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Why Having A Niche Automatically Boosts Your Credibility - Become The Expert by Getting Focused
Yes, yes, we've heard it all before... loads of life coaches, consultants and therapists are struggling to make a decent living but still stick at it because they love their job. Want to know why nearly every coach or consultant out there will always struggle? ...if you're one of them then you're not going to like this one little bit... It's a lack of CREDIBILITY BUT before you hit the DELETE key just bear with me... This lack of CREDIBILITY has a cause... lack of FOCUS. If I have a particular thing I'd like to improve in my life or business, wrongly or rightly, I will seek out and trust the advice of a SPECIALIST over a GENERALIST any day of the week. And that's the problem - LIFE, MARKETING and BUSINESS - is just too general. If you want to become truly attractive and have CREDIBILITY you need to stand for something. If you're a generic life coach then know this. People want to be able to turn to someone for a specific area of LIFE - this could be relationships, health, wealth etc. The same is true if you're a generic business or marketing consultant. People want to find the person who can help them with a specific BUSINESS challenge unique to them. You could choose a situation - say Legalised Tax Dodging, Setting Up Automated Business Systems, Getting People Working, Cutting Marketing Costs etc. or you could focus on a particular business-type such as - Solo Business Owners, Entrepreneurs, Manufacturing Companies, Coaches, Speakers etc. So ditch the shopping list right now - you can't be the best at everything - and even if you are no-one will believe you. Choose to be the best (or look the best at one thing). Because as soon as you focus, your CREDIBILITY will skyrocket. You'll have instant ATTRACTION just by getting clear about who you are and what you do. Let me introduce Mollie McDonald She has a fun, rewarding job and makes all the money she needs. She gets to add value and improve people's lives every day. She loves her job and I'd hazard a guess that she gets as much, if not more, satisfaction than any Life Coach does from her work. And yes... she gets to coach, cajole, support and work with inspired clients who want to make a change in exactly the same manner. Is she doing anything drastically different to all the Life Coaches who are struggling? I know she's not! But she has done ONE thing differently. She's tapped into a profitable, niche and provided a solution to a genuine gap into a considerably HUGE marketplace. In fact 90% of New Year's Resolutions lead into this one niche perfectly. Read Mollie's book to learn you she does it... Finally, some hints and tips while finding your niche... * "Me Too" businesses are never in as high demand as unique specialists * Would you trust your GP (General Doctor) to do brain surgery or would you prefer to be in the hands of a brain specialist? * People don't buy coaching/consulting etc. - they buy the solution. What's their big challenge and what's your solution? * When you get VERY focused on solutions to problems - you'll be able to make a strong "Targeted Promise". The result? People will seek you out! 'Dangerous' Debbie Jenkins (c) Copyright 2005 www.BookShaker.com SUMMER CAN BE SLOW FOR BUSINESS I'm wondering if... You Know Other People who should be reading this too? So do us all a favour (they get 2 free books - we get a new subscriber - you get to look good) when you Pass On This link... http://www.leanmarketing.co.uk
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Planning Ahead With Your Designer: Tips For Design Consistency With Your Logo And Brand Elements While we recommend that you contract with the same designer or design team while creating your brand identity materials as possible, we know that this scenario is not always possible. What About Me? What You Need To Know About Me-Marketing What about me? Are you asking yourself this question? If not you should be. Don't wait until you are in crisis mode when you are losing your job or your business before you think "what about me?" Brand Boring or Brand Buzz? I heard an advertisement on the radio the other day that surprised me, not because they were saying anything noteworthy, but because it was so banal. It was a national company's ad. They pay an ad agency to write and produce their commercials. There are so many words at their disposal, so many descriptions, so many emotional statements to attract customers, why would they use the trite phrase, " knowledgeable, friendly staff to serve you"? Even if they couldn't think of anything exciting, they could have used, "if you've got questions, we've got answers", "we specialize in providing answers"?"specializing in premium products and effective solutions"."Try and stump the staff with your questions, they love a challenge". "We don't have all the answers but we'll help find solutions" Effective Branding...Whats in a Name! Ask any marketing executive and they will tell you that a company's name is golden. There are certain associations that people have with a name, one that invokes emotions -- good or bad. Let's examine three case studies of branding involving companies that have merged and where the buyer kept the name of the company they bought or are considering purchasing. Its Time For Some Steak Recently, I was reviewing our website statistics. One of the sites that had a link to mine caught me by surprise. Since this is a family publication, I won't include the name of the website. But, let's just say it contains a four-letter word that people do not use in most business circles. How To Create A Brand That Sticks Most people, when they hear the word branding, think logos - but in fact, branding is really much more