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Wonderful Foaming Honey Foot Bath at Home
I imagine you can tell me at length about how tired your feet and legs get after your busy day. When's the last time you got to treat yourself to a day at the spa? Even if you had the time, it's not too often you can afford the $100 cost of a simple, relaxing, foot soak. Doesn't that sound nice? A relaxing foot soak at a spa. So I put together this simple recipe so you can have that soothing soak with ingredients you probably already have at home, and can whip up immediately. *** Step 1. Create this wonderful foaming honey foot bath at home. Here's what you need: 1 tablespoon Honey The almond oil was the only things that sounded like it was tough to find, but my wife and I found it at the chain drugstore at the corner of our street. Just take a look in the beauty/cosmetic aisle. Mix all these ingredients together in a bowl and its ready for your foot bath. Note: If you want to make this stuff in a large quantity to save for later, you can bump up all the ingredients to something like this: ½ cup Honey Now you can save this in a bottle and save some time for next time. Step 2. Find yourself a foot bath These days you can get a fancy, space-age, foot bath for about $20. They promise they do all sorts of things like vibration, bubbles, and heat. I haven't tried one myself, but for $20 that probably isn't a bad experiment. My wife however didn't need one as she had me volunteer to provide all the scrubbing and massaging for her. Wait! Hon, I don't recall you ever offering me a foot bath? So anything around the house that can submerse your feet just above the ankle is going to work here. We ended up using a disposable aluminum roasting pan. Yes it was brand new and didn't have roasted meat in it! Step 3. Fill up your foot bath Put your mixed up concoction from Step 1 into your foot bath and fill with warm water. Please be real careful with the water temperature. Do this by triple checking the temperature of the water with your hands when it's done. And if you are doing this for a spouse make sure you understand their taste in temperature. I speak from experience here. I got a little lazy, and didn't judge the hotness of the water. Although my wife was a trooper and tried to go along anyways. I could tell from her grimace and refusal to dip more than like a toe into the water, that I made it too hot. Step 4. Soak for 10 minutes After I got the temperature of the water right, we soaked her feet for 10 minutes. There is all sorts of good stuff going on now during this soak. The soap is obviously cleaning all sorts of impurities from your feet. I can't even explain how many things the honey is doing. Here is a short list: 1) Apparently honey forms hydrogen peroxide which is a great anti bacterial agent. So there is goes cleansing your feet some more. 2) Honey contains antioxidants. Health news constantly revolves around us getting more antioxidants. So without me getting all biologist on us, I'll just confirm that getting more antioxidants on our skin and in our diet is really super great! 3) Honey is also a terrific humectant. All that means is it makes a great moisturizer. *** Just knowing about this foot bath, you can get started on your at-home foot spa. So take 15 minutes tonight and pamper yourself. Those feet are going to feel so soft, especially in a comfy pair of flip flops. Another great way for women readers to treat their feet is to slide them into a pair of ultra-comfortable flip flops. Get a pair at http://www.yourflipflops.com. Or if you'd like our FREE newletter with more articles about pampering your feet, send a blank email to mailto:flipflops@aweber.com
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