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History of Plastic Surgery
When most people use the term Plastic Surgery, they more often than not use it in reference to cosmetic surgery. Few people actually stop to think that Plastic Surgery covers a far wider range of surgical procedures and that cosmetic surgery is only one type of surgery related to Plastic Surgery. The full scope of Plastic Surgery is quite wide if one stops to think about it and more often than not, is related to, and, plays a fundamental role in conjunction with other fields of medicine and surgical procedures pertaining to the field of general surgery. Plastic Surgery is basically concerned with the reconstruction of the surface of the body whether that has to do with the reconstruction of facial or body disfigurations that are either congenital in nature or, acquired due to accidents or illness for example, cancer related disfigurations. Although Plastic Surgery goes as far back as Ancient Egypt the first physicians who actually placed a more scientific scope in the field of Plastic Surgery and, to be more precise, cosmetic surgery were two Sicilians Gustav and Antonio Branka . Father and son, in 1400, they outlined the basic guidelines which plastic surgeons should follow when undertaking reconstructive nose surgery. However, the first to ever create a center for Plastic Surgery and to take the first steps to making Plastic Surgery an equally accepted field of medicine was another Italian, Taliakosi. However, it was not until after World War I that Plastic Surgery developed its full scope of use. This was due to the enormous amount of facial and body disfigurations which either resulted in Plastic Surgery being undertaken for aesthetic reasons, to regain functional abilities or, more often than not, for both. From then on and up until today, Plastic Surgery continues to play an ever increasingly important role as a field of medicine in today's' society either on its own when referring to simple cosmetic surgery or as part of, and in relation to other fields of surgical specialties. Charles Kassotis is the Owner and Webmaster of http://www.PlasticSurgeryOrg.com and Many Other Personal Health and Wellness Websites. With a Strong Interest in Personal And Overall Health, he has Invested 100's of Hours in Research, and Published countless Health Articles aimed at Better Educating the Public to their Choices when it comes to Personal Health and Wellness.
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Get Rid Of All Those Expensive Skin Creams - They Could Be Causing You To Look Older Than You Are! To drastically improve your skin tone simply add two to three tablespoons of - and this is a long one - How To Establish A Base Tan Without Getting Burned Lets face it. A nice tan makes you look and feel great. Plus, it can hide ugly cellulite and also make you appear thinner! LipoSelection? by Vaser® Vaser® LipoSelection? is a revolutionary advance in ultra-sonic liposuction. People with fatty areas of the body, resistant to diet and exercise, can now enjoy a gentle and quick body contouring solution with results that are far more predictable than those of traditional liposuction. The key to LipoSelection is the ability to target only the unwanted pockets of fat for removal, leaving the surrounding areas of the body, such as nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissues, relatively undisturbed. This is an exciting breakthrough, so gentle that it originated from the treatment of brain tumors! The Secret To A Good Tan Is In The Bulb The secrets out! Tanning bed bulbs in salon tanning beds, are a big part of the secret to that perfect tan. With the wide range of bulbs available for tanning beds you can have any depth of tan you desire. There are deep tanning lamps, bronzing bulbs, facial lamps, and plenty of other choices. These high tech lamps have utilized the best technology known to man, to safely tan you. Natural Mineral Makeup, a Natural Alternative to Greasy Makeup Mineral Makeup is a natural alternative to acne causing and pore clogging oil based makeups that dominate the market. Cosmetics are big business, but just because something costs more doesn't mean it's better for your skin. Every liquid you put on your skin is absorbed into the skin and goes directly into the blood stream. Think about that next time you pull out your liquid foundation and apply it to your skin. Silicone Breast Implants Revived by FDA On July 28 2005, the FDA issued a letter of approval to Mentor Corp ending the the thirteen year old ban on silicone-gel breast implants. This move came about as Mentor Corp. persuaded the FDA that its newer silicone implants are less dangerous and more durable than older versions. The company will employ these implants only under the following strict safety conditions approved by the FDA. Boost your Natural