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Resume Success Factors--What Exactly Is A Resume Anyway?
You know you're good...real good. The problem, though, is that you are struggling to demonstrate just how good you are on paper. Ah...the resume. If you've ever written one you know what a challenging task it can be. The Gregg Reference Manual tells us some fundamental facts about resumes:
With these basic concepts in mind, let's summarize several other elements that your contemporary resume must include: R = Review of your qualifications
What skills, education, or experience (paid or unpaid) do you have that make you the ideal candidate for the opportunity, industry, or career you are pursuing? These data bits are the building blocks of any resume. They are absolute musts. Most self-written resumes do a pretty decent job of listing skills and education, but fail miserably in the Experience section. More on how to address this challenge when we get to the "S" below. ----------------------------------------
Your resume should not be a voluminous listing of everything you have done, everywhere you have done it, and every club or association you've ever been affiliated with. Chisel your copy down to content that is relevant to your target job/career path. Suppose you are a marketing professional. Your memberships in the American Marketing Association, the Direct Marketing Association, and the Public Relations Society of America belong on your resume. Your memberships in the local dog trainers club and the American Dog Owners Associaiton can clearly be left off (unless you are applying for a marketing position with the Humane Society). ------------------------------------
Value. Employers want to know specifically what value you can bring to their organization. If you earn an hourly wage, you are not paid by the hour -- you are paid by the VALUE that you bring to that hour. If you are salaried, you don't get paid by the month -- you are compensated for the VALUE that you bring to that month. One of the most effective ways to communicate value on your resume is to address the burning question, "Why should we hire you?" You must identify what specific contributions (that is, verifiable accomplishments) you have made at previous employers. This critical information is proof that you can do the same at your next job. Showcasing you unique accomplishments is simultaneously simple and complex. It is simple because the best contributions are somehow related to the bottom line (money, profits). The challenge lies in how to reframe what you've done relative to increased profits, reduced costs, or productivity enhancements. How can your resume show that you've helped previous organizations solve a specific problem, be more competitive, expand business, attract new customers, or retain existing ones? ----------------------------------
Your resume must be unique in content and in format. The information will be unique because, as mentioned above, you will have pinpointed those accomplishments that will set you apart from other applicants. Unique formatting means not using those templates that came packaged with your word-processing software! A cookie-cutter resume will not do justice to you or your career. Bookstores are full of excellent resources with samples of compelling resumes to ignite your creativity. ------------------------------------
A superior resume utilizes proven marketing concepts such as headlines (rather than boring objective statements). It stresses the benefits you have to offer (how you can contribute), not just features (what you were responsible for). Catch the attention of prospective employers on the first page with a powerfully written Profile or Qualifications Summary. Resumes are initially scanned for roughly 15 to 30 seconds. If you've lost the reader's interest at the top of the first page, he/she will not read further. Your resume will go in the "no" pile. ------------------------------------------------
There is no such thing as a "good" or "bad" resume. There are only "effective" or "ineffective" ones. By weaving the concepts above into your resume, you can increase your odds of getting noticed by those with the authority to recommend you for the next step in the hiring process -- a telephone, teleconference, or in-person interview. You know you're good...real good. You are now challenged to prove it on your resume. About The Author Peter Hill, President of Distinctive Resumes in Honolulu, Hawaii, is a Certified Professional Resume Writer. He is recognized as an expert resume strategist, with samples of his resumes featured in several nationally published books. Peter's industry affiliations include the Professional Association of Resume Writers and Career Coaches (PARW/CC), the National Resume Writers' Association (NRWA), and the Career Masters Insitute (CMI). Peter can be contacted through his Web site at http://www.peterhill.biz; distinctiveresumes@yahoo.com
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Job Tips For The Frustrated Job Seeker There is nothing more frustrating and depressing when you are out of work and trying to find a job and your job search is going no where. Don't feel bad, you are not alone and there is a good reason why searching for a new job can be so difficult. There is no doubt the job market has changed. 30 years ago when I applied for my first job I remember answering an ad in the paper, calling and speaking to a real person, going in for the interview, filling out a application, had the interview and was offered the $3.75 and hour shipping job. Things are not that simple today. Back then there was no voice mail, no email, you mailed in a typed resume, who had a fax at home? You called and talked to a real person. You may of filled out a application but not the dozen forms you need to today. And you never had to prove you were legally allowed to work in the United States. Applying for a Job in Another Country? International Resumes Is an International Resume still a Resume? This is a very common question among those looking for work overseas for the first time. When you contact companies about applying for a job with them you will not often be asked for a resume, you will be asked to send along your CV. I remember the first time I was asked for my CV, I had no idea what they wanted and I couldn't seem to be able to find out, no one I knew, knew what at CV was either. Thank goodness there is the Internet now where information is easy to find! A CV is basically an international resume. CV (Curriculum Vitae) or international resume will differ from your regular run of the mill resume that you are used to writing. For example each country has different guidelines that they like to work within. Finding out these guidelines will take you much further in your international job hunt. The 10 Biggest Career Change Mistakes - And How to