How to Use RSS for Free Targeted Website Traffic

RSS (real simple syndication) is the new rage in communication. Why? Because people are beginning to see the traffic and communication potential of using RSS to boost their business. So how can RSS help boost traffic to your website?

There are two ways you can use RSS feeds to get free traffic to your website:

1. The first way includes other peoples RSS feeds to update content on your website. Google loves fresh relevant content, so if you have someone elses content on your website automitically updating for you Google will return to your webpage more often to spider your site.

2. Syndicating your RSS feed on other peoples websites. This is a great strategy for getting incoming links to your website, if done correctly. For an RSS feed, and a link within a feed to be read it must be in html format. But ost feeds are syndicated in Javascript, which most search engines can't read, and consequently can't follow a link to your website.

For this technique to work the webmaster syndicating your RSS feed used to have to install a Parsing Software on their server. But recent technology has made it as simple as offering copy and paste code to those webmasters who want to syndicate your content. This is a great advantage for the webmaster and will undoubtedly get your feed syndicated on more websites.

Find out more about this technology at:

This technology is so effective because of the ease of use for the webmaster. And let's not forget the advantages to you the syndicator. First, you have all those incoming links to your website. Second, since you control the content of the feed you can effectively put your chosen keywords within the Title of your RSS syndicated articles that link back to your site, giving you a more effective link.

In the old days of RSS a person used to have to learn xml language and spend countless hours formatting and updating a feed, but current technology has made setting up and posting content to a feed super easy. To find out more about setting up a running a feed with no techie knowledge involved check out:

Using an RSS feed for free traffic is the new wave of technology. Make sure your business is on to this new trend before your competition gets ahead.

Leah J. Bradshaw is the author of the Free Targeted Traffic Report; "Jumpstart Your Traffic in as Little as 10 Days". She also authors a Moms Free Traffic Blog to help work at home moms get free traffic.

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