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How a Book is Born: One Authors Story
Not all books come out whole, all at once. In fact, most books ease out little by little. They have strange and wondrous beginnings. Some come from speeches, some come from articles or short stories. Your book may evolve from a teleclass or coaching experience with a client. The saying goes if you write a page a day, at the end of a year you'll have a book--a big book at that! But then, why think so big? Twenty-five years ago, I gave Speedreading and Memory seminars. I thought of myself as a teacher or trainer, not an author. After joining Toastmasters and National Speakers Association, I learned enough to strengthen my presentations to promote my personal growth skills business. My audiences from corporate and community education wanted handouts to take home with them. Seeing a need I revised and edited my how-to articles, then bundled them into short books. The articles came from my talks, wide research, and my own experiences. I wrote the books I needed and wanted to read. So can you! Check out your files today, and see what undiscovered gems are there. Only 10-60 pages long, these books were quick and easy to write. I priced them for my health and personal growth audiences as well as offering my proven consulting expertise to corporations. Presenting 15 public seminars a month, these simple short books sold well at the back of the room as well as leveraged higher priced corporate training, all enough to make two-thirds my income for the next 15 years. The irony of this story is that I did write a long book--sort of. At 160 pages, Passion at Any Age is complete, but my passion for it has waned. Following the traditional route, I submitted a book proposal to 30 agents. Five liked it, but their limited book tour offers and knowing I'd still have to promote it myself, made me think. Too much time and money down the drain unless I was already famous. I ended up giving away a chapter at a time to my book clients to inspire them. I also realized you can't market effectively more than two or three products at a time. Since my book writing, publishing and promotion knowledge made me a savvy expert, I offer ten new eBooks on Book writing, Online promotion, Web marketing and copywriting, and ePublishing as well as one-on-one coaching and teleclasses, so clients can learn by their preferred style. Remember, your book is your business card and helps evolve your business. Through writing a book, you not only help your audience solve a particular challenge, you share with the world your unique experience to make a difference in people's lives. Your book is an extension of yourself, your skills, and your own style. It will bring you consistent, monthly income as it does for me. My 20 years research and weekly seminars on how to write a book have come full circle. As a book coach, now, I encourage professionals to write a book--just write a short book! Make it an eBook. Think 10-30 pages. You need to write your book and share your unique message, but you also don't want to spend all of your time on it. Begin your book today by writing an article that answers one of your book audience's challenges or problems. You can then, string several articles together. Include more stories, examples, how-to's or exercises in your new book's chapter formats. Before you know it, your book will grow. They always grow longer than you think they will. You will have plenty of pages, and each page will deliver practical, inspirational material to your new clients and customers concisely and directly--the way they want it. Remember, Offline and Online potential book buyers want information. But, they no longer want to read hundreds of pages. They don't want to spend time reading a long book. Will business people buy your book? Yes! They are hungry for information--information that only you have and can say in your unique way. Will your book sell? Yes! With just a few significances such as "presenting useful, practical information," or "presenting material that could change a life," or "creating a deeper understanding of human nature," your book will be a great seller. Feel the sense of completion by writing your book this year. Don't worry about how long it is, its format, how much it will sell for. Remember, like me, you can write your print and eBook at the same time! And keep it going for your lifetime. Judy Cullins, 20-year book and Internet Marketing Coach, Author of 10 eBooks including "Write your eBook Fast," and "How to Market your Business on the Internet," she offers free help through her 2 monthly ezines, The Book Coach Says...and Business Tip of the Month at http://www.bookcoaching.com/opt-in.shtml and over 140 free articles. Email her at mailto:Judy@bookcoaching.com
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Marketing for Writers When Writing Just Isnt Enough Many writers write for the experience. Others dream of having a number one best seller. Both are wonderful reasons for writing. What many fail to realize is that these two do not have to be mutually exclusive. With a little research, you can enjoy writing incredible stories and see to it that they generate a profit. Interview with Book and Marketing Coach-Judy Cullins - Part 2 To know what to do at the right time in book writing, publishing, or internet marketing, consult a coaching expert who has lived it all for 20 years--Judy Cullins. Part one of this article is available at http://www.bookcoaching.com/freearticles/article-127.shtml Looking to Sell Your Book for a Good Price? Many self-publishing authors plan on eventually selling their book to a large publisher at a good price. The fast track way to achieve this goal is to push up the market value of a book with a push v. pull strategy. This article shows you how to do exactly that, using a simple Internet strategy that any self-publisher can