Avoid Them Career change is no walk in the park. Youre Fired Isnt The Finale According to the U.S. Department of Labor, March 2004 had the largest gain in hiring in nearly four years. But as of then, there were still about 8 million Americans without jobs, and almost 23% of those had been unemployed for six months or more. What is a Career Anyway? A career is the sum total of all of your work-related contributions to society in a lifetime. This includes time and effort spent to provide goods, services, or benefit to others. A career includes paid, un-paid, volunteer, part-time, and full-time positions. Your career includes many life roles you may not think of: student, homemaker, babysitter, office worker, doctor, lawyer, etc. A career encompasses all the roles you play and duties you perform. You may have many jobs or positions that make up your career, but you only have one overall career. There are various career options in the modern world of work: Self-Employed, Organization Employed, or Project-Employed. Career Planning for Gifted Adults "James is so restless and energetic. I wonder if he's hyperactive." Job! Money! Career! Feel somehow your life is stuck in MS-OFFICE ? The reality of life for MBAs is Excel or PowerPoint , I heard Google is catching up at campus. Having gone through this myself, (I am still not out of it!), having had the nightmare of freshly minted MBAs reporting to me every year ( 90% of MBAs in their first job believe that their first Boss in Incompetent) and struggling to manage their transition to reality, guess I am now in a position to give some Gyan on assessing your job and career moves. I crystallized these thoughts while discussing these situations with a friend of mine, her issues with the first job where similar to what most of you would be facing. Job!! Money !! or Career !! Do You Have the courage to ignore the experts? Do you have the courage to ignore the experts? Do you have the willingness and ability to understand and use the power that is within you? Courage is that state of mind when you do something that you know is right for you and your loved ones and the rest of the world thinks you're mad. The ability to make the decision and then make it happen. Courage is not progressing through life with gay abandon, ignoring all the fears. Quite the contrary. Courage is an understanding of fear. An understanding of what to fear and what not to fear. Courage is the ability to challenge what is deemed to be common sense. Settling Successfully Into Your New Job The euphoria of getting a new job can sometimes be overcome by apprehension about what comes next. After all, you're "the new kid on the block," and there's much to learn--about your new job duties and much more. But here are some things you can do to make the process go smoother. So you want to work at home There are several ways to work from home. Some of the more popular ways are affiliate programs, direct marketing and starting your own business. However it is also possible to find employers who hire people to work at home in various postions such as telemarketing, sales, teaching, freelance writing, etc. I have spent countless hours online searching for work at home jobs and even started a community to list the job leads I have found. (http://www.real-home-employment.com) Back to School for a Career Change Q. I hate my job as a computer consultant. I am ready for a career change. The aptitude tests say I should be a recreation specialist. I like the idea but I dread returning to school for a new degree. Do More than Expected to Get Ahead One of the best things you can do to increase your career advancement opportunities where you work is to do more than expected. Benefits of Maintaining a Career Portfolio Have you ever tried to contact a past employer only to discover they are no longer in existence or your former manager has moved on and been replaced by someone else? Of course, if you are an avid networker this shouldn't be much of a problem when it comes time to provide proof of your experience, education and accomplishments. A portfolio of your career should be developed and maintained using all documentation of your career history in order to overcome any problems that could arise in proving any aspects of your career. It should also include your most up-to-date resume which will be based on the contents of your portfolio. Include documents pertaining to your education including continuing education such as diplomas and certifications. Have any of your past managers sent memos or emails to you or your colleagues mentioning any of your accomplishments? Were your accomplishments published in the company newsletter, local newspaper or a trade magazine? Annual reviews, award certificates, and documents or articles recognizing your contributions to projects and/or business growth are proof of your accomplishments and major contributions. Be sure to clip the articles, print the emails, save the memos and add them to your portfolio. Document volunteer experience you have gained. Although you didn't receive compensation from volunteer experience, you gained some kind of experience and maybe even recognition for your efforts. Were you able to help an organization overcome a major hurdle that hampered their mission? Did you provide assistance to the members of an organization? Were you instrumental in developing new marketing methods to spread news about the mission? Were you instrumental in the expansion of the organization? Anything that can document your career history could prove to be valuable in your career advancement or job search. In the event you are unable to make contact with a former manager or provide up-to-date contact information to a potential employer, your career portfolio could serve as a means of proving your value to the potential employer. Don't take your career lightly. Document your career and maintain your portfolio. Your children and children's children will also thank you in years to come because they will have proof of your accomplishments and the mark you made in history, too. How To Take The Pain Out Of Performance Reviews The Painful Approach Learn How To Network for HIDDEN Jobs I'll quickly cover the following: How To Get More Interviews In Your Job Search Richard Bolles, job search guru and author of What Color Is Your Parachute? predicts that you can expect to search for work 1-2 months for every $10,000 you hope to earn. So, if you're looking for a $40,000 a year position, you may search for 4-8 months to land it. Back when the economy sizzled, that job search length would have seemed outrageous, but now, many people would be thrilled to only search for 4-8 months. 7 Secrets of a Highly-Effective Resume Cover Letter Just like the late, great Rodney Dangerfield, the "humble" cover letter gets no respect. ![]() |
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