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Blogging, RSS & Feeds |
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How Weblogs can Help Realtors
What is a weblog, well simply put a weblog is a journal that is kept online. In it's simplest form a weblog will have an article every day or week that says what the person is doing. A great way the weblogs are now being utilised is as a marketing device that allows a person to market directly to their customer without the hassles of email or especially direct mail. Just off the top of my head I can tell you what kind of information can be included in these weblog articles: info on new market trends, personal achievements, buyer and seller success stories, personal stories to personalize yoou to youor public. How else can you do this? With a website you would have to update it often and a weblog is built for this so there is no hassle. With direct mail such as newsletters you would have a high cost to send and a time lag to customer seeing it where with a weblog it is instantly accessible and free to post, and finally with email newsletters you have to keep track of a list and if you sent to them every day you would run into trouble with keeping a good list when everyone is being buried by your emails and think of them as spam. No matter where you are at with your online presence you can take advantage of the power of weblogs. If you have a web hosting package that includes a weblog , great. Otherwise if you would like to get a weblog you can get one for free at Blogger. The next question is how to get the word out about your weblog. First of all each one of your posts is treated as an article and will be indexed by the search engines if it is good content. So make sure that your posts have great content. The next thing you can do is go to some of the indexes and let them know about your weblog. Try these ones first: http://www.blogstreet.com The other two best ways to make your weblog popular is by sending the link to your email list and also link the weblog directly to your website. Offline methods are probably not the best but you also may have a newsletter, business cards and classified ads. Good luck and happy blogging! Bill Nadraszky is an Internet Marketing expert for Realtors. His weblog with Real Estate internet marketing tips and tricks can be found at http://realtorweblog.xptechsupport.com
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Should My Home Business Have a Blog? It's fair to say that blogging has taken the Internet by storm over recent years. And it's no surprise that today there are hundreds of thousands of new blogs being launched every day. Article Marketing For Bloggers - 4 Tips To Build Traffic For Your Blog Bloggers blog. That's what they do. A blog is short for 'weblog' and it's really an online journal that can be updated easily and frequently without any knowledge of HTML code. Blogs: Why, Where and How So you have heard about the blogs or you are sure you are now going through one of the blog. You might have seen blogs in the search results and would not have noticed it. Yes blogs are now making news but still a large number of people consider them as online diaries or a political mouthpiece. What about the business blogs that is lately surfacing on the web sphere? Top companies like GM's Fastlane blog is there to prove the point that blog works. The problem is that regular media is not accepting it as one of the most promising medium, which could be as powerful as the newspapers, or tv channels in the future. Thanks to RSS, blog contents could be read via email as and when it is published. Displaying RSS Feeds on Websites Displaying RSS RSS offers webmasters a unique opportunity to display fresh content on websites. While publishing an RSS feed is a great way to generate site interest and increase communication, syndicating and displaying feeds from related relevant sources can also generate interest, increase traffic and improve search engine ranking. Blogs are an Art Form that Takes Practice to do Well Writing?Blogs?Blogs are on-line journals where people express themselves through writing. Writing?Writing is the process where one puts down words of a language on a format that others can read. This process has not been around very long, to use one of my writing teacher's favorite sayings, "Writing has only existed for one day in the one year that humanity has existed." Speaking and thinking come much easier than writing. These processes just flow out naturally like a river of consciousness; sometimes we hardly have to think about doing them. Anyone and everyone can write words down on paper but that doesn't mean it's 'good writing', myself included. Like most things in life, our society already takes writing for granted which is proving to expose more of our ignorance. Writing is a new form of expression, and if we want to do it in a way that the masses can connect with our ideas, we have to think much more simply and clearly about this art. Why Every Artist Needs a Blog & How to Create an Artist Blog As an artist, the key to selling more artwork is maximizing its exposure. The internet is an increasingly popular tool for promoting