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Beta Testing First Mobile Internet Satellite Broadband, Part II
We were the first beta testers of a Mobile Command Center with full Internet Access in 1999. Our mobile command center was also the first unit with WiFi and Internet Mobile Access. The next generation of this system of Broadband Satellites was introduced in 2004. And the next wave of technology almost exists for the 10 times that speed. Looks like Moore's Law may just apply to Satellites, however with the former practice tries by Motorola and the incompetence with the FCC we saw previously we may find that there are significant obstacle to over come still. The biggest gripe back then was the Iridium pricing of $134.50 per month and the ridiculous cost of $1.34 per minute. Of course GlobalStar proves that they are worse at 150 per month and 1.39 per minute and International calls at $1.79. The cool thing about Inmarsat is that it is 20 years old and still has the 9.6 kbps data speed and sometimes you can get the 64 kbps. Inmarsat A is ancient and 18,000 ships have the maritime Global distress system aboard. GMDSS. If you look at most all commercial ships you will see the antennas on top that can run fax machines, Telephones and various data interfaces. Previously they ran below deck Telex systems. This system as you would guess is purely analog which has much advantages in weather conditions at sea. Inmarsat B is a whole different story with it's digital technology, you can definitely get 64 KBPS all day long for broadcasting audio streams, video (a little jumpy), and voice and fax transmissions. The pricing of data transmission due to speeds can save users up to 40% simply because it takes less time per minute to down and upload data. Of course the hardware runs about $ 10K, but for what it is that is not bad considering the original costs of data transmissions. Now here is the new deal Inmarsat C, two way data communications, terminals are portable and small, brief case style. Costs for terminals are only $4K approx. and everyone in the TV business has one or more. Inmarsat also has a system for voice, which needs only a little antenna of 9.3 or more inches and comes in a small dome. These were recently featured in Popular Mechanics in Nov 01. Trac Phone antennas for boats, RVs etc are expensive at $6,500 but work well. This is also known as the SatCom system mobile. It is a briefcase laptop system and is only 5 lbs. Costs only $3,000. People call it their brief case phone. It uses a SIM card for multiple users a system if you will remember never took off in the US like the smart card phones in Europe. Remember the PCS Phones had that little slide in cards, but they were too expensive for mass production in cellular technology. Inmarsat F77 is another innovation of 2001. ISDN and mobile packet data service capabilities. Delivering Fax, phone, voice and data. 64kbs, Absolutely and without a problem. Almost trouble free, this is nearly fully operational. We are almost there. This technology takes advantage of the B-GAN services that will be provided by the Inmarsat 4 being launched in 2004. This will be cool. US Based ComSat Mobile, a division of Lockheed Martin Global Telecommunications has announced it's cooperation with Fleet F77 in the first half of 2002. Ah ha, now we are getting somewhere ? Says the people at Stratos, who are arrogant Canadians. Why is this so cool? It means that users can send and receive data but only be charged for the data sent and received. Serf the web in broadband from anywhere or even a remote log cabin on vacation, emails and web browsing for about $89.95 per month all in real time with about 2-3 second delays for distance or in another system the one we have now it will be a half second delay with even higher speeds (I will talk further about this in a minute). Internet based systems like this means we can track every ship, truck, terrorist school bus in the country real time, just like they now track all the aircraft as we saw on TV during the 9-11 act. We watched charts of the US with every single aircraft flying. Imagine the system capabilities for efficiency, safety, storm and weather watching, and safety of our people. I am really liking this a lot and everyone in America will be safe and the President can have his missile defense program because we will be able to track everything that moves which is not cloaked and right now that is everything that we know about. We can even track stealth bombers by frequency disruption patterns from cell phones. We win. Guess what these systems have a built in safety switch so important transmissions get there first for instance a ship in high seas in trouble, DEA transmitting while profiling a smuggler, or mayday distress calls. So if you are surfing or on line sending emails it will be delayed until the safety priorities are taken care of and at those speeds and numbers of users and the forthcoming Craig McCaw's Law I predict to replace Moore's Law for satellites that will not be more than a nano second by 2005. In other words you will assume a solar flare or even a thunder cloud. Before we go much further let me show you the research places to go to; http://www.inmarsat.com http://www.globalstar.com http://www.iridium.com http://www.orbcomm.com http://www.msat.tmi.ca http://www.motosat.com http://www.kvh.com http://www.optistreams.com Orbicomm is another data source with no voice capacity and handles two-pager and alphanumeric operations using a small network of LEO Satellites. Another web site we found of interest to you if you are using any of these technologies is; http://www.msua.org End Part II "Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs
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Some DSL Broadband Definitions Often too many people get confused with all the definitions, here we have explained in easy to understand terms. Whois Protocol - TCP/IP Suite The Whois protocol is an information service not unlike the finger service. The Whois protocol provides the client or user with information about the owner of a domain or specific IP address. Information provided by the Whois protocol contains contact information such as address, company, telephone number, and e-mail address. Google Talk Reviewed So you're sick and tired of AOL Instant Messenger. You're looking for something fresh and new that will just work. Well Google feels the same way. On Wednesday August 24th they released their version of AIM, Google Talk. Ka Band -Affordable Satellite Internet On The Way! Ka Band VSAT* satellite internet technology has enormous possibilities for telecommuters, rural locations and eventually for Motor Home users around the U.S. - if it works! Ka Band satellite internet is an all new approach to sending and receiving internet traffic from space (satellites used for internet are at least 23,000 miles from Earth). *Very small aperture terminal. Broadband Connection to the Central Sun You may have