Beauty Make your hair shine and your skin glow with these all-natural Skin and Hair Nourishing masks & recipes, that you can whip up with just a few simple, easy-to-find ingredients. Permanent Laser Hair Removal Many people are burdened by what society has deemed "unsightly" hair. Shaving is only a brief solution to this problem and quickly leaves tell-tale stubble. Plucking or waxing are painful and the results do not last much longer than shaving. So what is the best way to permanently remove hair from areas such as the upper lip, chin, neck, armpits, forearms, back, chest, legs, or bikini line? Many people are now discovering the benefits of laser hair removal, a non-invasive procedure that removes unwanted hair. Home Tanning Beds More and more people are opting to buy their own tanning beds rather than frequent a tanning salon. The main reason for this is that over a period of months or years, frequenting a salon can cost you thousands of dollars. That's money you could have spent on your own machine. And then there's the matter of time spent traveling to and from the salon. If you tan often, why not invest in a home tanning bed? Why Should I Wear Sunglasses? "Why the heck should I wear sunglasses" you ask? "They are too awkward" others may say. I'm telling you, wearing sunglasses can prevent a multitude of problems and this article will hopefully show you just that. How Do You Take Care of Your Bodys Biggest Organ? How do you take care of your body's biggest organ ? Let's think about this question for a moment. We eat low fat foods for our heart; lower sodium intake for out blood pressure; dental check up twice a year; eye exams and physicals yearly. We do all of these things to make sure we live long healthy lives. But the biggest organ, our skin, is often neglected, dehydrated, sun damaged and suffocated by the products we put on our skin. Rejuvenating Technology for Skin and Body! Currently, tremendous interest and research are being focussed on anti-oxidants and their role in helping to reverse and prevent free radical damage to the body. Enzymes and anti-oxidants protect the body against the harmful effects of these free oxygen radicals. The best known of such enzymes is called SOD (super-oxide dismutase). Synthetic Fiber Hair Extensions Create Choice Hair Styles for Hair Loss and Fashion Clients From the beginning of time, women have cared for their hair. As 2005's Most Popular Hair Extensions far back as 4000-300 B.C. Egyptian women and even men are shown with various wigs and elaborate hair styles. Hair is a contributing factor to ones confidence and serenity. Our culture strongly identifies femininity with a thick, lustrous head of hair. Images of full bodied, shining hair are synonymous with female attributes, sexuality, desirability and vigor. Thinning, dry, lusterless hair is identified with illness, old age, and poverty. Caring for Tattoos Before You Get a Tattoo Your Skin - Are You Creating An Asset or a Liability? Skincare consists of Skin and Care ? obvious really, but let's look at exactly what that term means. Anything that is taken good care of will look, last and function better for longer and retain its value. Contact Lens Chaos with Colorful Eyes If you have teenagers, then you will encounter this end-of-the-world dilemma at some point if you haven't already. There's a big party or concert or some other function that everyone who is anyone is going to be attending and your teenager wants to stand out and have this be their night (although they'll never admit it). The Healing Properties of Green Tea The healing properties of greeen tea have put it in the forefront of today's wellness news. Beauty Consultant Reveals Secrets to Beautiful Skin If you're like many women you are confused about how to choose the proper skin care. Or maybe you have some knowledge of what is available but you are not sure what is a good choice for you. Cosmetics come in many forms and deciding which is good for you is often a matter of personal taste. However, in order to make a good decision here is some basic information that you should know. The Cost of Hair Extensions Hair extensions can be added to your own natural hair to add length, volume, and body. They can also be an easy, non-chemical way to add highlights or lowlights. Hair extensions can be a one-night change or one that lasts six months. Dry Skin Care Is your dry skin itchy and flaky or cracking and peeling? While dry skin may indicate any of several skin disorders such as psoriasis or eczema, you may simply have skin that is badly in need of hydration. The epidermis, or outer layer of skin, is easily dehydrated, particularly in cold, windy weather or after extensive unprotected sun exposure. Flaky, itchy skin, itchy scalp, or scaling can result. Painful chaffing can appear on the skin. ![]() |
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