original art, and if done properly, can be quite profitable. Will The Real Spammer Please Stand Up! If you have been using opt-in email marketing for sometime, I'm sure you might have got accused of spam at some point, even after doing everything right. Marketing With Blogs - Part 3 In part 1 and part 2 of this article series on marketing with blogs, I discussed the reasons why blogs are excellent tools for marketing, and provided some tips on using your blog to sell your products and services online. Why Your Blog Might Be Sabotaging Your Business Many marketers were very excited when forum and newsletter discussion focused first on blogs (about two years ago) and then on RSS feeds (mainly within the past year). It was a brand new opportunity for marketers to use, one that promised both search engine success and a way around spam complaints. So they ran out and created a free blogger account or bought some software and began blogging and trying to set up RSS feeds. RSS, Feeds, and Aggregators When you work online all the time, immersed in bits and bytes, hands automatically resting on the keyboard, where the lingua franca is a mish-mash of acronyms and abbreviations - it is easy to forget that the average person has no clue what we talk about. It can be very daunting for the Internet neophyte with all these terms, technology and hardware. That's why I wrote this. Because I don't want people to be afraid to either ask (via comments on this thread) or to click/use buttons they don't know or use. Dear Web Diary! Blogging is hot and getting hotter, with more and more web logs (blogs) cropping up online by the day! How To Create A Blog Blogs are more permanent than posts to an online discussion list, more dynamic than older-style home pages. They are more personal than traditional journalism, and definitely more public than diaries. A blog is often a mixture of what is happening in a person's life and what is happening on the Web, a kind of hybrid diary site. So, there are as many unique types of blogs as there are people. Use Blogging to Manage Your Entire Web Sites Content Blogging is a term that means different things to different people. To some people it means keeping an online journal. To others blogging is about creating a community of people who can contribute to a growing discussion on a specific topic. To me, however, blogging is about creating and running an entire web site. That's because blogging can actually be used as a complete content management system for almost any web site. Prescription Blogs are Helping to Educate the Consumers on Prescription Consumption Blogs are being used on a more consistent basis due to their simplicity and accessibility to the public. Blogging for Personal Benefits While there is a lot of debate about blogs replacing emails in the future, I would rather look at blogs in a different perspective. The purpose of all technology is to make life easier for the user. Blogging is an evolving technology which when harnessed by an individual could make it very easy for anyone to communicate effectively. It empowers the individual in ways hitherto not available so easily. Small / Medium Business Blog Process Outsourcing as a Website Traffic Building Service You are a small or a medium business owner. You have a well designed business website. It is a Search Engine Optimized (SEO) website for a limited set of keywords. However, with changing rules of SEO and new competitors entering the market, your select keywords stand a slim chance of surviving the onslaught. What are the chances that your website will remain on the top when a potential customer searches those special keywords on a search engine? To make matters worse, Search engines change their algorithms without any notice and suddenly your site is no longer in top 10 results. So what is the solution? Blogging: A Profit Making Internet Option Blogging is a relatively new form of communication, closely related to the newsletters of days long past. Your thoughts, ideas, and activities are posted for the world (or a chosen few) to view, and if you choose to include the option, leave a comment. By creating a Blog and adding to it every day or relatively often, you create in your reader a desire to see "what was said next". They will return to read what you post next. Particularly, if what you posted the first time is interesting, valuable information, presented in a manner that is fun to read. A few ideas to get you off and running with your informational Blog, might include: travel, a new baby, planning your wedding, building a new business, working with your clients, developing a new product, counting your blessings, or ideas you are interested in sharing. RSS: This Publishers Choice RSS is the interactive communication tool being popularized by bloggers. It is also the newest method for ezine publishers to deliver their content to the web. How To Profit From Your Home Business Blog A blog is a simple tool which all affiliate marketers should be utilising to explode their affiliate sales. What Will Microsofts New RSS Windows Mean To You As A Computer And Internet User? Nothing and a whole lot! ![]() |
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