than that. A brand involves blending the image, purpose, and focus of your business, with your core marketing message, and coming up with something which will stick in the minds of people who encounter it. As a business or an independent professional, it is who you are and what you do, packaged neatly, clearly, and memorably. A logo is only a tangible representation that works to reinforce a brand. Brand Name Identity in the Oil Business I submit to you that Brand Name Identity in the Oil Business is just a important today as it was when Mobil Oil and McDonalds were building their brands. Perhaps in the future it may even be more so. I have often seen others using our business name and sought either injunction or stern warning. As a matter of fact I am preparing a lawsuit against the Federal Trade Commission for using one of his Brand Names and Federal Trademark in their Key Words and Meta Tags on the Federal Website, to attract visitors; a lawsuit which would have enough case law behind it to slam down the Federal Trade Commission with the help of the US Patent and Trademark Office. Time To Revamp Your Visual Identity? Look at your company logo. Does it fade into the background against other images you use to promote your company? Has it become dated? Does it still fit with your company vision? Is your message connecting with the customers you want? Three Brand Identity Myths That Will Bring Your Business Down To begin, let's define "Brand Identity," which is the combination of consistent visual elements that are used in your marketing materials. A basic Brand Identity Kit consists of a logo, business card, letterhead, and envelope. It can be extended to include a website, brochure, folder, flyer, or any other professionally designed pieces. Go Ask Alice One of fiction's finest marketing minds, The Cheshire Cat, once told Alice in Wonderland something all business owners and marketers should remember: Brand Equity - Brand Identity Guru 7 Qualities Of A Strong Brand: Wealthiest 10% of Americans Name Top Quality Brands for 8 Products in New Survey The seventh in a continuing series of twice-yearly surveys by The American Affluence Research Center (AARC) reveals the brands considered to have the highest quality, regardless of price, by the wealthiest 10% of Americans, the 11 million households representing about half of all consumer income and spending, a third of the total US economy, and 70% of the personal wealth of Americans. Choosing the Right Color Palette Color is a highly personal experience ? everyone has favorite colors, and other colors that they absolutely don't like. So, how do you determine which colors that will work for your business identity, and that will send the right message to? Simple Risk Reversal Formula Will Send Your Sales Into Space (1 of 2) Make A Bold Promise Then Back It Up With An Awesome Guarantee Managing the Corporate Brand - a Reputation Perspective Adored, respected and coveted by customers and organisations alike, corporate brands represent one of the most fascinating phenomena of the business environment in the 21st century. Their importance is unquestionable. Brands, in their various forms, are integral to our everyday existence. This is particularly the case at the organisational level where the concept of the corporate brand now enjoys wide currency in business parlance. There is an increasing realisation that corporate brands serve as a powerful navigational tool to a variety of stakeholders for a lot of purposes, including employment, investment and, most importantly, consumer buying behaviour. Trademark Your Business ? Lessons Learned Small business owners learn many lessons the hard way - through the school of hard knocks. I recently experienced my own tough lesson concerning the importance trademarking my business name. Like many solo-entrepreneurs on a tight budget, the thought of trademarking my business name was not high on my priority list. Had I placed more importance on it, I might have saved myself some anxious moments, not to mention a few hundred dollars in attorney fees! Top Eight Mistakes to Avoid When Naming Your Business Naming a business is like laying the cornerstone of a building. Once it's in place, the entire foundation and structure is aligned to that original stone. If it's off, the rest of the building is off, and the misalignment becomes amplified. So if you have that gnawing sense that choosing a name for your new business is vitally important -- you're right. With 18 years in the naming and branding business, I've witnessed the good, the bad, and the really bad. Here's how you can avoid the worst of the mistakes and get off to a good start. Mascots ? The Killer Promotional Concept Mascots are the unique dolls or puppets that help identify a sports team or a company. These carry the unique property of "Stickiness". Your great customer support and product quality sticks only so long. You got to remind folks often that you are there alive and well waiting for the next business transaction. The cheapest and effective way is creating and promoting a mascot for your company. Television Ads could have this mascot as the central theme or as an add-on. These typically tend to stick to the audience than your product or company name. This is both good and bad; a good mascot tends to make the customers take ownership of the mascot. Meaning they like to display and talk about it to others, a copycat cheap mascot brings in the wrath of the customer. So make a good Mascot for your company or team. Standing Under the Umbrella And Still Getting Wet Make More Money Making a Name for Yourself Branding: What Not to Do Here's a little story about what not to do as you carve out a name for yourself in the world of internet business. ![]() |
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