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Are You Too Old to Pump Iron?
Are you too old for weight lifting? Will weight lifting help you stay and look younger? The answer to the first question is no and to the second is a resounding yes. Weight lifting will help both men and women stay fit and supple and might even help you look younger. And, no matter what your age, you're not too old to start. In 1982, Dr.Walter Bortz,writing in The Journal of the American Medical Association, stated that a number of the physical changes we undergo as we age, such as loss of muscle tone, organ deterioration, and osteoporosis are "indistinguishable whether caused by age or inactivity." He believed that exercise could delay many of the diseases associated with aging, adding "at least a portion of the changes commonly attributed to aging are in reality caused by disuse and, as such, subject to correction". As we age, we lose bone density and muscle mass. We get stiff and our joints creak. Instead of using our body, we "rest" it even more, starting a very dangerous downward spiral. The synovial fluid dries up, the tendons become brittle, the sinews grow weak. It hurts to move, so we don't. More recently Dr Henry Lodge and Chris Cowley published a new book on this theme, "Younger Next Year: A Guide to Living Like 50 Until You're 80 and Beyond". The premise of this book is that weight lifting will help reverse the loss of both bone density and muscle mass that begins to take place as we get older. And they're not talking about light weights, but rather big heavy weights. In July 1983, Terry Todd wrote in Sports Illustrated that "Anyone who has spent much time in what is sometimes called the "Iron Game" has, of course, seen weight trainers over 40 whose physiques were?surprisingly youthful. Apparently there is something about the act of regularly stressing your body with heavy exercise that gives it the wherewithal to resist the visual manifestations of advancing age?research in this area suggests that men and women of middle age will respond to systemic progressive resistance with weights by becoming more powerful and more flexible, with more endurance and less fat." In 2003, the Centers for Disease Control reported that strength training "can be very powerful in reducing the signs and symptoms of numerous diseases and chronic conditions, among them:arthritis, diabetes, osteoporosis, obesity, back pain and depression." Strength training will also increase your flexibility and balance, which decreases the likelihood and severity of falls. One study in New Zealand in women 80 years of age and older showed a 40% reduction in falls with simple strength and balance training. I don't agree that we need to undertake heavy weight training to see substantial benefits. The American College of Sports Medicine strength training guidelines say we should start with at least two days a week of any type of resistance exercise by doing 8 to 10 different exercises and doing 8 to 12 repetitions per day. A repetition is how many times you lift the weight or do the exercise. So start off with a weight that you can lift correctly for at least 8 reps, even if it's only 2 to 5 pounds. Rest between each set of repetitions and between each exercise. If you can't make it to 8 reps during the first few tries, don't give up. Do as much as you can do. You'll be suprised at how soon you will feel like you need to add a bit more weight. But the goal is not to become a body builder, but rather to restore your muscle tone and joint movement. You can gradually work your way up to heavier weights if you desire, but you will obtain the best benefit by avoiding injury and sticking to the program ? lifting weights every two or three days. An excellent resource on this subject is Getting Stronger: Weight Training for Men and Women by Bill Pearl and Gary Moran, Ph.D. I have the edition that came out in 1986. A newer one is now available. I have referred to it constantly over the last 19 years. The book gives you tips and pointers on how to set up a strength training regime. There are illustrations of every exercise with step by step instructions on how to do them properly. You can either learn beginning to advanced body building, sports fitness routines to help you do better in 22 different sports, exercises to help prevent injuries at work or just the principles of general conditioning and strength training. And you don't need any fancy equipment to get going. Almost all the exercises use cheap dumbbells and weights that are available in just about every sporting goods store. All in all, this is a very comprehensive book on weight training and is especially helpful to those of us who have never lifted weights before. If you have any disease, injury or physical disability, consult the doctor who has been treating you before undertaking these exercises. Follow his advice on how to get started and do not strength train if he says not to. Start off slowly with light weights. Follow the diagrams in the book to make sure you're positioning your body correctly to avoid injury and obtain the best result from your workout. After several weeks, you will be well on your way to improving your appearance, physique and general attitude toward life, while doing wonders for you internal organs and maybe even fighting off disease. "Use it or lose it" applies to just about every part of your body. Don't "lose it" because of inactivity and disuse. This article is for informational purposes only. It does not purport to offer medical advice. Consult a qualified physician before undertaking any exercise program. Jean Bowler Ms Bowler has been a ballet dancer and teacher, a gynmastics coach, and aerobics teacher and a private coach. She has a strong interest in antiaging research. She is the editor of Ageless Beauty, Your AntiAging Exercise Resource