noticed the expansion of consciousness that has taken place since the Harmonic Concordance. This is due to the new Broadband connection that has been created to the Universe's Central Sun. This broadband connection of consciousness is on the level of the crystalline structure of your very being. It is using the full electromagnetic spectrum, which we mainly experience, through the twelve-chakra centres and in the DNA. Its On! (Free Internet TV - Watch TV Online) Get ready because "there's going to be television out the wazoo!" This according to Jonathan Klein, the president of CNN - U.S. operations in a USA Today story on the merger of the Internet and television. Major broadcast networks, cable networks, and content providers are gearing up for the 'mother of all media battles' in staking out territory on the new and rising medium called "Internet TV". Basically it's video online, which is not new, but what is new is that the major networks are now getting fully involved. Klein continued, "It will be pausable, searchable, with all the customizable 'on demand' advantages of the Internet. It's a future that's not very far away" Klein did not elaborate on how long it will take, what a 'wazoo' is, or how a television would fit through it. Time to Redefine Telecom Telecommunication, according to Wikipedia, is the extension of communication over a distance. In practice, it also recognizes that something may be lost in the process; hence the term 'telecommunication' covers all forms of distance and/or conversion of the original communications, including radio, telegraphy, television, telephony, data communication and computer networking. Broadband is State-of-the-Art Internet Access: How Can a Broadband Cable Benefit You? We are now well ensconced in a time when the Web is riddled with graphics, animations, sounds, and videos, bringing about a necessity for superior internet access such as that which broadband can provide. The fact is that anything less than the speed supplied by a broadband cable has become inadequate for today's Web users. 3G EV-DO or How the Internet Got Its Wings! The Internet, as most people know it, is history. Wireless Network Hammerin The wireless network in my house went haywire. It worked on three PCs, one had a horrible connection, and one can't connect. Between Hubby and me, we spent a lot of time researching and trying to figure out the problem. We narrowed down the possibilities few by doing tests. Hubby is the network king in our house and I learned a bit in working with him. In fact, I solved the problem... temporarily. Wi-Fi Hotspot Security You've set up your Boingo account, you're hanging out at the Home Turf sports bar in LAX and you figure you'll do a little business or check your e-mail while sipping a Chardonnay. Well, that's the point of Wi-Fi hotspots; being able to take care of a few things while in a relaxing atmosphere. Understanding Broadband - Are You Ready To Upgrade? Are you ready to upgrade your residential service to DSL or business service to real broadband or T1? Well, the answer lies in what you need. Before you can realize your needs, you must understand more of what the word broadband really means. Below I will try to give you some realtechnical terms broken down for a better understanding. What are Your Internet Connection Solutions? Of primary concern to all internet users is their actual connection to the internet. How to Choose Best ISP for Your Needs Well, the Internet access industry is starting to shake its way out. The much-anticipated consolidation of access providers is nearing its end. In broadband, this means that most users have little or no choice of providers. Though many of the changes have been hard on user choice, this is not necessarily a bad thing. In some cases, it's better to have one stable and pricey provider than 100 unstable, cheap providers. The shakeout was painful for scores of users who often were left with no connection when they needed it most. And some providers left standing don't exactly have good track records, either. Beta Testing First Mobile Internet Satellite Broadband, Part I Being on the road has its advantages; the freedom is the biggest one. One draw back was the Internet Service, but having done much study on the mobile Internet Satellite Systems and future technologies; I was able to become a beta tester of the MotoSat system in 1999. I have used the system ever sense. Remotely Connecting by Satellite To the Hospital - 2005 Hospital's and the Medical Professionals associated with them across America have discovered during the last few years that a great deal of efficiency can be accomplished by utilizing the World Wide Web to connect Doctors, Surgeons, Medical Transcribers and remote or mobile Clinics together. A specialist can instantly review an X-Ray or medical chart half way around the world or from a very remote area. Although most of this connectivity is accomplished utilizing high speed terrestrial internet connections like a T1, Cable or DSL connections, there are many areas in the U.S. where this type of internet connection isn't available. What is Broadband? Defining broadband can get complicated Chat-less Are you suddenly chat-less now that Yahoo has shut down many chat sites, due to complaints? One complaint was that people where using chat rooms to lure under age kids for sex. While others say the chat rooms were used to promote underage sex. A Houston Attorney, actually filed a 10 million dollar lawsuit to put an end to that problem. Yahoo reacted on the news by shutting down thousands of chat sites and advertisers on those websites pulled the plug on their ads as well. Do not despair, today you might be chat-less but soon you will find a new home to talk to friends on the Internet. Yahoo confirmed they took the sites off the air but insists it was in the high hundreds and not thousands. Unlimited Bandwidth and Overselling One of the most controversial topics surrounding web hosting is the practice of overselling bandwidth, and rightfully so. The practice of overselling has enormous potential for disaster ? ask any webmaster who has ever woken up to a cold, unforgiving "Bandwidth Exceeded" message where his or her site should be. The risk of such outages is all too real, and the cleanup effort for network bandwidth outages is a long and arduous process. The Coming Television Revolution The revolution is just getting started and will be begin to make its mark this year. By 2010, it will begin to take off. By 2025, it will be the standard for all TV viewing. It's called Internet Protocol Television, or IPTV for short. IPTV works with a set-top box connected to any broadband interface and to a TV. It will allow users to choose among thousands (and eventually hundreds of thousands) of hours of programming, including movies, sports, classic TV, etc., and download their selections from the internet to the hard drive of the set-top box. ![]() |
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