afford. Writers: The Truth About Advertising, Publicity, and PR Many of us are trying to do business and don't know how to define these words. We read articles and think, this could have just as easily been about me! We wonder why the reporter picked that person instead. We wonder how someone got into magazines and onto radio shows. We attribute big successes with an expensive publicist. We are not sure what a publicist does but since the guy on Entourage has one, they must be a good thing. Some of use have publicist and secretly wonder why they can't get us on the Today Show or Good Morning America. We have written books and wonder why we are not on the Oprah book club/ How To Get The Most From Your Free eBooks Marketing Campaign First, your ebook needs to have an attractive title. The title should grab the attention of your intended target audience. The more appealing the title, the more your ebook will be downloaded. Book Events - Make Yours Successful A book event (a book signing) is a popular way for authors to create awareness for their work. Most large publishing houses require authors to participate in a 10-city book tour, at the minimum. For self-published authors, it's a good idea to arrange as many events as your time and budget allows. But, no matter who's making the arrangements, there are five key ingredients to making the event a success: A First Time Authors Publicity Kit Materials If you're a new author that has been requested to send publicist materials, you may feel left in the dark on what to send. Here's a list of the usual items. Why Would I Buy Your Book? Six Steps to Your Tell and Sell - Part 2 How would you like to have countless people clamoring for your book and willing to visit your Web site to buy them? How would you even like to presell your self-published book before they are finished? Titles (and Subtitles) Sell Books! Does a title really sell a book? The short answer is, yes. If a book does not attract a reader initially, it will be overlooked and not purchased. The book title is the element that creates the initial attraction to the book. Five Secrets of Winning Book Proposals Working in the publishing industry comes with a high expectation, especially from complete strangers. After the causal 'hello' progresses to 'what do you do,' and my answer is 'I am a publisher,' the words, like fairy dust, work magic; and in the eyes of my conversation partner, I'm transformed into a glamorous Advice Goddess-would I mind reading this stranger's book proposal? How to Self Publish and Promote Your Own Book If you are reading this article then you have already toyed with the idea of self publishing. You may be unsure at this point and without a doubt, the decision to self publish, should not be taken lightly. Colour and Book Covers - What You Should Know if Youre Self-Publishing Color is tricky at the best of times. If you want exact color management (such as a particular shade of blue for a university logo) you really should use something called spot color. Spot colors are specially mixed ink colors. Like the paint you purchase for your walls, the spot colors, or PMS colors (PMS stands for Pantone Matching System), are mixed according to pre-determined recipes. Each color in the PMS spectrum has an assigned number. When a client picks a number, the ink is mixed according to that recipe. It's usually more expensive than process color printing. The Perfect Book and Where to Find It! If I was asked to describe the perfect book, one that's in high demand, moves off the shelves quickly, costs little or nothing to produce, involves the least amount of work possible, and offers multi-income streams, I'd say it included one, preferably more of the following features: 10 Reasons Why People Attend Book Signings This is the survey result of 325 people conducted by myself so I can improve at my own book signings. After completing the survey, I saw the wealth of insight it had given me. I felt it was important to share it with a wider audience. I also interspersed some personal experiences. Why Would I Buy Your Book? Six Steps to Your Tell and Sell - Part 1 How would you like to have countless people clamoring for your book and willing to visit your Web site to buy them? How would you even like to presell your self-published book before they are finished? Get Rich Writing Fiction Some of us write simply because we can't not write. Ideas grab us, move us, and demand to be written. We strive to make it as real as we possibly can, to improve at our craft every day, hopefully to make it into the realm of literature as well as entertainment. We want to craft an entire world where the places and people are so real that the reader doesn't feel like he's reading a book as much as he is going to another place. In the lofty world of literature that we strive for, the reader will still think about the book after reading that last page. It's our gift to the reader, something to take with him. Given sufficient skill, this can even happen long after we are dead. Seven Really Truly Unique Ways to Sell More Books These marketing tips aren't for the weak at heart. Use discretion and know where the ego and self-promotion boundary stands for you. Increase Book Sales: When a Sale Is No Longer Just a Sale Do you have books sitting in your garage that you haven'tsold yet and looking for ways to move them? Then you willwant to know about these five outrageous ideas that aren'tdifficult and can be just plain out fun. Sell Your Book with Pennies Comments From A Book Reviewer For the past several years I have been reviewing books for my own site, Bookpleasures.com, as well as many other sites. I am also a regular contributor to the Canadian Book Review Annual. As editor of Bookpleasures.com, I would like to make a few comments about book reviewing and what to expect, particularly from Bookpleasures.com. ![]() |
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