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How to Create Your Own Mail Order Products
Pick up almost any book or report on Mailorder Selling and - appeals to a large segment of the population Most mail order writers will also tell you to try to acquire All of this is certainly good advice. The trouble with it is I would like to begin by making a very revolutionary statement. FIRST, you must ANALYZE YOURSELF. You will only succeed in SECOND, you must SELECT YOUR MARKET. Once you have analyzed THIRD, you must thoroughly ANALYZE YOUR MARKET. Before you Once you have analyzed yourself, selected your market, and then ANALYZE YOURSELF To help you understand yourself, sit down and, as honestly as 1. When I go to a newstand, what kind of magazines appeal to ME? 2. What kind of books do I really like to read? 3. When I daydream, what do I daydream about? 4. What do I do with my free time? (How do I spend my 5. What do I do on my vacation? 6. What one subject interests me more than any other subject in 7. If I didn't have to work for a living, how would I spend my 8. If I could go back to college, what subjects would I take? 9. What kind of products do I like to purchase by mail? Once you have HONESTLY answered all these questions, you will Now go back to the Reference Desk and ask for two other - THE STANDARD PERIODICAL DIRECTORY and I, of course, have no idea what your interests really are, but Jot down the names and address of each and every publication. When you start receiving your sample copies, save them . . . and While you are waiting for these to arrive, go to the nearest ANALYZING YOUR MARKET Start a notebook. Pick up one of the magazines which you have - Merchandise All mailorder offerings come under one of the three headings After you have analyzed the first ad, go on and study the next - A list of Astrological Merchandise for sale As you read, watch for: UNDEVELOPED IDEAS -- Especially in older issues, you will WHOLESALE SOURCES -- Watch for ads that say "Dealers Wanted" STUDY THE ARTICLES -- They will show you what the readers are You will be amazed at what you will discover when you read While researching this manuscript, I analyzed three totally The first magazine which I analyzed was ASTROLOGY - YOUR DAILY ASTROLOGY (MERCHANDISE) The first ad is for personalized stationary. Any mailorder man The next ad is for another very commonplace product -- soap! If you are now selling a product by mail and you would like to The next merchandise offering is for "SEASHELLS FOR VIRGOS AND Another merchandise offering was a "Hand Bio-Rhythm Computer". ASTROLOGY (INFORMATION) People who read Astrology magazines are very interested in Love, Here are some of the other information manuals which dealers - How the Maya Indians Foretold the Future - $15.00 - Powerful Words to Be Recited Daily to End Your Money Worries - How to Spiritually Heal Your Pets - $5.00 - A Manual on Etheric Astal Projection, written "especially for Can you create a WORTHWHILE manual for this market? (I predict "Yearly Forecast for Sagittarians" A study of OLD Astrology magazines will provide you with a ASTROLOGY (SERVICE) If there is one thing people who read Astrology magazines love, - "Let an Expert Discuss YOUR Life!" - "This Horoscope is about YOU" - "Now . . . a serious study of YOU!" - "Now there is a Horoscope written for the TWO OF YOU! . . . - "1976 - 1977 - 1978! Is one of these YOUR Year of Destiny?" Other services being offered in this magazine include: - Personal Questions Answered by Psychics and Mystics Are you trained to offer such services through the mail? Or are The next magazine I analyzed was the November 1975 issue of HUNTERS (MERCHANDISE) Men who hunt for wild game spend a lot of money on their hobby. Here are a few merchandise offerings being made by enterprising "Deer Hunter's soap" (Bathe in soap scented with the aroma of a "Curtain rods for HUNTING Vans - $3.95 a pair." (Sure, you can Also offered: - Gun cleaning cloths (10 for a dollar) - Brass Nameplates for HUNTING DOGS (not for just any old dog!) - ID Tags for Your Hunting Dogs - Handwarmers and Bodywarmers (Boy, could you use these when - There was a small classified ad offering "Fish and Game HUNTING (INFORMATION) Frankly, I was amazed at the amount of Information Folios being "How to Build Your Own Gun Cabinet" "Duck Calling Instructions" (30 minutes on tape!) A lot of "Chart showing Life-size Tracks of 38 Animals in the Adirondack "How to Build Box Traps - $1.00" "My Secret on Coon Trapping, after 50 years. Guaranteed, $1.00" "Mount fish for Fun and Profit - Easy instructions - $1.00" "Tan Your Own Hides - Hair on or off - Complete, easy to follow "Build (meat, fish, sausage) smoker! Inexpensive, protable.. "Wild Game and Fish Recipes - Deer, Bear, Rabbit, Trout, Salmon
HUNTING (SERVICE) Unlike the readers of Astrology magazines, Game Hunters don't The final publication analyzed was the WRITER'S DIGEST of WRITING (MERCHANDISE) If you are interested in the craft of writing (or if you have - "Copyright and Related Laws for Writers" - "Grants and Aids to Individuals in the Arts - 1500 Sources." - "I receive checks every week for features, fillers, news. - "Gagwriters Guide" - "Secret Way to Make Money Writing - $2.00" - "Make Money Writing Fillers! Up-to-Date Filler Directory." - "International Directory of Little Magazines and Small If you can produce an information manual showing writers how to WRITERS -- (SERVICE) Some of the largest mailorder business in the world sell If you are a serious literary person, with a gift for writing, - Literary Counseling Are you qualified to offer any of these services by mail? If IN CONCLUSION I realize that I have just touched the surface of three Study your market thoroughly . . . AND NEVER STOP STUDYING IT. Successful mailorder people are interested in the NEEDS and In the beginning of this manual, I asked you to write to every
Copyright by DeAnna Spencer 2004 This article may be reproduced and redistributed freely on the Internet as long as the resource box remains intact.$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
