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Never Pay Full Price for a Book!
Are you an avid reader? Are you trying to instill a love of reading in your children? My whole family loves to read! Right before bedtime every night, every one of us can be found with our nose in a book! It would be very easy for us to spend a fortune every month on books. But, since we don't have a fortune to spend every month, over the years I've found several ways to get good books and never pay full price! 1. Garage and yard sales are a prime source for both hardback and paperback books. There are people who will buy a book, read it once, and they're ready to get rid of it. I pick up lots of books at yard sales and never pay more than 50 cents each. 2. Used bookstores are another place to find good reading material. Store policies differ but most do something like sell the books at half the cover price. If you bring in books to trade, a store will usually give you credit for one-fourth of the original purchase price. I sometimes buy books at garage sales for 50 cents, read the book, and take it to the used book store where I get more than my 50 cents in credit. If I find a book in very good condition at a yard sale for less than 50 cents, I will buy it even if I don't want to read it because I can trade it in for credit at the used bookstore. 3. Trading with friends and family is yet another way to get good reading material. My mom and I live 200 miles apart, but we always have a bag of books to trade whenever we visit each other. After we've both read a book, then it goes to the used bookstore. 4. I have recently discovered that the Dollar Stores in our area (and probably in yours, too) have books, hardback and paperback, for $1.00 each. The selection is not very large, but they have fiction and non-fiction and books for grown-ups and children, too. A book can make a great gift and at a $1.00 price it makes great economic sense, too. 5. Bookstore chain stores, like Hastings, have clearance tables somewhere in the store all the time. It takes some time to look through them, but I have bought many gifts from these clearance tables. 6. If you know of a book you'd really like to have, why not just let your family know? Your mom or your sister or husband would probably love to give you a gift for Christmas or your birthday that is something that they know you really want. 7. And don't forget your local library! The library is a wonderful place to get a book you've been wanting to read without having to buy it. You can also read the latest issues of most magazines at the library. I consider public libraries to be one of the "finer things in life"! So, if you, too, are an avid reader, or if you're guiding your children to a lifetime love of reading, there are lots of ways to "read on the cheap"! About The Author Cyndi Roberts' website, "1 Frugal Friend 2 Another" will show you ways to save money everyday. Receive a Free e-course on saving money at the supermarket! To learn more, visit http://www.cynroberts.com
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Secrets to Selling Books by Mail This is intended for informational purposes only. Best Selling Book Cover Design To get a book cover design may be expensive and painstaking one. Book cover and the layout of the inside pages should catch the eye of the readers in today's market. Book cover the marketing tool for any writers or publishers if you got that one right then you work is half done. Find a Designer who user the state of art software to which is preferred by most printers. 8 Easy Online Ways to Market Your Book For Free Marketing your book whether you went the POD, e-book, or traditional route can be a daunting process. Figuring out what works and what doesn't can take time, energy, and if you're not careful a lot of money. When I first self-published my science fiction novel GETTING OUT ALIVE, I had already done quite a bit of research into ways to market my novel that didn't eat into my pocket book. Increase Book Sales: At Book Fairs, Festivals and Trade Shows Play a bigger game with your book sales by expanding your audiences at local or nonlocal book fairs, festivals or trade shows. Can't afford a booth or table, rent a space on someone else's table and volunteer to be back for their book. In fact, rent a corner at various different tables in the same fair or show and triple your exposure. The Perfect Book and Where to Find It! If I was asked to describe the perfect book, one that's in high demand, moves off the shelves quickly, costs little or nothing to produce, involves the least amount of work possible, and offers multi-income streams, I'd say it included one, preferably more of the following features: 7 Vital Book Promotion Tips As a literary publicist I often am asked about publicity tips, tricks, and the magic behind my work. It's not magic. All you need to know are the basics and from there you will be able to create an effective book promotion. Below I've listed the most vital and basic tips to a successful book publicity campaign. Successful Book Marketing The Natural Way - Part 1 Is your mind muddy on book marketing? Do you wake up each day and say, "I'm not a social person and I hate to beat the drum for my book" or "I just wish someone else could market my book for me"? Book Club Sales -- Increasing the Odds What is a book club sale? It is actually a rights sale or a licensing agreement: you are granting permission to a book club the right to "borrow" your work. You have written a book, and now you are allowing a book club to print and distribute your book to its members. Quiz: Will Online Book Marketing Help Sales? Most authors sigh a sigh of relief when they finish their book. Then comes the awesome task of marketing the masterpiece. Top 5 Book Selling Tips TIP # 1 Poetry Chapbooks: Ten Tips for Promotion There are several ways of publishing your chapbook. You can do it yourself with a printer and a heavy duty stapler; you can submit a manuscript to a literary entitiy that publishes chapbooks; or you can try a self publishing company. It is fairly easy to get your poetry bound in a chapbook, but the real challenge is trying to promote it. Marketing Your Book on Radio Have you listened to radio lately? If you have, chances are you've heard an author talking about his or her latest book. According to the "Let's Talk Radio Marketing" Website, "Radio advertising has proven to be one of the most cost-effective means of reaching your target audience." Do You Long To See Your Books Published And Selling From The Major Chains? To have your work accepted for hard copy publication is a thrilling achievement but to have it bomb at the bookstores is to see your reputation go down the tubes simultaneously. How to Self Publish and Promote Your Own Book If you are reading this article then you have already toyed with the idea of self publishing. You may be unsure at this point and without a doubt, the decision to self publish, should not be taken lightly. Make Big Profits from Small Booklets What is your excuse for not being published? "I don't know enough to fill a book." "I don't have time to write a whole book." "It's too hard to get an agent or publisher, and I don't want to self publish." None of these excuses apply to booklets. Anyone can write and publish an 8-1/2" x 5-1/2" booklet of 16 to 48 pages. Publishing a booklet is a good way to create an information product which will give you both credibility as an author and almost instant profits. What Service Do You Need to Make your Book Sell? Whether you are just starting or almost finished with your print or eBook, you wonder, "What step to take next?" Who can help me find the right publisher? Who can partner with me to make my book a solid seller? Check out your choices to be sure you get what you need. Why Testimonials are Number One in Selling your Book or Service Even if your book or service is excellent, they won't sell well unless you give your potential customers a reason to buy. Testimonials work harder than other promotional words, so be sure to start early collecting them. Why Would I Buy Your Book? Six Steps to Your Tell and Sell - Part 1 How would you like to have countless people clamoring for your book and willing to visit your Web site to buy them? How would you even like to presell your self-published book before they are finished? How To Promote A Book Nowadays it's no longer a matter of whether or not an author should promote his or her book, but how aggressively one should go about it. The sad truth is that publishers often fail to promote books, and if we, the authors, don't promote your own book then it may be destined to a lifespan between that of butter and yogurt, to paraphrase Calvin Trillan. The author's extra efforts may make all the difference between a book becoming a long-lived seller, and being recycled so that some other author can take advantage of the paper. Publicity for Buzz Marketing for Authors Congratulations, you've written a book and even gotten it published! Now, all you have to do is get people to buy it. Getting people to actually enter a bookstore with the purpose of buying your book is not easy because you're not a "brand name" yet. But you do have a potent weapon at your command-- the telephone. Use it. ![]() |
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