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Muscle Building Workout For This Week!
As experts says, "NO PAIN, NO GAIN." This specially applies to Muscle Building. If your fast life, strict job schedule or family commitments dont allow you to keep regular dates with gym, you can always workout at your home. After all, you just cant compromise on your health. Here is making things easy for you: Workouts to build biceps and triceps this week: 1) Bicep Curls using resistance tube: Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and feet pointing forward. Now, press the resitance tube under the feet and hold on to the handles firmly, holding the arms close to the body. Lift the fists towards the shoulders while exhaling and take the fist as close to the shoulder as possible. Inhale as the arm is releases. Recommended Sets: For Beginners: Three set of six to eight repititions. For Intermediate level: three set of 12 to 16 reps. For Advanced Level: Three sets of 16 to 24 reps. Tip: Exhale on the exertion and inhale on the relaxation . Never lock the elbow joint. 2) Triceps workout using resistance tube: Maintain the same position as being mentioned above and bend forward from the hips so that your chest is parallel to the floor. Keep the abdominal muscles tight so the back gets support. Lift both elbows to the side and hold them as high as possible. The elbow should point upwards. Extend the forearm and fist towards the back of the room. Feel the tension in the muscles on the back of the arm. Tip: Exhale while taking the arm upwards and inhale as the arm comes down. 3) Maintain the starting stance and bring both forearams half way up, keeping them parralel to the floor. The fists should be pointed upwards. Just curl the fist up and down several times in a controlled move of the small wrist joint. Tip: Make sure to keep the wrist in line with the forearm. About the Author: Jasdeep: for http://weightloss-health.com/Supplements.htm your complete and most comprehensive guide on Muscle Building Supplements. Look out for highly effective and recommended muscle building programs from the best in this field and a chance to go through other informative articles targetting various muscle building issues at Muscle Building Supplement, Workouts,Tips and Programs If you wish to reproduce the above article you are welcome to do so, provided the article is reproduced in its entirety, including this resource box and LIVE link to our website.
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