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Light Up Necklaces Help Promote Red Doors Movie at the 2005 Tribeca Film Festival Awards June 13, 2005 -- Jane Chen (Producer) of the Red Doors Movie stated, "The necklaces have been a huge hit. Several people have offered to buy them. They are great at parties and at screenings - the red glow looks really cool in a dark room. Everybody asks about them when they see them so it's a great entre into talking about the film". Branding Fiasco -- Better Be Who You Say You Are! Our experience as customers offers great instruction into the concept of branding. Come with me on a recent "experience" and you'll see what I mean. Here's the situation: Brand Building For Profit: The Colour Behind the Brand and Why I Wear Red Ties! Colour is essential to building a strong brand. Trademark Your Business ? Lessons Learned Small business owners learn many lessons the hard way - through the school of hard knocks. I recently experienced my own tough lesson concerning the importance trademarking my business name. Like many solo-entrepreneurs on a tight budget, the thought of trademarking my business name was not high on my priority list. Had I placed more importance on it, I might have saved myself some anxious moments, not to mention a few hundred dollars in attorney fees! Managing the Corporate Brand - a Reputation Perspective Adored, respected and coveted by customers and organisations alike, corporate brands represent one of the most fascinating phenomena of the business environment in the 21st century. Their importance is unquestionable. Brands, in their various forms, are integral to our everyday existence. This is particularly the case at the organisational level where the concept of the corporate brand now enjoys wide currency in business parlance. There is an increasing realisation that corporate brands serve as a powerful navigational tool to a variety of stakeholders for a lot of purposes, including employment, investment and, most importantly, consumer buying behaviour. Internet Branding Having been in the franchising business all my life and understanding how hard it is to build a brand, I have probably read every other popular book on the subject. Some are good and most are excellent, as each one helps give you ideas on setting the stage for your brand marketing objectives. Branding on the Internet is somewhat new as before 1995 there was little if any Internet to speak of. One book I can recommend is: Optimize Your Mailing List For Better Results A list of customers who have previously bought from you is your most important asset. These are the customers who will provide you with return business, which is more profitable than the first sale. Are you getting the most from your customer list? There are some secrets you should know, so you can squeeze the most benefits out of your mailing list. Extreme Makeover ? Small Business Edition Have you ever watched one of those home makeover shows? You know the scenario. The homeowners have decorated or remodeled their house all by themselves. After awhile, they realize that what they did is unprofessional, it doesn't work, it's not what they want, it's not what they need, it's ugly, or they just flat out despise it. So, they hire an expert designer to help. Great Brands Depend On Attention To The Brand Architecture Do you have the architecture in place to make sure each and every brand contact sends the right message? Good Logos Make Great Sales Tools Every day, the average person is exposed to millions of visual stimuli including hundreds of company logos. Business Case Study Automotive Detailing Franchise Company How do automotive detailing companies start? What makes them work and how do they grow? How do they choose which services they will offer? This is an interesting case study about a test market of a franchise company in the cleaning business and how they went about setting up Auto Detailing Shops. It maybe of interest to your business study and research; I am familiar with this story because it is one of the companies that I founded. The MOST Expensive Mistake You Can Make Most people who own a small business have a huge passion and talent for the product or service they provide. Some people have a business degree. Some even have MBA's or PhD's. But, most who own their own business just have a passion for what they do. Too Dull? Too Sharp? You work hard getting the right cover message and words for your brochure. Now, you want to give it a look, an image. Brand Strategy - Brand Value - Brand Identity Guru Developing brand strategy is extremely critical. The most important asset your company has is its brand. Quite simply, for better or worse, it drives the direction of your business. You should definitely have a well thought out brand strategy in place. Unfortunately, too many companies don't have a brand strategy, or have an inconsistent brand strategy. A brand strategy company should realize there's probably a good reason you may not be paying attention to your brand strategy-you're busy running your business. Brand Value Plan - Brand Identity Guru Developing brand value is critical to every organization and when professionally executed, delivers a clear and measurable competitive advantage to your firm. It does so by helping you establish a positive connection and value-relationship with your customer, which, over time, will build brand equity and increase brand value. Into The Limelight To stand out in a cluttered world, become a recognized expert Tips for Creating Brilliant Business Names Imagine if Yahoo! had been named TheInternetDirectoy. Or StarBucks was christened "Premier Coffees". The names would be far more descriptive than their current ones. But they wouldn't embody the essence or spirit of the companies they represent. Even if they offered the exact same goods and services, it's unlikely Yahoo! or StarBucks would enjoy the same market share they now possess if given the more descriptive, and arguably accurate, names. Brand Identity Company ? Brand Identity Guru Hiring a brand identity company is very important. In every marketing campaign, your company should have a solid brand identity on which to hang its hat. Over time, no matter what your ad at the moment says, your brand identity will be the thing people remember and what that gets them to call you when a need arises. Unsure about your brand identity? Then you should consider hiring a brand identity company. Boston Web Design Branding - Brand Identity Guru A branding company's website purpose is to design websites that will attract attention, give a professional image and support the message you are trying to convey in writing. There are arguments for doing your website design in-house. However website design, search engine optimization and copywriting is a very specialized area and utilizing a website design company can pay big dividends. Brand Identity Guru - Is Your Brand Vital? The world is not waiting for you?or your product or service. Or your firm. Or your firm's message. They're getting along just fine without you. Until you give them a reason to think otherwise, it'll continue that way. This isn't news, though. That's why you advertise and market. But so does every other business out there. What are the chances you'll be noticed? Almost nil. Unless? ![]() |
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