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Book Marketing Information |
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Book Marketing InformationHow to Self Publish and Promote Your Own BookIf you are reading this article then you have already toyed with the idea of self publishing. You may be unsure at this point and without a doubt, the decision to self publish, should not be taken lightly. Looking to Sell Your Book for a Good Price?Many self-publishing authors plan on eventually selling their book to a large publisher at a good price. The fast track way to achieve this goal is to push up the market value of a book with a push v. pull strategy. This article shows you how to do exactly that, using a simple Internet strategy that any self-publisher can afford. 8 Easy Online Ways to Market Your Book For FreeMarketing your book whether you went the POD, e-book, or traditional route can be a daunting process. Figuring out what works and what doesn?t can take time, energy, and if you?re not careful a lot of money. When I first self-published my science fiction novel GETTING OUT ALIVE, I had already done quite a bit of research into ways to market my novel that didn?t eat into my pocket book. Writers: The Truth About Advertising, Publicity, and PRMany of us are trying to do business and don?t know how to define these words. We read articles and think, this could have just as easily been about me! We wonder why the reporter picked that person instead. We wonder how someone got into magazines and onto radio shows. We attribute big successes with an expensive publicist. We are not sure what a publicist does but since the guy on Entourage has one, they must be a good thing. Some of use have publicist and secretly wonder why they can?t get us on the Today Show or Good Morning America. We have written books and wonder why we are not on the Oprah book club/ Whats Killing Your Publishing Career?With the large increase of books being published by self-publishers, and the up-rise of print on demand, there is still a lot of death taking place in the publishing industry. Thus far, 175,000 books have been published in 2005. Book Publishing Without PainWhen I meet an author with a great book concept, one who?s definitely the right person to write that book, right away I?ll often encourage her to self-publish. This is because I know that, if that author is thoroughly invested in what she has to say, and if she is determined to create a buzz about her message, she?ll discover You , Your Book and the Internet!Authors, especially self published, small press and Print on Demand authors should understand the power of the Internet when promoting a book. There is POWER in cyberspace authors and it's only getting bigger and better. More users will be online buying books next year than this year. More people are buying books today online than they were yesterday. You, Your Book and the Internet!Authors, especially self published, small press and Print on Demand authors should understand the power of the Internet when promoting a book. There is POWER in cyberspace authors and it's only getting bigger and better. More users will be online buying books next year than this year. More people are buying books today online than they were yesterday. The High Cost of a Six-Figure Book AdvanceThe six-figure book advance, like the New York Times bestseller, is the object of many a writer?s fantasy. Whether it?s also a realistic goal is something else again. Marketing Your Book on RadioHave you listened to radio lately? If you have, chances are you've heard an author talking about his or her latest book. According to the "Let's Talk Radio Marketing" Website, "Radio advertising has proven to be one of the most cost-effective means of reaching your target audience." Book Talks: What to Say and How to Say ItGreat! The Chamber of Commerce, or a similar group, has asked you to talk about your latest book. Though words are your business, you may terrified of public speaking. What should you say? How should you say it? These tips will help you to give a five-star book talk. Sell More Books on Amazon.comWhy Should Your Book Be on Amazon.com? Credibility. If your book is important, it should be available at the world?s biggest book store. 8 Ways to Find Good Reviewers for Your New BookReview Your Reviewer: You will be sorry if you do not take the time to get a pretty good picture of your reviewer. Use e-mail, snail mail or anything else you?ve got to pop a few questions to your reviewer. If the review is on radio or TV place a few phone calls in advance. Why? You must get a fix on your reviewer?s position and general inclination. If your writing is in religion, check the doctrinal position of the reviewer. A Pentecostal book is bound to come up short in a conservative catholic review. If your book is written with a conservative political bent, it will not do well under the scrutiny of a liberal democrat. You must check out every aspect of the reviewer?s mindset that you can by any means you can. If you disregard this advice you will suffer for it. 7 Vital Book Promotion TipsAs a literary publicist I often am asked about publicity tips, tricks, and the magic behind my work. It?s not magic. All you need to know are the basics and from there you will be able to create an effective book promotion. Below I?ve listed the most vital and basic tips to a successful book publicity campaign. How to Get Your Book ReviewedImagine your book at the top of the Best Sellers List of the New York Times. Most authors do. The question is, "How do I get it there and sell millions of copies?"
