have their surgery performed here by the very best. But if the city and its surgeons are that good, surely the prices must be as high-flying too? What You Should Know About Cosmetic Surgery Cosmetic surgery is any surgical procedure that is designed to enhance your physical appearance. Unless the cosmetic surgery is required as the result of an accident, injury, or birth defect, the chances are the procedure will not be covered by your insurance. What Is This Passion for Tanning? Tanned skin is very popular among gorgeous women. Everybody wants to have attractive bronzed looks. Whether you are on a date, a business trip or partying, a perfect tan can make you the center of attraction. Best Plastic Surgeons Who can I trust to find me a best plastic surgeon? Fade My Freckles! Freckles, age spots, pregnancy mask - these harmless skin defects can be quite an annoying problem. We all want not only silky smooth complexion, but an even and healthy skin tone as well. Beauty Basics - Eight Tips For Naturally Beautiful Skin Not sure what to look for when choosing cosmetics? Need some advice on taking care of your skin? Here are eight tips to help your skin look and feel it's best. Discover The Make-Up Artist in You As a licensed cosmetologist, I would like to share how to develop the art of truly being a makeup artist on your own face. Contact Lenses Causing Dry Eyes? Don't you just hate it when your eyes are dry and itchy? It is definitely one of the worst feelings for such a sensitive area. Your instincts tell you that you should rub your eyes when they are dry. However, this only leads to a drier more irritated eye. If you are tired of dealing with dry eyes, here are a few tips that will help clear up the problem for you. Wrinkle Buster In Your Kitchen Many cosmetic companies are capitalizing on on our need to fight the signs of aging. Prices for these "miracle" concoctions can run as high as $200 for a cream! So what is in these small jars of hope and promise? Looking through the ingredients and deciphering the scientific names, you may discover that some of the ingredients are derived from fruits and vegetables that we regularly buy in the Produce section of our favorite grocer. Color Toric Contacts - Good News for People with Astigmatism If you have an astigmatism it doesn't mean that you are stuck with wearing glasses. These days there are special contact lenses, called "toric", developed specially for people with astigmatism. And it gets even more exiting - you can also wear color toric contacts. Find out what color toric contact lenses are available and which would be best for you. Contacts, What a Dream It all started when I was in second or third grade. Before going to bed every night, my parents and I would read together, usually a chapter or two from a book I couldn't yet manage on my own (the Chronicles of Narnia stand out most in my memory). Maybe I knew that I was bound to be near sighted since both of my parents were, or maybe I'd seen somebody I admired on TV who was wearing glasses, but whatever the inspiration, I had the sudden desire to wear glasses. One night I starting squinting and pulling the book closer to my face, trying to show my parents that my eyesight was failing and that I needed glasses. I must not have been very convincing because nothing came of it, and after two weeks of trying, I abandoned the act. Hair Split Ends This is a common condition which proves to be the devil of every girl's life! Split ends are most often seen in long hair but also found in shorter hair that is out of condition and is an affliction of anyone trying to grow their hair. The problem can be solved with good hair maintenance so check out this article! Making Sense of the Natural vs Synthetic Debate: Acceptability of Synthetic Ingredients in Cosmetic Ideas and perspectives as to what constitutes a natural product vary. Is bread natural? Is fruit natural? What about soap? Or nail polish? What criteria can an interested consumer use to distinguish between a natural or synthetic product? The answer is not as clear as some would have you believe. The world around us is composed of atoms, molecules, compounds and chemicals. We manipulate the natural world around us so that new substances can serve our needs in ways not even imagined fifty years ago. This article will clarify what is natural and what is synthetic, followed by a discussion of how we should view synthetics and their implications in our daily use of cosmetics and personal care products. Beauty Sleep - Is It A Dream? As women we know that a lack of sleep leaves us irritable; however most of us are unaware of the damage it may be doing to our skin? Besides being an essential component of a healthy lifestyle, getting 8 hours of sleep per night helps improve the texture and the luminosity of our skin. During the night the skin is restored from the harmful effects of daily stress. When we do not get the required sleep our skin suffers. This is especially noticeable in the fragile skin under the eyes. The under eye area is almost fifty percent thinner than the skin on the face. Sleepless nights leaves behind fine lines, dark circles or puffy bags. Cosmetic treatments can soften the effects of sleep deprivation but preventive medicine is the best cure. Eye treatments are limited in their ability and cannot reverse the stress that a lack of sleep will do to the skin. Caring for Tattoos Before You Get a Tattoo Fight Aging Developing an anti-aging program is the newest scientific approach to helping you live a longer, healthier and more active life. Some of the greatest benefits include improved mental and cognitive funtion, stronger cardiovascular system, increased lean body mass and decreased body fat, improve sexual function, fewer wrinkles, thicker skin and better skin tone. The main components of anti-aging to include in your program are:Optimal nutrition, proper skincare, regular excercise, hormone replacement therapy, and lifestyle behavioral changes such as smoke, stress management, and reduced alcohol asumption. ![]() |
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