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Water Makes Muscles More Elastic?! Before you say, "yeah, yeah, yeah I know to drink 8 cups a day and live until a hundred. Boring, heard it all before" and close the page? your best bet would be to read on, for what you are about to learn may indeed not only broaden your circle of knowledge, but save your life. Exercise The Right Way - Barbell Shrugs Other articles in this series looked at a number of exercises, mainly from the perspective of developing a comprehensive muscle building program. Sometimes we take things for granted, especially when it comes to performing the basic exercises that constitute the core of most bodybuilders' training regimes. Shoulder Exercises For Beginning Bodybuilders The main shoulder muscles that concern bodybuilders are the deltoids and although they work closely with the arms and chest muscles, it is possible to isolate the delts in a training session. Unlike other body parts though, the shoulder is not designed for heavy lifting in all directions so beginners need to take care and use lighter weights than usual for shoulder-isolating exercises. Personal Lactate Threshold Training These are not the reasons we do Lactate Threshold Training. Exercise The Right Way - The Bent-Knee Sit-Up Other articles in this series looked at a number of exercises, mainly from the perspective of developing a comprehensive muscle building program. Sometimes we take things for granted, especially when it comes to performing the basic exercises that constitute the core of most bodybuiiders' training regimes. Arm Exercises For Beginning Bodybuilders Most people new to bodybuilding pay a lot of attention to building big arms, sometimes to the point of overtraining. Don't forget, the arm muscles are brought into play during most exercises aimed at other body parts so care must be taken not to overdo things. But I Dont Want Muscles! Part 1: What Muscle is, and how to Build (or Avoid) It One of the common comments I hear from my female clients is, "Please don't give me any weights work ? I don't want any muscle, I just want to tone." The reasons differ from client to client, but it most often they seem to be based on a misunderstanding of what muscle is, how we build it, what it has to do with weight loss ? or some combination of the above. There's a lot of misinformation outside of the fitness world about muscles and what they do, so I'd like to spend the next two articles exploring the realities behind the myths. Dorian Yates Secret: What Lean People Are Doing To Get That Way A consensus has arisen within the bodybuilding world over the past twenty years regarding the exact modes and procedures needed to become lean as humanly possible while retaining muscle mass. Across the nation and the world, bodybuilders are lifting weights, hitting aerobics and eating with discipline in order to melt body fat. While they might quibble over the content of the workout or the food selections, perhaps they'd argue over what was the superior cardio mode, what they wouldn't argue about was the overall procedures. New Bodybuilding Study on the Benefits of Deadlifts Deadlifts are a very potential muscle-building exercise, that will rejuvenate your entire physical condition, to a whole new level -- if executed astutely. How to Build a Bigger and Better Chest Creating a larger more powerful chest is difficult but if you follow this easy workout you'll see results in no time. Outer Triceps Workout The outer triceps is an awesome muscle. It sticks out like a slab of muscle on your outer arm and makes your arm look thick from the front. When your standing side on the outer triceps looks like a half moon sitting there on your arm and screams POWER! The Amazing Benefits of Resistance Training When it comes to exercise, resistance training is often overlooked. Resistance training is an essential part of any fitness program and has many amazing benefits. Taking part in a sound resistance training program will improve the conditioning of muscle tissue and increase metabolism. Metabolism can be defined as the amount of calories the body needs each day to sustain life. An improvement in muscle conditioning and metabolism will result in the reduction of body fat and give the body healthy lean appearance. Fitness & Muscle Building Know How for Hard Gainers Hard gainers are individuals who train equally hard as other people but somehow fail to make any gains comparable to others. They need a lot more than hard training. Hard gainers need to incorporate many different principles in order to achieve their muscle building ambitions and goals. Many bodybuilders get to discover this through the hard way of personal experience, which results in wasted time, energy and money. Get Rid of Cellulite, Once and For All! Get Fit At Home With Ailsa : Get Rid of Cellulite Add Intensity To Your Muscle Building Workout One of the biggest difficulties facing bodybuilders is how can they be sure that all muscle fibers have been recruited and exhausted during a given exercise and it is only by achieving this that muscle gains can be maximised. 5 Familiar Bodybuilding Troubles...Which Do You Want To Overcome? In my 3 decades of training experience I have identified 5 major bodybuilding troubles or problems. These are:- Focus on Both Consistency and Variability in Your Workouts for the Best Results In one of my recent articles, I spoke about the fact that you must alter your training variables that make up your workouts if you want to continuously get good results, whether it is losing weight, building muscle, or toning up. An Amazing Technique That Can Make Your Gains Skyrocket While Others Have Reached A Sticking Point! If you clearly understand and apply the principles involved in natural bodybuilding, you will experience very rapid muscle gains. However, over a long term, eventually a 'sticking point' or plateau in your training may be reached. It is at this point in training that further muscle gains can sometimes appear almost impossible. Sticking points are almost always a direct result of overtraining. More often than not, this plateau can be overcome with a brief layoff. A Very Simple Program Anybody Can Follow To Gain MASS Until I started following a routine to eat, my gains were minimal. Once I set my eating times to a specific time during the day along with a protein boost, I could see the gains immediately. This sample program is a quick way to get your protein WAY up and generally increase your food intake. But it doesn't require the traditional sit down 6+ a day to eat 30 chicken breasts and spend all day cooking. I've got a full-time job at a corporate office. Cooking isn't an option. Nor is eating 6+ times a day involving meals with Tupperware and the likes. I need food and I need it fast. Bodybuilding Benefits - The Price for Confidence! Success came to me at an early age. However, it did not come without a price. Bodybuilding found me; I did not go looking for it. At seventeen I knew nothing about weights, eating right, let alone having any sort of discipline. Here are a few things I learned along the way that I believe it takes to make a champion in your own heart. ![]() |
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