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The Perfect Book and Where to Find It! If I was asked to describe the perfect book, one that's in high demand, moves off the shelves quickly, costs little or nothing to produce, involves the least amount of work possible, and offers multi-income streams, I'd say it included one, preferably more of the following features: Secrets to Selling Books by Mail This is intended for informational purposes only. How to Grab the No.2 Spot on Amazon for Advance Book Sales When my first book was published way back ten years ago, I thought that was it. The Bible Of Self Publishing Any book that is in its 14th edition must be doing something right. Such is the case with author Dan Poynter`s, The Self-Publishing Manual: How To Write, Print and Sell Your Own Book. Quiz: Will Online Book Marketing Help Sales? Most authors sigh a sigh of relief when they finish their book. Then comes the awesome task of marketing the masterpiece. The Book Signing Tomorrow night is my first Local Writers Fair. I've been looking forward to this one for a long time. Ten authors will gather in a little room behind tables full of books in a historic library in Canandaigua, N.Y. It's been advertised heavily and the excitement has been building for weeks. Your Book Marketing Plan - Winning Strategies and Tips Many authors hit a roadblock when it comes to putting together and implementing a book marketing plan. You know you need to have one, you have a vague idea of what it needs to include, but pulling it all together into a step-by-step plan of attack is not nearly as easy as it sounds. Publicity for Buzz Marketing for Authors Congratulations, you've written a book and even gotten it published! Now, all you have to do is get people to buy it. Getting people to actually enter a bookstore with the purpose of buying your book is not easy because you're not a "brand name" yet. But you do have a potent weapon at your command-- the telephone. Use it. Successful Book Marketing The Natural Way - Part 1 Is your mind muddy on book marketing? Do you wake up each day and say, "I'm not a social person and I hate to beat the drum for my book" or "I just wish someone else could market my book for me"? Publishing Your Book?What Way is Best For You? - Part 1 Your print or ebook is nearly finished. You wonder if you should try to get an agent to represent you to the publisher. Maybe you've already sent out your query letter to some agents. You dream how great it would be to be taken under the publisher's wings. Why Would I Buy Your Book? Six Steps to Your Tell and Sell - Part 1 How would you like to have countless people clamoring for your book and willing to visit your Web site to buy them? How would you even like to presell your self-published book before they are finished? Book Signing for Experts Think of your book on the bookstore shelf trying to attract the attention of potential new owners. Crammed together with hundreds of other books, only the spine visible to the roving eyes of readers, your book needs a little help from its creator. So much effort has gone into publishing it; can you afford to abandon it just as it hits the bookstore shelves? Your book needs your help. 4 Questions to Answer Before Contacting a Book Agent Obtaining agency representation is your first step toward getting profitably published. Most publishers won't even look at unsolicited manuscripts. Writers: The Truth About Advertising, Publicity, and PR Many of us are trying to do business and don't know how to define these words. We read articles and think, this could have just as easily been about me! We wonder why the reporter picked that person instead. We wonder how someone got into magazines and onto radio shows. We attribute big successes with an expensive publicist. We are not sure what a publicist does but since the guy on Entourage has one, they must be a good thing. Some of use have publicist and secretly wonder why they can't get us on the Today Show or Good Morning America. We have written books and wonder why we are not on the Oprah book club/ FSBO Author believes in Bookswaps Hi Noel, Five Tips To Consider When Choosing A Publisher Choosing a publisher probably seems like a complicated task, however, you may find the process somewhat less challenging if you consider the following five suggestions. Colour and Book Covers - What You Should Know if Youre Self-Publishing Color is tricky at the best of times. If you want exact color management (such as a particular shade of blue for a university logo) you really should use something called spot color. Spot colors are specially mixed ink colors. Like the paint you purchase for your walls, the spot colors, or PMS colors (PMS stands for Pantone Matching System), are mixed according to pre-determined recipes. Each color in the PMS spectrum has an assigned number. When a client picks a number, the ink is mixed according to that recipe. It's usually more expensive than process color printing. The High Cost of a Six-Figure Book Advance The six-figure book advance, like the New York Times bestseller, is the object of many a writer's fantasy. Whether it's also a realistic goal is something else again. Marketing for Writers When Writing Just Isnt Enough Many writers write for the experience. Others dream of having a number one best seller. Both are wonderful reasons for writing. What many fail to realize is that these two do not have to be mutually exclusive. With a little research, you can enjoy writing incredible stories and see to it that they generate a profit. How to Schedule a Book Signing How would you like to sell more copies of your book? Would you like to read excerpts from your book to a captivated audience? ![]() |
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